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Ver. 25.03
Mar. 6th, 2025

003.0000 Family Selaginellaceae Rchb.; Handb. Nat. Pfl.-Syst. 163 (1837)
1-19 genera depending on genus concept, ca. 750 spp. The family has recently been split extensively by X.-M. Zhou & Li-Bing Zhang (2023), which is not accepted by many experts, and a final decision by the PPG-II committee is pending. Also, the selection of a new lectotype for Selaginella s. str. remains problematic.
Species listed in database: 761; hybrids: 2
= Selaginoidoideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 644 (2023)
= Boreoselaginelloideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 645 (2023)
= Gymnogynoideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 646 (2023)
= Mexiselaginelloideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Phytotaxa 684(2): 162 (2025)
= Sinoselaginelloideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 656 (2023)
= Pulvinielloideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 659 (2023)
= Lycopodioidoideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 661 (2023)
= Selaginelloideae Milde; Fil. Eur. 5, 258 (1867)
= Selaginelloideae Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 672 (2023), nom. superfl.
003.0001 Genus Selaginella P.Beauv.; Mag. Encycl. 9(5): 478 (1804) et Prodr. Aethéogam. 101 (1805)
Distribution: Cosmopolitan, mostly tropical.
Species listed in database: 761; hybrids: 2
= Afroselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 647 (2023)
= Austroselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 657 (2023)
= Boreoselaginella (Warb.) Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 646 (2023)
= Bryodesma Soják; Preslia 64(2): 154 (1992 publ. 1993)
= Chuselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 673 (2023)
= Didiclis P.Beauv. ex Mirb.; Hist. Nat. Vég. [Lamarck & Mirbel] 3: 477 (1802)
= Ericetorum (Jermy) Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 653 (2023)
= Gymnogynum P.Beauv.; Mag. Encycl. 9(5): 480 (1804), et Prodr. 103 (1805)
= Hypopterygiopsis Sakurai; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 57: 255 (1943)
= Korallia Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 658 (2023)
= Kungiselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 676 (2023)
= Lepidoselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 656 (2023)
= Lycopodioides Boehm.; Def. Gen. Pl. ed. 3 [Boehmer] 485 (1760)
= Lycopodioides Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 824 (1891), nom. superfl.
= Megaloselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 656 (2023)
= Mexiselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Phytotaxa 684(2): 162 (2025)
= Mirmau Adans.; Fam. Pl. [Adanson] 2: 491 (1763)
= Polycocca Hill; Gener. Nat. Hist., ed. 2, 2(Hist. Pl.): 112 (1773) (nom. superfl. for Selaginoides)
= Pulviniella (Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou) Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 659 (2023)
= Selaginoides Ség.; Pl. Veron. 3: 51 (1754)
= Selago P.Browne; Civ. Nat. Hist. Jamaica 82 (1756) (nom. illeg., non Selago L. (1753))
= Sinoselaginella Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 658 (2023)
= Stachygynandrum P.Beauv.; Mag. Encycl. 9(5): 482 (1805)
= Stachygynandrum P.Beauv. ex Mirb.; Hist. Nat. Veg. [Lamarck & Mirbel] 3: 477 (1803)
= Trispermium Hill; Gener. Nat. Hist., ed. 2, 2(Hist. Pl.): 112 (1773)
= Valdespinoa Li Bing Zhang & X.M.Zhou; Pl. Diversity 45: 672 (2023)

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