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Ver. 25.01
Jan. 2nd, 2024

489.0000 Family Rubiaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. 196 (1789), nom. cons.
589 genera, ca. 14.200 spp. mostly tropics, comparably few temperate. Phylogeny: Razafimandimbison & Rydin (2024)
Species listed in database: 14249; hybrids: 48
= Aparinaceae Hoffmanns. & Link; Fl. Portug. [Hoffmannsegg] 2: 3, 38 (1813-1829)
= Asperulaceae Cham. ex Spenn.; Handb. Angew. Bot. 2: 493 (1835)
= Catesbaeaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 111 (1820)
= Cephalanthaceae Raf.; Ann. Gén. Sci. Phys. 6: 86 (1820)
= Cinchonaceae Batsch; Tab. Affin. Regni Veg. 234 (1802)
= Coffeaceae Batsch; Tab. Affin. Regni Veg. 233 (1802)
= Coutareaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 168 (1820)
= Dialypetalanthaceae Rizzini & Occhioni; Lilloa 17: 253 (1948), nom. cons.
= Galiaceae Lindl.; Nat. Syst. Bot. ed. 2: 249 (1836)
= Gardeniaceae Dumort.; Anal. Fam. Pl. 29, 32 (1829)
= Guettardaceae Batsch; Tab. Affin. Regni Veg. 235 (1802)
= Hameliaceae Mart.; Consp. Regn. Veg. [Martius] 31 (1835)
= Hedyotidaceae Dumort.; Comment. Bot. 57 (1822)
= Henriqueziaceae Bremek.; Acta Bot. Néerl. 6 (Meded. Bot. Mus. Herb. Rijks Univ. Utrecht 141): 371 (1957)
= Houstoniaceae Raf.; Good Book 21 (1840)
= Hydrophylacaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 318 (1820)
= Lippayaceae Meisn.; Pl. Vasc. Gen. [Meisner], Tab. Diagn. 156, Comm. 112 (1838)
= Lygodisodeaceae Bartl.; Ord. Nat. Pl. 123, 207 (1830)
= Naucleaceae Wernham; New Phytol. 11: 225 (1912)
= Nonateliaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 420 (1820)
= Operculariaceae Juss. ex Perleb; Vers. Arzneikr. Pfl. 207 (1818)
= Pagamaeaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 447 (1820)
= Psychotriaceae F.Rudolphi; Syst. Orb. Veg. 49 (1830)
= Randiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 534 (1820)
= Sabiceaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 555 (1820)
= Spermacoceaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 256 (1820)
= Theligonaceae Dumort.; Anal. Fam. Pl. 15, 17 (1829), nom. cons.
489.4039 Genus Thliphthisa (Griseb.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 776 (2020)
Distribution: SE-Europe, E-Mediterranean to Iran
Species listed in database: 23
species :
Thliphthisa antalyensis (Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Turkey (SW-Anatolia)
34 TUR
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula antalyensis Ehrend.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 22: 352, f. 3b (1958)
= Asperula pseudochlorantha var. antalyensis (Ehrend.) Minareci & K.Yildiz; Ann. Bot. Fenn. 47(2): 122 (2010)
species :
Thliphthisa apuana (Fiori) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Italy
13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula apuana (Fiori) Arrigoni; Webbia 67(1): 42 (2012)
= Asperula purpurea subsp. apuana (Fiori) Bechi & Garbari; Flora Medit. 4: 223 (1994)
= Galium purpureum var. apuanum Fiori; Nuov. Fl. Italia 2: 491 (1927)
species :
Thliphthisa baenitzii (Heldr. ex Boiss.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: C-Greece (Attiki)
13 GRC
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula baenitzii Heldr. ex Boiss.; Fl. Orient. [Boissier] Suppl. 280 (1888)
species :
Thliphthisa baldaccii (Halácsy) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Montenegro (S-Crna Gora)
13 MNT
Conservation Status: extremely threatened, confined to one population only
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula baldaccii (Halácsy) Ehrend.; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68: 269 (1974)
= Galium baldaccii Halácsy; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 40: 165 (1890)
species :
Thliphthisa brevifolia (Vent.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Name: Kurzblättriger Meister (DE); Short-leaved Woodruff (EN)
Distribution: East Aegaean Isl. (Simi, Rhodos, Kastellorhizo Isl.); Turkey (SSW-Anatolia, SW-Anatolia); Lebanon (C-Lebanon); Syria (coastal W-Syria)
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula brevifolia Vent.; Descr. Pl. Nouv. 63, t. 63 (1802)
= Asperula brunnea Boiss.; Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 3: 32 (1875)
species :
Thliphthisa chlorantha (Boiss. & Heldr.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Albania; Greece (NW- & C-Greece, Epirus, Kerkyra, NW-Peloponnisos)
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula chlorantha Boiss. & Heldr.; Diagn. Pl. Orient. 3(6): 90 (1859)
species :
Thliphthisa crassula (Greuter & Zaffran) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Crete (NE-Crete)
13 KRI
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula crassula Greuter & Zaffran; Willdenowia 14(2): 289 (1984 publ. 1985)
species :
Thliphthisa elonea (Iatroú & T.Georgiadis) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: S-Greece (SE-Peloponnisos)
13 GRC
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula elonea Iatroú & T.Georgiadis; Willdenowia 14(1): 55 (1984)
species :
Thliphthisa gorganica (Schönb.-Tem. & Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: N-Iran
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula gorganica Schönb.-Tem. & Ehrend.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 107(1-4): 80 (1985)
species :
Thliphthisa mazanderanica (Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Iran (N-Iran)
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula mazanderanica Ehrend.; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 56: 225, ff. 4-5 (1948)
species :
Thliphthisa microphylla (Boiss.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Iran (NW-Iran)
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula microphylla Boiss.; Diagn. Pl. Orient. 3: 34 (1843)
species :
Thliphthisa muscosa (Boiss. & Heldr.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: NC-Greece (Mt. Olimbos)
13 GRC
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula muscosa Boiss. & Heldr.; Diagn. Pl. Orient. 3(2): 109 (1856)
species :
Thliphthisa pseudochlorantha (Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Turkey (SW-Anatolia)
34 TUR
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula pseudochlorantha Ehrend.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 22: 351, f. 3a (1958)
species :
Thliphthisa purpurea (L.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
subspecies :
subsp. purpurea
Name: Rotes Labkraut
Distribution: Switzerland; Austria; SE-France; Italy; San Marino; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; Greece (mountains of NC- & NE-Greece, Thasos, Samothraki, Mt. Athos)
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula purpurea (L.) Ehrend.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 122: 260 (1973)
= Asperula purpurea var. luteoviride (Rohlena) Ancev; Fl. Narodna Republ. Bulg. 9: 41 (1989)
= Asperula purpurea var. trichantha (Vand.) Ancev; Fl. Narodna Republ. Bulg. 9: 41 (1989)
= Crucianella purpurea (L.) Honck.; Verz. Gew. Teutschl. 431 (1782)
= Galium purpureum L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 107 (1753)
= Galium purpureum var. luteoviride Rohlena; Sitzungsber. Königl. Böhm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, Math.-Naturwiss. Cl. 54 (1911)
= Galium purpureum var. trichanthum Vand.; Reliq. Forman. 259 (1909)
= Galium rubrum Scop.; Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1: 103 (1771), nom. illeg.
subspecies :
subsp. apiculata (Sm.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Croatia; Serbia; Kosovo; Albania; European Turkey; Greece (mountains of N- & C-Greece, Thasos, Samothraki)
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula purpurea subsp. apiculata (Sm.) Ehrend.; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68: 269 (1974)
= Galium apiculatum Sm.; Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1: 91 (1806)
= Galium pycnophyllum Heldr. ex Boiss.; Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 3: 64 (1875)
species :
Thliphthisa pusilla (Bory & Chaub.) J.Krieg., Del Guacchio & P.Caputo; Willdenowia 51(1): 158 (2021)
Distribution: S-Greece (S-Peloponnisos)
13 GRC
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula boryana (Walp.) Ehrend.; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68: 269 (1974)
= Galium boryanum Walp.; Repert. Bot. Syst. [Walpers] 2: 454 (1843)
= Sherardia pusilla Bory & Chaub.; Nouv. Fl. Pélop. 10 (1838)
= Thliphthisa boryana (Walp.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154: 777 (2020), nom. superfl.
species :
Thliphthisa rigida (Sm.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Crete (widespread, incl. Gavdos)
13 KRI
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula kritsensis Coustur. & Gand.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 63: 9, 14 (1916 publ. 1917)
= Asperula platygona Gand.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 62: 154 (1915 publ. 1916)
= Asperula rigida Sm.; Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1: 89 (1806)
= Crucianella rigida (Sibth. & Sm.) Tausch; Flora (Regensburg) 18: 359 (1835)
species :
Thliphthisa rupestris (Vis.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Serbia; Kosovo; Albania; ?Romania
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula rupestris (Vis.) Rchb.; Fl. Germ. Excurs. 205 (1831), nom. illeg.
= Asperula scutellaris Vis.; Fl. Dalmat. 3: 12 (1852)
= Galium rupestre Vis.; Flora (Regensburg) 12(1. Ergänzungsbl.): 5 (1829)
species :
Thliphthisa sapphus Gutermann; PhytoKeys 241: 67 (2024)
Distribution: W-Greece (Lefkada)
13 GRC
species :
Thliphthisa saxicola (Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 777 (2020)
Distribution: S-Greece (C-Peloponnisos)
13 GRC
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula saxicola Ehrend.; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 68: 269 (1974)
species :
Thliphthisa semanensis (Schönb.-Tem. & Ehrend.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 778 (2020)
Distribution: Syria
34 SYR
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula semanensis Schönb.-Tem. & Ehrend.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 107(1-4): 81 (1985)
species :
Thliphthisa serotina (Boiss. & Heldr.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 778 (2020)
Distribution: Turkey (SSW-Anatolia, SW-Anatolia)
34 TUR
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula serotina (Boiss. & Heldr.) Ehrend.; Davis, Fl. Turkey 7: 766 (1982)
= Galium serotinum Boiss. & Heldr.; Diagn. Pl. Orient. 10: 71 (1849)
species :
Thliphthisa suberosa (Sm.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154: 778 (2020)
Distribution: Cyprus (C-Mountains, E-Cyprus, N-Cyprus, S-Cyprus, W-Cyprus)
34 CYP
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula cypria Ehrend.; Pl. Syst. Evol. 126: 406 (1977)
= Galium suberosum Sm.; Sibth. & Sm., Fl. Graec. Prodr. 1: 91 (1806)
species :
Thliphthisa tournefortii (Sieber ex Spreng.) P.Caputo & Del Guacchio; Pl. Biosystems 154(5): 778 (2020)
Name: Tournefort´s Meister (DE); Tournefort´s Woodruff (EN)
Distribution: Greece (SE-Kiklades: Levitha, Anafi, Zafora, Astakida); Crete (scattered); East Aegaean Isl. (Kalimnos, Tilos, Chalki, Rhodos)
Synonyms: hidden
= Asperula majori Barbey; Bull. Herb. Boissier 2: 243 (1894)
= Asperula tournefortii Sieber ex Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1: 395 (1824)
= Crucianella tournefortii (Sieber ex Spreng.) Tausch; Flora (Regensburg) 18: 359 (1835)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.01 (January 2nd, 2025)

Covering 355,836 accepted species,
8,748 hybrids, 47,863 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,001,920 synonyms,
in total 1,418,260* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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