001.1001 (etc.) Sequential code generated by database indicating linear relationship
First number stands for family, second for genus
Important! The numbers are not stable and can change with any phylogenetic revision of sequence. They should not be used for any links.
(for Wikipedia and other external users)
Stable deep links can be generated using the following format (Lycopodium clavatum as example)
Genus www.worldplants.de?deeplink=Lycopodium
Species www.worldplants.de?deeplink=Lycopodium-clavatum
[I] introduced (established neophyte or adventive)
[c] commercially cultivated (and sometimes escaped)
If in a country or region only those categories apply, the 3-Letter-Code is written in “small” non-capital letters
Numbers Regions according to Brummitt (2001) [“World Geographical Scheme for Recording Plant Distributions”]
See Country Stats page for explanation of numbers and sequence
3-Letter-Codes Countries or Regions of Level 1 according to Brummitt (2001)
We follow usually Brummitt (2001) but in some cases are deviating
See Country Stats page for explanation of codes
[Class for database reasons not displayed]
[Superorder for database reasons not displayed]
Order used only in “Linear sequence”
[Suborder for database reasons not displayed]
Subfamily used only in “Linear sequence”
Tribus used only in “Linear sequence”
Subtribus used only in “Linear sequence”
Subgenus, Series etc. not used for sorting, listed (if available) in “remarks”-field
subsp. Subspecies
nothosubsp. Nothosubspecies (cross between two subspecies of the same species)
For database structure reasons "nothosubsp". cannot be used as rank,
but they are indicated in brackets behind the literature citation as “[nothosubsp.]”
var. Variant
f. Forma
IUCN Species listed in International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red List
EX Extinct
EW Extinct in the Wild (surviving only in culture)
CR Critically Endangered
EN Endangered
VU Vulnerable
NT Near Threatened
LC Least Concern
Author abbreviations are standardized according to IPNI.
In a few cases diacritical signs (in Author names from Eastern European and Turkish origin) are not compatible with my database system and TXT data transfer within programs. Those symbols are ž, Ž, ğ, Ř, ř, Ş, Š, š, ǎ, Ć, ć, Č, č, ĕ, ě, Ł, ł and ı.. They have been replaced with their similar latin basic symbols. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Literature citations are now (March 2025) almost 100 % standardized (only 11.000 of 1,4 million missing!).
Year of description is in most cases moved to the end of the citation, but not 100%.
Synonyms are sorted alphabetically and not following the year of description. Again, this has database reasons.
For a later version it would be desirable to group synonyms based on the same type together (using the "≡" sign instead of "="). Again, this was not conceivable in the 1990s and incorporation today is currently outside of resources.