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Ver. 24.8
August 27th, 2024

516.0000 Family Lamiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 355 (1820), nom. cons., nom. alt.
243 genera, ca. 7800 spp.
Species listed in database: 7745; hybrids: 380
= Aegiphilaceae Raf.; Sylva Tellur.: 161 (1838)
= Ajugaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl.: 375 (1843)
= Chloanthaceae Hutch.; Fam. Fl. Pl., ed. 2: 396 (1959)
= Glechomaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 288 (1820)
= Labiatae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 110 (1789), nom. cons.
= Melissaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 245 (1820)
= Melittidaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 390 (1820)
= Menthaceae Burnett; Outlines Bot.: 969, 1095, 1106 (1835)
= Monardaceae Döll; Fl. Baden 2: 661 (1858)
= Nepetaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 245 (1820)
= Salazariaceae F.A.Barkley; Phytologia 32: 304 (1975)
= Salviaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin: 245 (1820)
= Saturejaceae Döll; Fl. Baden 2: 664. med (1858)
= Scutellariaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl.: 373 (1843)
= Siphonanthaceae Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 4: 87 (1838)
= Stachydaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl.: 366 (1843)
= Symphoremataceae Wight; Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 4(3): 13 (1849)
= Viticaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 106 (1789)
516.9402 Genus Stachys L.; Sp. Pl. 2: 580 (1753)
Distribution: temp., subtropical and trop. regions, few in trop. Africa (22), except Malesia, Australia, and New Zealand. The genus is hopelessly polyphyletic and needs splitting in 9 genera (Salmaki et al. 2019); alternatively Sideritis and Prasium would have to be included.
Species listed in database: 375; hybrids: 10
= Aspasia E.Mey. ex Pfeiff.; Nomencl. Bot. 1: 295 (1873)
= Bonamya Neck.; Elem. Bot. 1: 316 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Chamaesphacos Schrenk ex Fisch. & C.A.Mey.; Enum. Pl. Nov. 1: 27 (1841)
= Eriostemum Steud.; Nomencl. Bot., ed. 2, 1: 588 (1840)
= Eriostomum Hoffmanns. & Link; Fl. Portug. 1: 105 (1809)
= Galeopsis Hill; Brit. Herb.: 359 (1756), nom. illeg.
= Galeopsis Moench; Methodus: 397 (1794), nom. illeg.
= Koevia Krestovsk.; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 45: 94 (2014)
= Lamiostachys Krestovsk.; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 91: 1258 (2006)
= Olisia Spach; Hist. Nat. Vég. 9: 166 (1840)
= Ortostachys Fourr.; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n.s., 17: 136 (1869)
= Phlomidoschema (Benth.) Vved.; Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 9: 54 (1941)
= Stachyus St.-Lag.; Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7: 109 (1880)
= Suzukia Kudô; J. Soc. Trop. Agric. 2: 145 (1930)
= Tapeinanthus Boiss.; Exsicc. (Pl. Pers. Bor.): 18 (1846), nom. illeg.
= Tapeinanthus Boiss. ex Benth.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 12: 436 (1848)
= Tetrahitum Hoffmanns. & Link; Fl. Portug. 1: 103 (1809)
= Thuspeinanta T.Durand; Ind. Gen. Phan. 78 (1888)
= Trixago Haller; Hist. Stirp. Helv. 1: 101 (1768)
= Trixella Fourr.; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, n.s., 17: 135 (1869)
= Zietenia Gled.; Syst. Pl. Stamin. Situ: 185 (1764)

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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 24.8 (August 27th, 2024)

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[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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