; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 1015 (1753), nom. cons.
Distribution: Arctic, temp. and warm-temp. regions of the Northern Hemisphere, many China (275), Russia (ca. 200), few species in tropics, temp. S-America (1), South Africa (1). The taxonomy is highly complex, mostly due to rampant hybridization.
= Amerina Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Amerix Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Argorips Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 13 (1838)
= Biggina Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Capraea Opiz; Seznam 25 (1852)
= Chalebus Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Chamitea A.Kern.; Verh. K.K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 275 (1860)
= Diamarips Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838), nom. superfl.
= Diplima Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 13 (1838)
= Diplopia Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Diplusion Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Disynia Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Gruenera Opiz; Seznam 48 (1852)
= Helix Dumort. ex Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2, 1: 745 (1840)
= Knafia Opiz; Seznam 56 (1852)
= Lusekia Opiz; Seznam 61 (1852)
= Melanix Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Nectolis Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Nectopix Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Nectusion Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Nestylix Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Oisodix Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 13 (1838)
= Opodix Raf.; Amer. Monthly Mag. & Crit. Rev. 1: 439 (1817)
= Pleiarina (L.) Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Psatherips Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Ripselaxis Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Ripsoctis Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Sokolofia Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Telesmia Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 15 (1838)
= Toisusu Kimura; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 42: 288 (1928)
= Urnectis Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Usionis Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 14 (1838)
= Vetrix Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 13 (1838)
= Vimen Raf.; Alsogr. Amer. 13 (1838)