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Mar. 6th, 2025

134.0000 Family Orchidaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 64 (1789), nom. cons.
over 800 genera, more than 30.000 spp. worldwide, mostly tropical
Species listed in database: 30538; hybrids: 1461
= Apostasiaceae Lindl.; Nix. Pl. 22 (1833), nom. cons.
= Cypripediaceae Lindl.; Nix. Pl. 22 (1833)
= Limodoraceae Horan.; Char. Ess. Fam. 44 (1847)
= Liparidaceae Vines; Stud. Text-book Bot. 2: 567 (1895)
= Neottiaceae Horan.; Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 50 (1834)
= Neuwiediaceae R.Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland; Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, Sér. 4, 13: 91 (1991)
= Ophrydaceae Vines; Stud. Text-book Bot. 2: 566 (1895)
= Pycnanthaceae Ravenna; Onira 12(6): 29 (2011)
= Vanillaceae Lindl.; Key Bot. 73 (1835)
134.4323 Genus Platanthera Rich.; Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 48 (1818)
Distribution: boreal and temperate Eurasia and North America, tropics and subtropics, Russia (European part, W- and E-Siberia, Far East), China, south to tropical Asia and New Guinea. Many authors accept spinoff genera like Blephariglottis, Diphylax, Limnorchis, Fimbriella, Lysiella, Pseudodiphryllum, Piperia, etc. We take a conservative approach and list the genus in a broad sense. Species delimitation especially in E-Asia is quite controversial.
Species listed in database: 150; hybrids: 29
= Blephariglottis Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 38 (1836)
= Conopsidium Wallr.; Linnaea 14: 147 (1840)
= Denslovia Rydb.; Brittonia 1: 85 (1931)
= Diphylax Hook.f.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 19: t. 1865 (1889)
= Diplanthera Raf.; Herb. Raf. 73 (1833):
= Fimbriella Farw. ex Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 323 (1981)
= Gymnadeniopsis Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 293 (1901)
= Limnorchis Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 104 (1900)
= Lysias Salisb.; Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 288 (1812)
= Lysiella Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 104 (1900)
= Mecosa Blume; Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 403, t. 1 (1825)
= Perularia Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835)
= Piperia Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 269 (1901)
= Pseudodiphryllum Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 649, 752 (1935)
= Sieberia Spreng.; Anleit. Kenntn. Gew., ed. 2, 2(1): 282 (1817)
= Smithorchis Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 7: 139 (1936)
= Tulotis Raf.; Herb. Raf. 70 (1833), et Fl. Tellur. 2: 37 (1886)
= xBlepharopsis Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 48 (2008 publ. 2009)
= xPlatanthopsis P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 37 (2002)
species :
Platanthera algeriensis Batt. & Trab.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 39: 75 (1892) 41: 516 t. 6 (1894), et Fl. del´ Algérie [Monoc.] 31 (1895)
Name: Algerische Waldhyazinthe
Distribution: SE-Spain; Corsica; Sardinia; Italy; Morocco; Algeria
Remarks: taxonomic rank disputed
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera chlorantha subsp. algeriensis (Batt. & Trab.) Emb.; Mat. Fl. Maroc 488 (1935)
species :
Platanthera amabilis Koidz.; Icon. Pl. Koisikav. 3: 89 (1917)
Distribution: Japan (Yakushima Isl.); Ryukyu Isl. (Amami Oshima)
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera amamiana Ohwi; J. Jap. Bot. 13: 440 (1937)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. amamiana (Ohwi) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 188 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. masamunei K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13: 188 (1982)
= Platanthera ophrydioides var. amabilis (Koidz.) Masam.; J. Geobot. 12: 98 (1964)
= Platanthera pachyglossa var. amamiana (Ohwi) K.Inoue; Fl. Jap. [Iwatsuki et al., eds.] 4b: 217 (2016)
species :
Platanthera anatina Ormerod; Taiwania 58(1): 27 (2013)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera angustata (Blume) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 290 (1835)
Distribution: China (Hainan); ?Cambodia; Thailand; Vietnam; peninsular Malaysia; Philippines; Java
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria amesiana Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 5: 12 (1915)
= Habenaria angustata (Blume) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 664 (1891)
= Habenaria zosterostyloides Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 155 (1890)
= Mecosa angustata Blume; Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 403 (1825)
= Platanthera amesiana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 212 (1911)
variant :
var. singgalangensis J.J.Sm.; Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 3(5): 13 (1922)
Distribution: Vietnam; peninsular Malaysia; Sumatra
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera singgalangensis (J.J.Sm.) Efimov; Turczaninowia 12(3-4): 17 (2009)
species :
Platanthera angustilabris Seidenf.; Opera Bot. 124: 11 (1995)
Distribution: Myanmar; N-Thailand
species :
Platanthera aquilonis Sheviak; Lindleyana 14(4): 193 (1999)
Distribution: Alaska; Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, N. W. T., Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec, Saskatchewan, Yukon); USA (Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis aquilonis (Sheviak) Rebrist. & Elven; J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 434 (2008)
= Limnorchis aquilonis f. alba (M.H.S.Light) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 78 (2009)
= Platanthera hyperborea f. alba M.H.S.Light; Lindleyana 4: 158 (1989)
species :
Platanthera azorica Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 378 (1920)
Name: Azoren-Waldhyazinthe
Distribution: Azores (Santa Maria, Sao Miguel, Sao Jorge, Pico, Flores Isl.)
21 AZO
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria longebracteata Hochst. ex Seub.; Fl. Azor. [Seubert] 25 (1844) [non (Lindl.) Hook.f., nec Hayata]
= Limnorchis longebracteata (Hochst. ex Seub.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
= Platanthera micrantha var. longebracteata (Hochst. ex Seub.) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 104 (1928)
species :
Platanthera bakeriana (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 632 (1898)
Distribution: China (Sichuan, Yunnan); SE-Tibet (Mêdog Xian); Nepal; Bhutan; NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria bakeriana King & Pantl.; J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 65: 132 (1896)
= Habenaria chiloglossa Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 63 (1951)
= Platanthera chiloglossa (Tang & F.T.Wang) K.Y.Lang; Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mount. 2: 2523 (1994)
= Platanthera lancilabris Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17: 25 (1921)
= Platanthera longiglandula K.Y.Lang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 20: 188 (1982)
= Platanthera silaensis Hand.-Mazz.; Symb. Sin. 7: 1331 (1936)
species :
Platanthera bhutanica K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 61(7): 193 (1986)
Distribution: China (SW- & W-Sichuan, SW-Yunnan: Menglian); SE-Tibet (Mêdog); Bhutan; N-India (Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria platantheroides Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 7: 133 (1936), not Schltr. (1918)
= Platanthera curvata K.Y.Lang; Fl. Xizang. 5: 697 (1987), nom. nov. superfl.
= Platanthera platantheroides (Tang & F.T.Wang) K.Y.Lang; Bot. Res., Inst. Bot. (Beijing) 4: 9 (1989)
species :
Platanthera bifolia (L.) Rich.; Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 57 (1818)
subspecies :
subsp. bifolia
Name: Kleinblütige Weiße Waldhyazinthe (DE), Lesser Butterfly-orchid (EN)
Distribution: Faeroe Isl.; England (England, Wales, Isle of Man, Scotland, Outer Hebrides, Orkney Isl.); Ireland (Ireland, Northern Ireland); Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Netherlands; Belgium; Luxembourg; Germany (Brandenburg, Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Portugal; Spain; Andorra; Baleares; France; Channel Isl.; Corsica; Sardinia; Italy; Sicily; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; Greece (scattered N- & C-Greece, Kerkyra); European Turkey; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Belarus; Moldova; Ukraine; Crimea; European Russia (N-European Russia, C-European Russia, W-European Russia, E-European Russia); Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, W-Siberia); Russian Far East (Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Primorye, Sakhalin); Kazakhstan; Northern Caucasus; Georgia [Caucasus] (Mtiuleti); Armenia; S-Azerbaijan (Talysh); Turkey; Iran; Mongolia
Synonyms: hidden
= Conopsidium platantherum Wallr.; Linnaea 14: 147 (1840)
= Conopsidium sthenantherum Wallr.; Linnaea 14: 147 (1840), nom. illeg.
= Gymnadenia bifolia (L.) G.Mey.; Chloris Han. 540 (1836)
= Gymnadenia bifolia var. tenuiflora G.Mey.; Chloris Han. 540 (1836)
= Habenaria bifolia (L.) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 193 (1813)
= Habenaria fornicata Bab.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 463 (1836)
= Lysias bifolia (L.) Salisb.; Trans. Hort. Soc. London 1: 288 (1812)
= Orchis alba Lam.; Fl. Franç. [Lamarck], éd. 2, 3: 502 (1795), nom. superfl.
= Orchis bifolia L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 939 (1753)
= Orchis bifolia var. brachyglossa Wallr.; Schedulae Crit. Pl. Fl. Hal. 386 (1822)
= Orchis bifolia var. latissima Tinant; Fl. Luxemb. 436 (1836)
= Orchis bifolia var. major Besser; Prim. Fl. Galiciae Austriac. 1: 43 (1809)
= Orchis bifolia var. trifolia Gaudin; Fl. Helv. 5: 425 (1829)
= Orchis bifolia var. trifoliata Tinant; Fl. Luxemb. 436 (1836)
= Orchis bifolia var. virens Tinant; Fl. Luxemb. 436 (1836)
= Orchis ochroleuca Ten.; Fl. Neapol. Prodr. App. 5: 45 (1826)
= Orchis paucifolia Gaterau; Descr. Pl. Montauban 154 (1789)
= Orchis platanthera (Wallr.) E.H.L.Krause; Deutschl. Fl. [Sturm], ed. 2, Abbild., 4: 53 (1905)
= Orchis sthenanthera E.H.L.Krause; Deutschl. Fl. [Sturm], ed. 2, Abbild., 4: 52 (1905), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera bifolia lusus boenninghauseniana (Asch. & Graebn.) Suess.; Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. [Hegi, Begr.], ed. 2, 2: 495 (1939)
= Platanthera bifolia lusus quadrifolia (Peterm.) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 103 (1928)
= Platanthera bifolia lusus reichenbachiana (F.H.Wilms) Seeland; Mitt. Herm. Roemer-Mus. Hildesheim 34: 69 (1929)
= Platanthera bifolia lusus trifolia (Gaudin) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 102 (1928)
= Platanthera bifolia lusus trifoliata (Tinant) Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 832 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia proles patula (Drejer) Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 832 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia proles robusta (Seemen) Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 833 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia f. angustifolia Potonié; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 2: 220 (1906)
= Platanthera bifolia f. anomala Neuman; Bot. Not. 1883: 97 (1883)
= Platanthera bifolia f. apetiolata Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia f. brachyglossa (Wallr.) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 101 (1928)
= Platanthera bifolia f. bracteata Cortesi; Ann. Bot. (Rome) 2: 477 (1904)
= Platanthera bifolia f. brevicalcarata (Verm.) Verm.; Fl. Neerl. 1(5): 44 (1958)
= Platanthera bifolia f. densiflora (Drejer) Hegi; Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. [Hegi] 2: 373 (1909)
= Platanthera bifolia f. densispicata Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia f. ecalcarata Heinr.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 44: 165 (1894)
= Platanthera bifolia f. grandiflora Hartm. ex Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 101 (1928)
= Platanthera bifolia f. humilior Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 2: 220 (1906)
= Platanthera bifolia f. latissima (Tinant) Ruppert; 187 (1925)
= Platanthera bifolia f. laxiflora Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 831 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia f. laxiflora Rchb.f. ex M.Goldschm.; 287 (1908), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera bifolia f. major Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 2: 220 (1906)
= Platanthera bifolia f. multifoliolata Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia f. nudicaulis Beck; Fl. Nieder-Österreich 211 (1890)
= Platanthera bifolia f. rotundata Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia f. tenuiflora (G.Mey.) Thell.; Fl. Schweiz [Schinz] ed. 3: 74 (1914)
= Platanthera bifolia f. tricornis Brenner; Meddeland. Soc. Fauna Fl. Fenn. 26: 4 (1900)
= Platanthera bifolia f. trifoliata (Thielens) Pauca & A.Nyár.; Fl. Reipubl. Popul. Roman. (Fl. Republ. Socialist. Romania) 12: 728 (1972)
= Platanthera bifolia f. trifoliata (Tinant) Hegi; Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. [Hegi] 2: 372 (1909)
= Platanthera bifolia f. trifoliata (Tinant) Pauca & A.Nyár.; 728 (1972), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. brachyglossa (Wallr.) Ces.; Not. Nat. Civ. Lombardia 315 (1844)
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. graciliflora Bisse; Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 67: 189 (1963)
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. latiflora (Drejer) Løjtnant; Feddes Repert. 89(1): 14 (1978)
= Platanthera bifolia var. aceras Goldb. ex Kauffm.; Mosk. Fl. 473 (1866)
= Platanthera bifolia var. boenninghauseniana Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 832 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia var. brachyglossa (Wallr.) Rchb.; Fl. Germ. Excurs., Clavis Syn.: XII (1833)
= Platanthera bifolia var. brachyphylla Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia var. brevicalcarata Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia var. carducciana (Goiran) Hallier & Wohlf.; Syn. Deut. Schweiz. Fl., ed. 3 [Hallier & Brand]: 2443 (1905)
= Platanthera bifolia var. conferta Peterm.; Anal. Pfl.-Schlüss. 443 (1846), nom. inval.
= Platanthera bifolia var. densiflora (Drejer) Blytt; Norges Fl. 1: 347 (1861)
= Platanthera bifolia var. densiflora (Drejer) Ducommun; Taschenb. Schweiz. Bot. 724 (1869)
= Platanthera bifolia var. graciliflora (Bisse) Soó; Feddes Repert. 83: 189 (1972)
= Platanthera bifolia var. latiflora (Drejer) E.G.Camus; J. Bot. [Morot] 6: 473 (1892)
= Platanthera bifolia var. latiflora (Drejer) Kreutz; Eurorchis 17: 110 (2005)
= Platanthera bifolia var. latissima (Tinant) Thielens; Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 12: 99 (1873)
= Platanthera bifolia var. laxa Peterm.; Anal. Pfl.-Schlüss. 443 (1846)
= Platanthera bifolia var. laxiflora Ducommun; Taschenb. Schweiz. Bot. 724 (1869), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera bifolia var. microglossa Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 1: 221 (1906)
= Platanthera bifolia var. minor Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 207 (1822)
= Platanthera bifolia var. obtusifolia Schur; Enum. Pl. Transsilv. 646 (1866)
= Platanthera bifolia var. patula (Drejer) Ducommun; Taschenb. Schweiz. Bot. 724 (1869)
= Platanthera bifolia var. quadrifolia Peterm.; Anal. Pfl.-Schlüss. 442 (1846)
= Platanthera bifolia var. reichenbachiana (F.H.Wilms) Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 832 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia var. robusta Seemen; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 44: 448 (1894)
= Platanthera bifolia var. simonkaiana Soó; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24: 34 (1927)
= Platanthera bifolia var. solstitialis (Boenn. ex Drejer) Karsch; Fl. Westfalen [Beckhaus] 553 (1853)
= Platanthera bifolia var. spathulata Vuyck ex Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 240 (1949)
= Platanthera bifolia var. trifoliata (Tinant) Thielens; Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 12: 99 (1873)
= Platanthera bifolia var. virens (Tinant) Thielens; Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 12: 99 (1873)
= Platanthera boenninghauseniana F.H.Wilms; Jahres-Ber. Bot. Sec. Westfäl. Prov.-Verein Wiss. Kunst 1879: 153 (1879), nom. inval.
= Platanthera brachyglossa (Wallr.) Rchb.; Iconogr. Bot. Pl. Crit. 9: 19 (1831)
= Platanthera carducciana Goiran; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 15: 332 (1883)
= Platanthera chlorantha f. lancifolia (Rohlena) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 103 (1928)
= Platanthera chlorantha F.Schmidt; Reise Amurl. 181 (1868) [non Custer ex Rchb.f.]
= Platanthera chlorantha var. wankelii (Rchb.f.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 695 (1882)
= Platanthera densiflora (Drejer) Verm.; 43 (1958), nom. inval.
= Platanthera fornicata (Bab.) Buttler; Jahresber. Wetterauischen Ges. Gesamte Naturk. 159-161: 100 (2011)
= Platanthera major (Besser) Linding.; Gartenflora 77: 69 (1928)
= Platanthera reichenbachiana F.H.Wilms; Jahres-Ber. Bot. Sec. Westfäl. Prov.-Verein Wiss. Kunst 1879: 153 (1879)
= Platanthera satyrioides Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 131 (1851)
= Platanthera schuriana Fuss; Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 19: 206 (1868)
= Platanthera solstitialis Boenn. ex Drejer; Kroeyers, Nat. Tidsskr. 4: 46 (1842)
= Platanthera solstitialis Boenn. ex Rchb.f.; Fl. Germ. Excurs. 120 (1830), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera solstitialis Drejer; Fl. Excurs. Hafn. 272 - 273 (1838)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. brachyglossa (Wallr.) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 696 (1882)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. densiflora Drejer; Kroeyers, Nat. Tidsskr. 4: 46 (1842)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. latiflora Drejer; Kroeyers, Nat. Tidsskr. 4: 46 (1842)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. laxiflora Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 121 (1851), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera solstitialis var. patula Drejer; Kroeyers, Nat. Tidsskr. 4: 46 (1842)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. robusta (Seemen) M.Schulze; Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins, N. F. 10: 85 (1897)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. trifoliata (Tinant) M.Schulze; Orch. Deutschl. Österr. Schweiz 49 (1894)
= Platanthera subalpina Brügger; Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens, N. F. 29: 120 (1884-1885 publ. 1886)
= Platanthera virescens K.Koch; Linnaea 22: 288 (1850)
= Platanthera viricimaculata Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 618 (1899)
= Platanthera wankelii Rchb.; Fl. Saxon. 89 (1842)
= Satyrium bifolium (L.) Wahlenb.; Fl. Suec. [Wahlenberg], ed. 2: 579 (1826)
= Sieberia bifolia (L.) Spreng.; Anleit. Kenntn. Gew., ed. 2, 2(1): 282 (1817)
variant :
var. subalpina (Brügger) Chenevard; Bull. Trav. Soc. Bot. Genève 9: 129 (1899)
Distribution: Germany (Bayern); Switzerland; Austria; etc.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera bifolia proles subalpina (Brügger) Asch. & Graebn.; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 3: 833 (1907)
= Platanthera bifolia f. subalpina (Brügger) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 102 (1928)
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. subalpina Brügger; Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens, N. F. 29: 165 (1884-1885 publ. 1886)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. subalpina (Brügger) M.Schulze; Orch. Deutschl. Österr. Schweiz 49 (1894)
subspecies :
subsp. atropatenica B.Baumann & H.Baumann, R.Lorenz & Ruedi Peter; J. Eur. Orch. 35(1): 184 (2003)
Distribution: Azerbaijan (Caucasus, Talysh); Iran (Mazanderan, Gorgan)
33 AZE 34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera atropatenica (B.Baumann, H.Baumann, R.Lorenz & Ruedi Peter) P.Delforge; Naturalistes Belges 96(Orchid. 28): 20 (2015)
= Platanthera bifolia var. atropatenica (B.Baumann, H.Baumann, R.Lorenz & Ruedi Peter) P.Delforge; Naturalistes Belges 85 (Orchid. 17): 252 (2004)
= Platanthera fornicata var. atropatenica (B.Baumann, H.Baumann, R.Lorenz & Ruedi Peter) Buttler; Jahresber. Wetterauischen Ges. Gesamte Naturk. 159-161: 101 (2011)
= Platanthera kuenkelei subsp. atropetanica (B.Baumann & H.Baumann, R.Lorenz & Ruedi Peter) R.Lorenz, Akhalk., H.Baumann, Cortis, Cogoni & Scrugli; J. Eur. Orch. 44(1): 20 (2012)
subspecies :
subsp. osca R.Lorenz, Romolini, V.A.Romano & Soca; J. Eur. Orch. 47(1): 158 (2015)
Distribution: Italy (Abruzzi, Basilicata, NW-Calabria)
13 ITA
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera osca (R.Lorenz, Romolini, V.A.Romano & Soca) Biagioli, Kreutz & De Simoni; GIROS Orch. Spont. Eur. 65(2): 150 (2022)
species :
Platanthera blephariglottis (Willd.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 291 (1835)
Name: White fringed Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Québec, Ontario); NE-USA (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis alba (Michx.) House; Muhlenbergia 1: 127 (1906)
= Blephariglottis alba (Michx.) Nieuwl.; Amer. Midl. Naturalist 3: 120 (1913)
= Blephariglottis albiflora f. holopetala (Lindl.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis blephariglottis (Hook.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901), nom. inval.
= Blephariglottis blephariglottis var. holopetala (Lindl.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Habenaria blephariglottis (Willd.) Hook.; Exot. Fl. t. 87 (1824)
= Habenaria blephariglottis f. holopetala (Lindl.) J.Rousseau & B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 95: 1518 (1968)
= Habenaria blephariglottis var. holopetala (Lindl.) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray], ed. 5: 502 (1867)
= Habenaria ciliaris var. alba (Michx.) Morong; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20: 38 (1893)
= Habenaria ciliaris var. holopetala (Lindl.) Morong; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 20: 38 (1893)
= Orchis blephariglottis Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4: 9 (1805)
= Orchis ciliaris var. alba Michx.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Michaux] 2: 156 (1803)
= Platanthera blephariglottis f. holopetala (Lindl.) P.M.Br.; Wild Flower Notes 3(1): 20 (1988)
= Platanthera blephariglottis var. holopetala (Lindl.) Torr.; Fl. New York 2: 277 (1843)
= Platanthera ciliaris var. blephariglottis (Willd.) Chapm.; Fl. South. U.S. 1: 460 (1860)
= Platanthera holopetala Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 291 (1835)
variant :
var. conspicua (Nash) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 140 (1972)
Distribution: SE-USA (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas)
77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis alba var. conspicua (Nash) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 28(2): 69 (1977)
= Blephariglottis blephariglottis var. conspicua (Nash) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 156 (1976), nom. illeg.
= Blephariglottis conspicua (Nash) Small; Fl. S.E. U.S. [Small] 313 (1903)
= Habenaria blephariglottis var. conspicua (Nash) Ames; Rhodora 10: 70 (1908)
= Habenaria conspicua Nash; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 100 (1896)
= Platanthera conspicua (Nash) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 3 (2002)
species :
Platanthera blumei Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 290 (1835)
Distribution: Sumatra; Java
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria blumei (Lindl.) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 664 (1891)
= Mecosa dilatata Blume; Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 404 (1825)
species :
Platanthera boninensis Koidz.; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 33: 113 (1919)
Distribution: Bonin Isl. (Ogasawara-shoto)
38 OGA
Remarks: often included in P. japonica
species :
Platanthera borneensis (Ridl.) J.J.Wood; Pl. Mt. Kinabalu [J.H. Beaman et al.] 2: 291 (1993)
Distribution: Borneo (Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu)
42 BOR
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria borneensis Ridl. ex Stapf; Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot., Ser. 2, 4: 240 (1894)
= Habenaria borneensis Ridl.; J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc. 49: 41 (1908)
species :
Platanthera brevicalcarata Hayata; J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30: Art 1, 350 (1911)
Distribution: Japan (Kyushu, Yakushima Isl.); Ryukyu Isl. (Amami Oshima); Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria brevicalcarata (Hayata) Masam.; J. Geobot. 16: t. 14 (1968), not Fukuy. (1932)
= Platanthera alboflora S.S.Ying; New Taxa New Names 6: 509 (2023)
= Platanthera brevicalcarata subsp. yakumontana (Masam.) Masam.; J. Geobot. 12: 98 (1964)
= Platanthera wulinensis S.S.Ying; New Taxa New Names 7: 540 (2024)
= Platanthera yakumontana Masam.; Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Univ. 11(4): 574 (1934)
= Tulotis brevicalcarata (Hayata) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
= Tulotis brevicalcarata subsp. yakumontana (Masam.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 639 (1899)
Distribution: USA (New Mexico); Mexico (Baja California Norte, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Sonora, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Zacatecas)
77 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria brevifolia Greene; Bot. Gaz. 6: 218 (1881)
= Habenaria sparsiflora var. brevifolia (Greene) Correll; Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 244 (1943)
= Limnorchis brevifolia (Greene) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 631 (1901)
= Limnorchis brevifolia f. alba (P.M.Br.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 78 (2009)
= Platanthera brevifolia (Greene) Senghas; Orchidee (Hamburg) 24(3): 97 (1973), isonym
= Platanthera brevifolia f. alba P.M.Br.; McAllen Int. Orchid Soc. J. 7(12): 8 (2006)
= Platanthera sparsiflora var. brevifolia (Greene) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 240 (1975)
species :
Platanthera calceoliformis (W.W.Sm.) X.H.Jin, Schuit. & W.T.Jin; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 77: 51 (2014)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan); Myanmar (Kachin)
36 CHI 41 MYA
Synonyms: hidden
= Herminium calceoliforme W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 211 (1921)
= Smithorchis calceoliformis (W.W.Sm.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 7: 140 (1936)
species :
Platanthera calderoniae A.R.López Ferrari & Espejo; Acta Bot. Mex. 26: 77 (1994)
Distribution: Mexico (Michoacan)
79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis calderoniae (López-Ferr. & Espejo) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera carnosilabris (Tang & F.T.Wang) X.H.Jin, Schuit. & W.T.Jin; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 77: 51 (2014)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Herminium carnosilabre Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 32 (1940)
species :
Platanthera chapmanii (Small) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 151 (1972)
Distribution: SE-USA (Florida, Georgia, Texas)
77 USA 78 USA
Remarks: not to be confused with the true hybrid P. ciliaris x cristata [P. x channellii Folsom]
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×chapmanii Small; Fl. S.E. U.S. [Small] 314 (1903)
= Habenaria ×chapmanii (Small) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 155 (1910)
species :
Platanthera chlorantha (Custer) Rchb.; Handb. Gewächsk., ed. 2, 2: 1565 (1828)
Name: Greater Butterfly-Orchid (EN), Grünliche Waldhyazinthe (DE)
Distribution: England (England, Wales, Isle of Man, Scotland, Outer Hebrides); Ireland (Ireland, Northern Ireland); Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland; Netherlands; Belgium; Luxembourg; Germany (Brandenburg, +Berlin, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Schleswig-Holstein, Saarland, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; Spain; Andorra; France; Corsica; Italy; Sicily; San Marino; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; Bulgaria; Greece (widespread mountains of N- & C-Greece, Peloponnisos, rare Kerkyra, Evvoia, Thasos, Samothraki); European Turkey; Estonia; Latvia; Lithuania; Belarus; Moldova; Ukraine; Crimea; European Russia (W-European Russia, C-European Russia); Morocco; Northern Caucasus; Georgia [Caucasus] (Abkhazia, Racha-Lechkhumi, Samegrelo, Imereti, Shiga Kartli, Kartli, Mtiuleti, Kakheti, Trialeti); Armenia; S-Azerbaijan (Talysh); East Aegaean Isl. (Lesvos, Samos); Turkey; N-Iran; Cyprus; Syria; China (Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet
Remarks: See also P. pervia (muelleri) which is a valid species intermediate between bifolia and chlorantha.
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia chlorantha (Custer) Ambrosi; Fl. Tir. Austr. 1: 705 (1854)
= Habenaria bifolia subsp. chlorantha (Custer) Syme; 107 (1869)
= Habenaria chlorantha (Custer) Bab.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 17: 462 (1836), nom. illeg.
= Habenaria chloroleuca Ridl.; J. Bot. 23: 219 (1885)
= Habenaria montana (F.W.Schmidt) T.Durand & Schinz; Consp. Fl. Afr. [Durand & Schinz] 82 (1894)
= Habenaria virescens (K.Koch) Druce; Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist. 1907: 244 (1907), nom. illeg.
= Orchis bifolia var. elatior Gaudin; Fl. Helv. 5: 425 (1829)
= Orchis bifolia var. macroglossa Wallr.; Sched. Crit. 486 (1822)
= Orchis chlorantha Custer; Steinmüller, Neue Alpina 2: 401 (1827)
= Orchis montana F.W.Schmidt; Fl. Boëm. Cent. 1: 35 (1793), nom. rej.
= Orchis ochroleuca Rchb.; Fl. Germ. Excurs. 1: 120 (1830), nom. illeg.
= Orchis virescens Zollik. ex Gaud.; Fl. Helv. 5: 497 (1829), nom. illeg., non Willd. 1805
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. chlorantha (Custer) Rouy; Fl. France [Rouy & Foucaud] 13: 92 (1913), isonym
= Platanthera bifolia var. chlorantha (Custer) Karsch; 553 (1853)
= Platanthera bifolia var. chlorantha Mayrhofer; 30 (1832)
= Platanthera bifolia var. montana (F.W.Schmidt) Bolzon; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n. s. 21: 175 (1914)
= Platanthera bifolia var. montana Dumort.; Fl. Belg. [Dumortier] 133 (1827), nom. inval.
= Platanthera chlorantha f. bracteata Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 2: 221 (1906)
= Platanthera chlorantha f. grandiflora (M.Schulze) Soó; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 23: 103 (1928)
= Platanthera chlorantha f. robusta (Verm.) Verm.; 45 (1958)
= Platanthera chlorantha f. trifolia Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 1: 226 (1906)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. angustata Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 2: 221 (1906)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. bracteata Zapal.; Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 1: 226 (1906)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. grandiflora M.Schultze; Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. [Ascherson & Graebner] 836 (1907)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. gselliana (H.Baumann, Künkele & R.Lorenz) Perazza & R.Lorenz; Orchid. Italia 359 (2013)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. montana (F.W.Schmidt) Nyman; Consp. Fl. Eur. 695 (1882)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. robusta Verm.; Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 56: 239 (1949)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. subalpina Gsell; Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 51: 302 (1941) [nom. inval.]
= Platanthera custeriana F.H.Wilms; 153 (1879), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera lancifolia (Rohlena) A.W.Hill; Index Kew. Suppl. 6: 159 (1920 publ. 1926)
= Platanthera lancifolia (Rohlena) Rohlena; Magyar Bot. Lapok 3: 321 (1905)
= Platanthera montana (F.W.Schmidt) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 156 (1851)
= Platanthera montana var. gselliana H.Baumann, Künkele & R.Lorenz; J. Eur. Orch. 34(1): 198 (2002)
= Platanthera montana var. lancifolia Rohlena; Magyar Bot. Lapok 3: 321 (1904 publ. 1905)
= Platanthera virescens (Zollik. ex Gaudin) K.Koch; Linnaea 22: 288 (1849)
species :
Platanthera chorisiana (Cham.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 128 (1851)
Name: Chamisso´s Orchid
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kamchatka, Kuril Isl., Commander Isl.); Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); Aleutes; SE-Alaska; C-Canada (Vancouver Isl., W-British Columbia)
31 RFE 38 JAP 70 ASK 71 CDN
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria chorisiana Cham.; Linnaea 3: 31 (1828)
= Limnorchis chorisiana (Cham.) J.P.Anderson; Iowa State Coll. J. Sci. 19: 187 (1945)
= Limnorchis chorisiana var. elata (Finet) Efimov; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 92: 1455 (2007)
= Peristylus chorisianus (Cham.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 297 (1835)
= Platanthera chorisiana subsp. elata (Finet) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 52: 144 (2021)
= Platanthera chorisiana var. elata Finet; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 47: 278 (1900)
= Platanthera ditmariana f. longibracteata Miyabe & Kudô; J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 26: 367 (1932)
= Platanthera ditmariana Kom.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 165 (1914)
= Platanthera matsudae Makino; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 56 (1902)
= Pseudodiphryllum chorisianum (Cham.) Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 650, 752 (1935)
= Pseudodiphryllum chorisianum f. elata (Finet) Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 650 (1935)
species :
Platanthera ciliaris (L.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 292 (1835)
Name: Yellow fringed Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (S-Ontario); E-USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, West Virginia)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ciliaris (L.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Blephariglottis flaviflora Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 38 (1836)
= Habenaria ciliaris (L.) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 194 (1813)
= Orchis ciliaris L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 939 (1753)
species :
Platanthera clavellata (Michx.) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 148 (1972)
Name: Little club-spur Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec, Anticosti Isl.); USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Denslovia clavellata (Michx.) Rydb.; Brittonia 1: 86 (1931)
= Gymnadenia tridentata (Muhl. ex Willd.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 277 (1835)
= Gymnadenia tridentata var. clavellata (Michx.) Alph.Wood; Class-book Bot. (ed. 1861): 683 (1861)
= Gymnadeniopsis clavellata (Michx.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 293 (1901)
= Gymnadeniopsis clavellata f. wrightii (L.S.Olive) P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes 284 (2006)
= Gymnadeniopsis clavellata var. ophioglossoides (Fernald) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 28: 69 (1977)
= Habenaria clavellata (Michx.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 689 (1826)
= Habenaria clavellata var. ophioglossoides Fernald; Rhodora 48: 161 (1946)
= Habenaria clavellata var. wrightii L.S.Olive; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 78: 291 (1951)
= Habenaria maritima Raf.; Herb. Raf. 74 (1833)
= Habenaria tridentata (Muhl.) Hook.; Exot. Fl. t. 81 (1824)
= Orchis clavellata Michx.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Michaux] 2: 155 (1803)
= Orchis clavellata var. tridentata J.Green; Cat. Pl. Indigen. St. New York 60 (1814)
= Orchis clavellata var. tridentata Muhl.; Cat. 80 (1813)
= Orchis tridentata Muhl. ex Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4: 41 (1805), nom. illeg.
= Peristylus clavellatus (Michx.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 521 (1898)
= Platanthera clavellata f. slaughteri P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1: 200 (1995)
= Platanthera clavellata var. ophioglossoides (Fernald) P.M.Br.; Wild Fl. Notes 3: 21 (1988)
species :
Platanthera colemanii (Rand.Morgan & Glic.) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia colemanii Rand.Morgan & Glic.; Lindleyana 8(2): 89 (1993)
species :
Platanthera concinna (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 621 (1899)
Distribution: Taiwan (Taibei, Taidong); India (Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, West Bengal)
38 TAI 40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria concinna Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 155 (1890), et Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 25: t. 2320 (1894)
= Habenaria dyeriana King & Pantl.; J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 65: 133 (1896)
= Platanthera dyeriana (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 636 (1898)
= Platanthera dyeriana (King & Pantl.) Pradhan; Indian Orchids 1: 59 (1976), et Indian Orchids 2: 682 (1979), isonym
= Platanthera formosana (T.P.Lin & K.Inoue) Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 82 (2016)
= Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. formosana T.P.Lin & K.Inoue; J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 28(1): 12 (1980)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. formosana (T.P.Lin & K.Inoue) S.S.Ying; Coloured Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 2: 644 (1990)
= Platanthera hibinoi Masam.; J. Geobot. 26(1): 3, t. 249 (1978), nomen
species :
Platanthera contigua Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 28 (1940)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Diphylax contigua (Tang & F.T.Wang) Tang, F.T.Wang & K.Y.Lang; Vasc. Pl. Hengduan Mount. 2: 2526 (1994)
species :
Platanthera convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 287 (1835)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kamchatka, Kuril Isl., Sakhalin, Commander Isl.); Aleutes
31 RFE 70 ASK
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 636 (1967)
= Limnorchis convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 628 (1901)
= Orchis convallariifolia Fisch. ex Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 217 (1833)
= Platanthera dilatata subsp. convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Soó; Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Biol., 11: 62 (1969)
= Platanthera dilatata var. convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 642 (1899)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. convallariifolia (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 642 (1901)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. makinoi (Y.Yabe) Takeda; Iconogr. Jap. Alpine Pl. 89 (1933)
= Platanthera makinoi Y.Yabe; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 17: 19 (1903)
species :
Platanthera cooperi (S.Watson) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (SW-California); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
76 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria cooperi S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 12: 276 (1877)
= Piperia cooperi (S.Watson) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 636 (1901)
= Piperia lancifolia Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 637 (1901)
species :
Platanthera cristata (Michx.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
Name: Orange-crested Orchid
Distribution: USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia)
75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis cristata (Michx.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 39 (1837)
= Blephariglottis cristata f. straminea (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Habenaria cristata (Michx.) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 194 (1813)
= Orchis cristata Michx.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Michaux] 2: 156 (1803)
= Platanthera cristata f. straminea P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 12 (1995)
species :
Platanthera dambungensis K.Prasad; Rheedea 33(2): 35 (2023)
Distribution: N-India (Sikkim)
40 IND
species :
Platanthera deergongensis X.H.Jin, Jian W.Li & D.L.Lin; Phytotaxa 646(2): 206 (2024)
Distribution: SE-Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Platanthera deflexilabella K.Y.Lang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 20(2): 186 (1982)
Distribution: China (SC-Sichuan: Emei Shan)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera densa Freyn; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 46: 96 (1896)
subspecies :
subsp. densa
Distribution: Siberia (Chita); Russian Far East (Amur); China (Heilongjiang, Jilin, Nei Mongol, NC-China, SC-China); ?Mongolia
30 SIB 31 RFE 36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria subulifera W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 210 (1921)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. densa (Freyn) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 358 (1929)
= Platanthera freynii Kraenzl.; Russk. Bot. Zhurn. 1913: 37 (1913), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera sigmoidea F.Maek.; J. Jap. Bot. 1935 11: 379 (1935)
= Platanthera subulifera (W.W.Sm.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 381 (1924)
subspecies :
subsp. orientalis (Schltr.) Efimov; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 91: 1723 (2006)
Distribution: NE-China (Manchuria); Russian Far East (Khabarovsk, Primorye); North Korea; South Korea
31 RFE 36 CHI 38 KOR NKO
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera chlorantha subsp. orientalis (Schltr.) Soó; Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Biol., 11: 62 (1969)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. orientalis Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 109 (1919)
= Platanthera chloranthella Nakai; Rep. Veg. Exper. For. Koryo, Chosen, 28 (1932) ex F. Maek., J. Jap. Bot. 11: 302 (1935)
species :
Platanthera devolii (T.P.Lin & T.W.Hu) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue; J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 28(1): 5 (1980)
Distribution: Taiwan
38 TAI
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera hohuanshanensis S.S.Ying; New Taxa New Names 3: 24 (2022)
= Platanthera kudoi Masam.; J. Geobot. 25(4): 15, f. 246 (1978), nomen
= Platanthera longicalcarata var. devolii (T.P.Lin & T.W.Hu) S.S.Ying; Coloured Ill. Indig. Orchids Taiwan 2: 643 (1990)
= Tulotis devolii T.P.Lin & T.W.Hu; Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 9(1): 53. pl. 2 (1976)
species :
Platanthera dilatata (Pursh) Lindl. ex L.C.Beck; Bot. North. Middle States [Beck] 347 (1833)
Name: Tall white bog orchid
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kamchatka); Alaska; Aleutes; Canada (Yukon, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Anticosti Isl., Québec, Yukon); USA (Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Utah, Vermont, Washington)
31 RFE 70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray] ed. 5: 500 (1867), isonym
= Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) Hook.; Exot. Fl. 1: t. 95 (1823)
= Habenaria dilatata (Pursh) S.Watson; Botany (Fortieth Parallel) 340 (1871), isonym
= Habenaria fragrans (Rydb.) Niles; Bog-trotting Orchids 253 (1904)
= Limnorchis dilatata (Pursh) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 294 (1901)
= Limnorchis dilatata var. angustifolia (Hook.) J.P.Anderson; Iowa State Coll. J. Sci. 19: 189 (1945)
= Limnorchis dilatata var. linearifolia Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 623 (1901)
= Limnorchis foliosa Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 622 (1901)
= Limnorchis fragrans Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 294 (1901)
= Limnorchis leptoceratitis Rydb.; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 2: 162 (1901) [p. p.]
= Orchis acuta Banks ex C.Presl; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1814)
= Orchis agastachys Fisch. ex Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 287 (1835)
= Orchis dilatata Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1813)
= Orchis hyperborea var. dilatata (Pursh) Oakes; Thompson, Hist. Vt. 1: 199 (1842)
= Piperia dilatata (Pursh) Szlach. & Rutk.; Acta Bot. Fenn. 169: 380 (2000)
= Platanthera cylindrica Bach.Pyl.; Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 4: 503 (1826)
= Platanthera dilatata var. angustifolia Hook.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Hooker] 2: 198 (1839)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. dilatata (Pursh) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 126 (1851)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. graminea (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 126 (1851)
= Platanthera lindleyi Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2, 2: 351 (1841)
variant :
var. albiflora (Cham.) Ledeb.; Fl. Ross. [Ledebour] 4: 71 (1853)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kamchatka); Alaska; Aleutes; Canada (Yukon, British Columbia, Alberta); NW-USA (Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming)
31 RFE 70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria borealis var. albiflora Cham.; Linnaea 3: 28 (1828)
= Habenaria dilatata var. albiflora (Cham.) Correll; Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 238 (1943)
= Habenaria dilatatiformis Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 189 (1897)
= Limnorchis dilatata subsp. albiflora (Cham.) Á.Löve & W.Simon; Southw. Naturalist 13: 339 (1968)
= Limnorchis dilatata var. albiflora (Cham.) Efimov; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 92(9): 1459 (2007)
= Limnorchis dilatatiformis Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 105 (1900)
= Piperia dilatata var. albiflora (Cham.) Szlach. & Rutk.; Acta Bot. Fenn. 169: 380 (2000)
= Platanthera graminea Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 289 (1835), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera hyperborea var. graminea Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 126 (1851)
= Tulotis albiflora Raf.; Herb. Raf. 71 (1833)
variant :
var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., Ser. 2, 39(1): 478 (1943)
Distribution: Alaska; C-Canada (British Columbia); W-USA (California, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington)
70 ASK 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 71 (1910)
= Habenaria flagellans S.Watson; Bot. California [W.H.Brewer] 2: 483 (1880)
= Habenaria graminifolia (Rydb.) J.K.Henry; Fl. S. Brit. Columbia 92 (1915)
= Habenaria leptoceratitis J.K.Henry; Fl. S. Brit. Columbia 92 (1915)
= Habenaria leucostachys (Lindl.) S.Watson; Bot. California [W.H.Brewer] 2: 134 (1880)
= Habenaria leucostachys var. robusta (Rydb.) J.K.Henry; Fl. S. Brit. Columbia 93 (1915)
= Habenaria leucostachys var. virida Jeps.; Fl. Calif. [Jepson] 1: 331 (1921)
= Habenaria pedicellata S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 12: 276 (1877)
= Limnorchis dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008), isonym
= Limnorchis dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) J.P.Anderson; Iowa State Coll. J. Sci. 19: 189 (1945)
= Limnorchis dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 78 (2009), isonym
= Limnorchis graminifolia Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 627 (1901)
= Limnorchis leucostachys (Lindl.) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 106 (1900)
= Limnorchis leucostachys subsp. robusta (Rydb.) Piper & Beattie; Fl. N.W. Coast [Piper & Beattie] 110 (1915)
= Limnorchis leucostachys var. robusta Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 626 (1901)
= Piperia dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Szlach. & Rutk.; Acta Bot. Fenn. 169: 380 (2000)
= Platanthera dilatata var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 225 (1975), isonym
= Platanthera hyperborea var. leucostachys (Lindl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 642 (1901)
= Platanthera leucostachys Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 288 (1835)
species :
Platanthera dulongensis X.H.Jin & Efimov; Nordic J. Bot. 30(3): 294 (2012)
Distribution: China (Yunnan); Nepal; India (Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
36 CHI 40 IND NEP 41 MYA
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera fugongensis Ormerod; Taiwania 58: 29 (2013)
species :
Platanthera elegans Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 285 (1835)
subspecies :
subsp. elegans
Name: Woodrein Orchid
Distribution: C-Canada (British Columbia, Vancouver Isl.); NW-USA (Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, W-Montana)
71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria elegans (Lindl.) Bol.; Cat. Pl. San Francisco 29 (1870)
= Habenaria elegans (Lindl.) Jeps.; Fl. Calif. [Jepson] 1: 330 (1921), isonym
= Habenaria elegans var. maritima (Greene) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 113 (1910), nom. illeg.
= Habenaria elegans var. multiflora (Rydb.) M.Peck; Man. Pl. Oregon 219 (1941)
= Habenaria greenei Jeps.; Leafl. W. Bot. 4: 260 (1946) [nom. nov. superfl.]
= Habenaria maritima Greene; Pittonia 2: 298 (1892), et Man. Bot. San Francisco Bay (1894) 306 [non Raf. 1833]
= Habenaria multiflora (Rydb.) Blank.; Montana Agric. Coll. Sci. Studies, Bot. 1: 45 (1905)
= Habenaria unalascensis subsp. maritima (Greene) Calder & Roy L.Taylor; Canad. J. Bot. 43: 1393 (1965)
= Habenaria unalascensis var. maritima (Greene) Correll; Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 247 (1943)
= Montolivaea elegans (Lindl.) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 106 (1900) [p. p., non Rchb. 1881]
= Piperia elegans (Lindl.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 270 (1901)
= Piperia maritima Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 641 (1901)
= Piperia multiflora Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 638 (1901)
= Platanthera elegans subsp. maritima (Greene) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
= Platanthera unalascensis subsp. maritima (Greene) De Filipps; Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 44: 405, 796 (1975)
subspecies :
subsp. decurtata (Rand.Morgan & Glic.) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (C-California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia elegans subsp. decurtata Rand.Morgan & Glic.; Lindleyana 8(2): 93 (1993)
species :
Platanthera elliptica J.J.Sm.; Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, Sér. 2, 13: 53 (1914)
Distribution: New Guinea (Irian Jaya: Arfak Mts.)
42 NWG
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera arfakensis Renz; J. Orchid Soc. India 1 (1­2): 25 (1987)
species :
Platanthera elmeri (Ames) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 108 (1919)
Distribution: Philippines (Mindanao)
42 PHI
Remarks: often included in P. angustata s. l.
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria elmeri Ames; Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 5: 1550 (1912)
species :
Platanthera elongata (Rydb.) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Magadan, Sakhalin); C-Canada (British Columbia); W-USA (California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington)
31 RFE 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia longispica Durand; J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, Ser. 2, 3: 101 (1855)
= Habenaria elegans var. elata Jeps.; Fl. Calif. [Jepson] 1: 330 (1921)
= Habenaria longispica (Durand) Parish; Pl. World 20: 209 (1917)
= Habenaria unalascensis subsp. elata (Jeps.) Calder; Canad. J. Bot. 43: 1393 (1965)
= Habenaria unalascensis var. elata (Jeps.) Correll; Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 246 (1943)
= Piperia elegans var. elata (Jeps.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 167 (1975)
= Piperia elongata Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 270 (1901)
= Piperia longispica (Durand) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 639 (1901)
= Platanthera unalascensis subsp. elata (Jeps.) R.L.Taylor & MacBryde; Canad. J. Bot. 56(2): 192 (1978)
species :
Platanthera ephemerantha R.M.Bateman; Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 104(3): 439 (2009), nom. nov.
Distribution: SE-Alaska; Canada (British Columbia); USA (California, Oregon, Washington)
70 ASK 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia candida Rand.Morgan & Ackerman; Lindleyana 5: 207 (1990)
= Platanthera candida (Rand.Morgan & Ackerman) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
species :
Platanthera epiphytica Aver. & Efimov; Rheedea 16(1): 10 (2006)
Distribution: Vietnam
41 VIE
species :
Platanthera finetiana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 23 (1910)
Distribution: China (SE-Gansu, W-Hubei, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria stenantha var. auriculata (Finet) S.Y.Hu; Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 27 (1-2): 171 (1974)
= Hemihabenaria stenantha var. auriculata Finet; Rev. Gén. Bot. 13: 533 (1901)
= Platanthera likiangensis Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 58 (1951)
= Platanthera sinica Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 59 (1951)
= Tulotis finetiana (Schltr.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
= Tulotis sinica (Tang & F.T.Wang) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera flava (L.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 293 (1835)
Name: Southern tubercled Orchid
Distribution: Canada (Nova Scotia, Ontario); USA (Alabama, Arkansas, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria flava (L.) R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 312 (1810)
= Habenaria flava (L.) R.Br. ex Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 691 (1826)
= Habenaria flava f. lutea Louis-Marie ex B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 109: 278 (1982)
= Habenaria scutellata (Nutt.) F.J.A.Morris & E.A.Eames; Our Wild Orchids 58 (1929)
= Orchis bidentata Elliott; Sketch Bot. S. Carolina [Elliott] 2: 488 (1823)
= Orchis flava L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 942 (1753)
= Orchis scutellata Nutt.; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n. s., 5: 161 (1835)
= Perularia bidentata (Elliott) Small; Fl. S.E. U.S., ed. 2 [Small] 314 (1913)
= Perularia flava (L.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 292 (1901)
= Perularia flava (L.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 286 (1919), isonym
= Perularia scutellata (Nutt.) Small; Fl. S.E. U.S., ed. 2 [Small] 314 (1913)
= Platanthera flava f. lutea (Louis-Marie ex B.Boivin) R.E.Whiting & Catling; Naturaliste Canad. 109(2): 278 (1982)
= Tulotis flava (L.) Senghas; Orchidee (Hamburg) 24(3): 97 (1973)
variant :
var. herbiola (R.Br.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 214 (1975)
Distribution: Canada (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Québec); USA (Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michitan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria flava var. herbiola (R.Br.) Ames & Correll; Bot. Mus. Leafl. 11: 61 (1943)
= Habenaria herbiola R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 193 (1813)
= Orchis fuscata Raf.; Atlantic J. 150 (1832)
= Orchis glareosa Raf.; Atlantic J. 150 (1832)
= Orchis herbiola (R.Br.) Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 743 (1814)
= Platanthera herbiola (R.Br.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 287 (1835)
= Tulotis flava var. herbiola (R.Br.) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 157 (1976), et Orchidee 28(2): 69 (1977)
= Tulotis herbiola (R.Br.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 37 (1837)
species :
Platanthera florentii Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 514 (1879)
Distribution: Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera listeroides Takeda; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 24: 109 (1910)
species :
Platanthera fujianensis B.H.Chen & X.H.Jin; Phytotaxa 286(2): 116 (2016)
Distribution: China (Fujian)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera fuscescens (L.) Kraenzl.; Russk. Bot. Zhurn. 39 (1913)
Distribution: Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, W-Siberia, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Primorye, Sakhalin); China (Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, E-Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); Mongolia; North Korea; South Korea
30 SIB 31 RFE 36 CHI 37 MON 38 KOR NKO
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria ghiesbreghtiana (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Hemsl.; Biol. Centr.-Amer., Bot. 3: 305 (1884)
= Habenaria pugionifera W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 209 (1921)
= Habenaria shensiana Kraenzl.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36: Beibl. 82: 24 (1905)
= Orchis fuscescens L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 943 (1753)
= Perularia fuscescens (L.) Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. 20(1): 1701 (1834)
= Perularia shensiana (Kraenzl.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 98 (1919)
= Perularia souliei (Kraenzl.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 99 (1919)
= Platanthera fuscescens (L.) Y.Z.Zhao; Classific. Florist. Ecol. Geogr. Distrib. Vasc. Pl. Inner Mongolia 754 (2021), isonym
= Platanthera fuscescens var. orientalis Kraenzl.; Russk. Bot. Zhurn. 3-4: 40 (1913)
= Platanthera pugionifera (W.W.Sm.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 381 (1924)
= Platanthera shensiana (Kraenzl.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 59 (1951)
= Platanthera souliei Kraenzl.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 5: 199 (1908)
= Tulotis asiatica H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955), nom. illeg.
= Tulotis fuscescens (L.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 37 (1886) ex Czerep., Svod Dopolnenii i izmenenii k "Flore S.S.S.R." 622 (1973)
= Tulotis shensiana (Kraenzl.) H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955)
= Tulotis souliei (Kraenzl.) H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955)
species :
Platanthera gonggana (Ormerod) Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 139 (2016)
Distribution: China (Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Herminium gongganum Ormerod; Taiwania 58(1): 27 (2013)
species :
Platanthera grandiflora (Bigelow) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
Name: Large Purple Fringed Orchid
Distribution: Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec); NE-USA (Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia)
72 CDN 75 USA 76 USA 78 USA
Remarks: psycodes agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis grandiflora (Bigelow) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Blephariglottis grandiflora f. albiflora (E.L.Rand & Redfield) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis grandiflora f. bicolor (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis grandiflora f. carnea (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis grandiflora f. mentotonsa (Fernald) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis psycodes var. grandiflora (Bigelow) J.H.Schaffner; Cat. Ohio Vasc. Pl. 161 (1914)
= Fimbriella grandiflora (Bigelow) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008 publ. 2009)
= Fimbriella psycodes var. grandiflora (Bigelow) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Habenaria fimbriata (Aiton) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 193 (1813)
= Habenaria fimbriata f. albiflora E.L.Rand & Redfield; Fl. Mt. Desert Isl. 153 (1894)
= Habenaria fimbriata f. mentotonsa Fernald; Rhodora 48: 184 (1946)
= Habenaria grandiflora (Bigelow) Torr.; Comp. Fl. N. Middle Stat. 319 (1826)
= Habenaria grandiflora (Bigelow) Torr. ex L.C.Beck; Bot. North. Middle States [Beck] 349 (1833)
= Habenaria psycodes var. grandiflora (Bigelow) A.Gray; Amer. J. Sci. Arts 38: 310 (1840)
= Orchis fimbriata Aiton; Hort. Kew. [W. Aiton] 3: 297 (1789)
= Orchis grandiflora Bigelow; Fl. Boston., ed. 2: 343 (1824)
= Platanthera fimbriata (Aiton) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 293 (1835)
= Platanthera fimbriata var. grandiflora (Bigelow) Hook.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Hooker] 2: 200 (1839)
= Platanthera grandiflora f. albiflora (E.L.Rand & Redfield) Catling; Naturaliste Canad. 109: 277 (1982)
= Platanthera grandiflora f. bicolor P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 12 (1995)
= Platanthera grandiflora f. carnea P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 12 (1995)
= Platanthera grandiflora f. mentotonsa (Fernald) P.M.Br.; Wild Flower Notes 3(1): 22 (1988)
= Platanthera psycodes var. grandiflora (Bigelow) Torr.; Fl. New York 2: 278 (1843)
species :
Platanthera guangdongensis Y.F.Li, L.F.Wu & L.J.Chen; Phytotaxa 343(3): 207 (2018)
Distribution: China (Guangdong)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera guatemalensis Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 193 (1918)
Distribution: Guatemala
80 GUA
Remarks: bona sp. fide Flora Mesoamericana, not a synonym of P. limosa
species :
Platanthera hachijoensis Honda; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49: 2 (1935)
Distribution: Japan (Izu Isl., Yakushima Isl.); Ryukyu Isl. (Tokara-retto)
Remarks: mandarinorum agg., often included in P. angustata s. l.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. hachijoensis (Honda) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 55 (1971)
= Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. hachijoensis (Honda) Murata; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22: 66 (1966)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. hachijoensis (Honda) Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
= Platanthera pachyglossa var. hachijoensis (Honda) K.Inoue; Fl. Jap. [Iwatsuki et al., eds.] 4b: 217 (2016)
species :
Platanthera halconensis (Ames) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 212 (1911)
Distribution: Philippines (Mindoro)
42 PHI
Remarks: often included in P. angustata s. l.
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria halconensis Ames; Philipp. J. Sci., C 2: 312 (1907)
species :
Platanthera handel-mazzettii K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 61(7): 195 (1986)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan: Gongshan); India (Sikkim)
36 CHI 40 IND
species :
Platanthera holmboei H.Lindb.; Årsbok-Vuosik. Soc. Sci. Fenn. 20B: 7 (1942)
Name: Holmboes Waldhyazinthe (DE)
Distribution: East Aegaean Isl. (Samos); Turkey (S-Anatolia, SW-Anatolia); Cyprus; Lebanon; NW-Syria; Israel; Lebanon
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera chlorantha subsp. holmboei (H.Lindb.) J.J.Wood; Orchid Rev. 88 (1042): 122 (1980)
= Platanthera montana subsp. holmboei (H.Lindb.) Ströhle; J. Eur. Orch. 35(4): 834 (2003)
variant :
var. lesbiaca (Devillers-Tersch., Devillers, Dedroog, Baeten & Flausch) Kreutz; Guide Orchids Europe N. Afr. Middle E. 259 (2024)
Distribution: East Aegaean Isl. (Lesvos)
34 EAI
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera lesbiaca Devillers-Tersch., Devillers, Dedroog, Baeten & Flausch; Naturalistes Belges 91: 244 (2010)
species :
Platanthera hologlottis Maxim.; Prim. Fl. Amur. 268 (1859)
Distribution: Siberia (Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk); Russian Far East (Amur, Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Primorye); China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Shandong, W-Sichuan, W-Yunnan, Zhejiang); North Korea; South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria glossophora W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 206 (1921)
= Habenaria neuropetala Miq.; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 207 (1866)
= Limnorchis hologlottis (Maxim.) Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 666 (1935)
= Platanthera glossophora (W.W.Sm.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 381 (1924)
= Platanthera hologlottis var. glossophora (W.W.Sm.) K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 58(10): 306 (1983)
= Platanthera neuropetala (Miq.) Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 33 (1879)
= Tulotis hologlottis (Maxim.) Efimov; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 92(9): 1450 (2007)
species :
Platanthera hondoensis (Ohwi) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13: 200 (1982)
Distribution: Japan (Honshu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera sachalinensis var. hondoensis Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
species :
Platanthera hookeri (Torr. ex A.Gray) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
Distribution: E-Canada (Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec); USA (Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin)
71 CDN 72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria hookeri Torr.; Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. New York 3: 299 (1835)
= Habenaria hookeri var. abbreviata Fernald; Rhodora 35: 239 (1933)
= Habenaria hookeri var. oblongifolia (C.N.Paine) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray], ed. 5: 501 (1867)
= Habenaria hookeriana Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
= Habenaria oblongifolia (C.N.Paine) G.G.Niles; Bog-trotting Orchids 250 (1904)
= Habenaria orbiculata Goldie; Edinburgh New Philos. J. 6: 331 (1822) [non (Pursh) Torr.)]
= Lysias hookeriana (Lindl.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 295 (1901)
= Orchis hookeri (Torr.) Alph.Wood; Amer. Bot. Fl. 327 (1870)
= Orchis hookeriana (Lindl.) Oakes; Cat. Vermont Pl. [Oakes] 27 (1842)
= Platanthera hookeri f. abbreviata (Fernald) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 14 (1995)
= Platanthera hookeri f. oblongifolia (C.N.Paine) P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes 284 (2006)
= Platanthera hookeri var. abbreviata (Fernald) Catling; Naturaliste Canad. 109(2): 278 (1982)
= Platanthera hookeri var. abbreviata (Fernald) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 156 (1976), et Orchidee 28(2): 69 (1977)
= Platanthera hookeri var. oblongifolia C.N.Paine; Rep. (Annual) Regents Univ. State New York State Cab. Nat. Hist. 18: 135 (1865)
species :
Platanthera huronensis (Nutt.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 288 (1835)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kuril Isl., Kamchatka, Commander Isl.); Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); Alaska; Aleutes; Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec, Yukon); USA (Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
31 RFE 38 JAP 70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Remarks: this species has long been treated within P. hyperborea, see Flora of North America
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria dilatata f. chlorantha (Hultén) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 636 (1967)
= Habenaria dilatata var. media (Rydb.) Ames; Rhodora 10: 70 (1908)
= Habenaria dilatata var. media (Rydb.) Hultén; Fl. Aleutian Isl. 139 (1937), isonym
= Habenaria huronensis (Nutt.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 688 (1826)
= Habenaria hyperborea var. huronensis (Nutt.) Farw.; Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 1: 92 (1923)
= Habenaria hyperborea var. media (Rydb.) Farw.; Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 1: 92 (1923)
= Habenaria media (Rydb.) G.G.Niles; Bog-trotting Orchids 252 (1904)
= Limnorchis huronensis (Nutt.) Rebrist. & Elven; J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 434 (2008)
= Limnorchis huronensis (Nutt.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 294 (1901)
= Limnorchis major (Lange) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 617 (1901) [p. p.]
= Limnorchis media Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 294 (1901)
= Orchis huronensis Nutt.; Gen. N. Amer. Pl. [Nuttall] 2: 189 (1818)
= Orchis hyperborea var. huronensis (Nutt.) Alph.Wood; Class-book Bot. (ed. 29): 533 (1853)
= Platanthera convallariifolia var. dilatatoides Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., Ser. 2, 39(2): 476 (1943)
= Platanthera dilatata var. chlorantha Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., Ser. 2, 39(2): 477 (1943)
= Platanthera dilatata var. media (Rydb.) Hultén; Fl. Aleutian Isl. 139 (1937)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. dilatatoides Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., 2, 39: 476 (1943)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. huronensis (Nutt.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 230 (1975)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. major Lange; Consp. Fl. Groenland. 118 (1880)
= Platanthera ×media (Rydb.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 229 (1975)
species :
Platanthera hyperborea (L.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 287 (1835)
Name: Nördliche Waldhyazinthe
Distribution: Iceland; Greenland
10 ICE 70 GNL
Remarks: status fide Flora of North America (2002), for North American taxa see P. huronensis
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia hyperborea (L.) Link; Handbuch [Link] 1: 242 (1829)
= Habenaria borealis Cham.; Linnaea 3: 28 (1828)
= Habenaria dilatata var. borealis (Cham.) Muenscher; Fl. Whatcom 76 (1941)
= Habenaria hyperborea (L.) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 193 (1813)
= Limnorchis borealis (Cham.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 621 (1901)
= Limnorchis brachypetala Britton & Rydb.; Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 2: 161 (1901)
= Limnorchis hyperborea (L.) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 104 (1900), et in Ill. Fl. N. U.S. [Britton & Brown], ed. 2, 1: 554 (1913)
= Orchis acuta Banks ex Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1813)
= Orchis hyperborea L.; Mant. Pl. 1: 121 (1767)
= Orchis koenigii Gunnerus; Fl. Norveg. 2: 103 (1772)
= Platanthera borealis (Cham.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 125 (1851)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. minor Lange; Consp. Fl. Groenland. 118 (1880)
= Platanthera koenigii (Gunnerus) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
species :
Platanthera iinumae Makino; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 89 (1902)
Distribution: Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia iinumae (Makino) Miyabe & Kudô; Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 9: 64 (1924)
= Perularia iinumae (Makino) Ohwi; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 1: 142 (1932)
= Tulotis iinumae (Makino) H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955)
species :
Platanthera integra (Nutt.) A.Gray ex Beck; Bot. North Middle States, ed. 2: 348 (1848)
Name: Yellow Fringless-Orchid
Distribution: SE-USA (Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas)
75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia flava Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 279 (1835)
= Gymnadeniopsis integra (Nutt.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 293 (1901)
= Habenaria crocea (Raf.) Raf.; Atlantic J. 1: 119 (1832)
= Habenaria elliottii L.C.Beck; Bot. North. Middle States [Beck] 348 (1833), non Rolfe
= Habenaria integra (Nutt.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 689 (1826)
= Orchis crocea Raf.; Atlantic J. 119 (1832)
= Orchis integra Nutt.; Gen. N. Amer. Pl. [Nuttall] 2: 188 (1818)
= Perularia flava (Lindl.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 286 (1919)
species :
Platanthera integrilabia (Correll) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 186 (1975)
Name: Monkey-face
Distribution: E-USA (N-Alabama, NW-Georgia, S-Kentucky, NE-Mississippi, +W-North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
75 USA 78 USA
Conservation Status: IUCN V (V in Alabama, Tennessee, E in Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, South Carolina, Ex in North Carolina, I in Louisiana, Virginia)
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis integrilabia (Correll) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 156 (1976), et Orchidee 28(2): 69 (1977)
= Habenaria blephariglottis var. integrilabia Correll; Bot. Mus. Leafl. 9: 153 (1941)
= Habenaria correlliana Cronquist; Man. Vasc. Pl. NorthE. U.S. Canad., ed. 2, 864, 858 (1991), nom. nov.
species :
Platanthera japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 290 (1835)
Distribution: China (Anhui, Chongqing, Gansu, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang); South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu); Ryukyu Isl. (Okinawa, Amami Oshima); Bonin Isl. (Chichijima, Hahajima, Anijima, Otohtojima, Mukohjima); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Sikkim, Uttarakhand)
Conservation Status: IUCN R (Bonin Isl.)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria arcuata (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 155 (1890)
= Habenaria japonica (Thunb.) A.Gray; Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts, n. s. 6: 410 (1858 publ. 1859)
= Habenaria omeiensis Rolfe; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1896: 203 (1896)
= Orchis japonica Thunb.; Fl. Jap. [Thunberg] 26 (1784), et Linnaeus, Syst. Veg., ed. 14: 811 (1784)
= Platanthera arcuata Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 289 (1835)
= Platanthera manubriata Kraenzl. ex Diels; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29: 265 (1901)
= Platanthera omeiensis (Rolfe) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 116 (1919)
= Platanthera setchuanica Kraenzl.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29: 265 (1901)
= Platanthera stenantha subsp. omeiensis (Rolfe) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 363 (1929)
= Tulotis japonica (Thunb.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera jiuwanshanensis Ying Qin & Yan Liu; Phytotaxa 436(1): 72 (2020)
Distribution: China (Guangxi)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera kinabaluensis Kraenzl. ex Rolfe; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 160 (1914)
Distribution: Borneo (Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu)
42 BOR
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria crassinervia Ames & C.Schweinf.; Orchidaceae [Ames] 6: 6 (1920)
= Habenaria gibbsiae (Rolfe) Ames & C.Schweinf.; Orchidaceae [Ames] 6: 8 (1920)
= Habenaria kinabaluensis (Kraenzl. ex Rolfe) Ames & C.Schweinf.; Orchidaceae [Ames] 6: 9 (1920)
= Platanthera crassinervia (Ames & C.Schweinf.) J.J.Sm.; Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 7: 12 (1927)
= Platanthera gibbsiae Rolfe; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 160 (1914)
species :
Platanthera klossii (Ridl.) Efimov; Checkl. Papuasian Orchids 388 (2017)
Distribution: Moluccas (Ambon); New Guinea (Irian Jaya)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria klossii Ridl.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot., Ser. 2, 9: 209 (1916)
= Platanthera robinsonii J.J.Sm.; Philipp. J. Sci., C 12: 250 (1917)
variant :
var. elatior (J.J.Sm.) S.Nowak & Efimov; New Zealand J. Bot. 58(3): 239 (2020)
Distribution: New Guinea (Irian Jaya)
42 NWG
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera elliptica var. elatior J.J.Sm.; Fl. Arfak Mts. [Gibbs] 106 (1917)
variant :
var. longicalcarata (J.J.Sm.) Efimov; Checkl. Papuasian Orchids 388 (2017)
Distribution: New Guinea (Irian Jaya)
42 NWG
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera elliptica var. longicalcarata J.J.Sm.; Fl. Arfak Mts. [Gibbs] 106 (1917)
= Platanthera robinsonii var. longicalcarata (J.J.Sm.) Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 132 (2016)
species :
Platanthera komarovii Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 210 (1918)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Primorye, ?Sakhalin); Japan (Honshu); North Korea; ?South Korea; NE-China (Jilin)
31 RFE 36 CHI 38 JAP NKO
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera cornu-bovis Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 662, 752 (1935)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. cornu-bovis (Nevski) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 187 (1982), isonym
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. cornu-bovis (Nevski) Kitag.; Neolin. Fl. Manshur. 199 (1979)
species :
Platanthera kuenkelei H.Baumann; Mitt. Arbeitskreises Heimische Orchideen 13(1): 120 (1981)
Distribution: NE-Algeria; NW-Tunisia
Remarks: often included in P. bifolia s. l.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. kuenkelei (H.Baumann) Kreutz; Kompend. Eur. Orchid. 133 (2004)
= Platanthera bifolia var. kuenkelei (H.Baumann) P.Delforge; Naturalistes Belges 81(4): 398 (2000)
variant :
var. sardoa R.Lorenz, Akhalk., H.Baumann, Cortis, Cogoni & Scrugli; J. Eur. Orch. 44: 20 (2012)
Distribution: Sardinia
12 SAR
Remarks: often included in P. bifolia s. l.
species :
Platanthera kwangsiensis K.Y.Lang; Guihaia 18(1): 5-6, f. 1 (1998)
Distribution: China (N-Guangxi: Xingan Xian)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera lacera (Michx.) G.Don; Hort. Brit. [Sweet], ed. 3: 650 (1839)
Name: Ragged Fringed Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec); USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
71 CDN 72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis lacera (Michx.) Farw.; Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 42 (1901), isonym
= Blephariglottis lacera (Michx.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Blephariglottis lacera f. elongata (Peck) House; Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 243-244: 15 (1923)
= Fimbriella lacera (Michx.) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 323 (1981)
= Habenaria lacera (Michx.) R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 312 (1810)
= Habenaria lacera (Michx.) R.Br. ex Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 693 (1826)
= Habenaria lacera var. elongata Peck; Rep. (Annual) Regents Univ. State New York New York State Mus. 46: 129 (1893)
= Habenaria psycodes Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 693 (1826) [non L.]
= Orchis habenaria Walter; Fl. Carol. [Walter] 220 (1788) [non L.]
= Orchis lacera Michx.; Fl. Bor.-Amer. [Michaux] 2: 156 (1803)
= Orchis psycodes Muhl. ex Willd.; Cat. ed. I, 80 (1805) [non L.]
= Platanthera psycodes (Muhl.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
species :
Platanthera lachungensis K.Prasad; Rheedea 33(2): 38 (2023)
Distribution: N-India (Sikkim)
40 IND
species :
Platanthera leptocaulon (Hook.f.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 360 (1929)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); S-Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria leptocaulon Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 154 (1890)
= Platanthera leptocaulon (Hook.f.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 58 (1951)
species :
Platanthera leptopetala (Rydb.) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia leptopetala Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 637 (1901)
species :
Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
Name: Prairie Fringed Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (Ontario); USA (Maine, +NW-New York, Michigan, Ohio, +Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, SE-North Dakota, E-South Dakota, +E-Nebraska, E-Kansas, +Missouri, Iowa, N-Arkansas, N-Louisiana, +New Jersey, +Oklahoma, +Pennsylvania, Virginia)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 78 USA
Conservation Status: IUCN V (V in Ontario, Ohio, I in Louisiana, E in Illinois, Maine, Michigan, Virginia, Wisconsin, Ex/E in Nebraska, New York, Ex in Indiana, Missori, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania)
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis leucophaea (Nutt.) Farw.; Rep. Michigan Acad. Sci. 2: 42 (1901)
= Blephariglottis leucophaea (Nutt.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Fimbriella leucophaea (Nutt.) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Fimbriella leucophaea (Nutt.) Farw.; Ann. Rep. Comm. Parks Detroit 11: 55 (1900)
= Habenaria leucophaea (Nutt.) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray] ed. 5: 502 (1867)
= Orchis leucophaea Nutt.; Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n. s., 5: 161 (1835)
species :
Platanthera linearifolia (Ohwi) Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 111 (2016)
Distribution: S-Japan (Yakushima Isl.)
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera nipponica var. linearifolia (Ohwi) Masam.; J. Geobot. 12: 99 (1964)
= Platanthera tipuloides subsp. linearifolia (Ohwi) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 197 (1982)
= Platanthera tipuloides var. linearifolia Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
species :
Platanthera linzhiensis X.H.Jin, Jian W.Li & D.L.Lin; Phytotaxa 646(2): 204 (2024)
Distribution: SE-Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Platanthera longibracteata Lindl.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 7048 (1832), nomen, et Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 293 (1835)
Distribution: Myanmar
41 MYA
Remarks: provisionally accepted name
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria longibracteata (Lindl.) Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 166 (1890), nom. illeg.
species :
Platanthera longicalcarata Hayata; J. Coll. Sci. Imp. Univ. Tokyo 30: Art. 1, 350 (1911)
Distribution: Taiwan
38 TAI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria longicalcarata (Hayata) S.S.Ying; Coloured Ill. Indig. Orchids Taiwan 1(2): 379 (1977)
= Plantaginorchis longicalcarata (Hayata) Szlach. & Kras-Lap.; Richardiana 6(1): 32 (2006)
= Tulotis longicalcarata (Hayata) T.S.Liu & H.J.Su; Fl. Taiwan 5: 1124 (1978)
species :
Platanthera longifolia A.Rich. & Galeotti; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 3, 3: 30 (1845)
Distribution: Mexico (Veracruz)
79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria richardii Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 99 (1910), nom. illeg.
species :
Platanthera mandarinorum Rchb.f.; Linnaea 25: 226 (1852)
subspecies :
subsp. mandarinorum
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kuril Isl., Primorye, Sakhalin); China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, NE-Yunnan)
31 RFE 36 CHI
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria japonica var. montana Miq.; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 207 (1866)
= Habenaria mandarinorum (Rchb.f.) Herklots; Orchids (Hong Kong Nat. Ser.) 21, 42 (1939)
= Platanthera delavayi Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 281 (1911)
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. elongatocalcarata (Koidz.) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 56 (1971)
= Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. winkleriana (Schltr.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 361 (1929)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. delavayi (Schltr.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 361 (1929)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. elongatocalcarata Koidz.; Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat. 36 (1930)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. micrantha Pamp.; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n. s. 22: 272 (1915)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. ophryodes Finet; Rev. Gén. Bot. 13: 512 (1901)
= Platanthera minax Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 12: 336 (1922)
= Platanthera winkleriana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 12: 335 (1922)
variant :
var. ophrydioides (F.Schmidt) Finet; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 47: 282 (1900)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kuril Isl., Sakhalin); Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu); Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. australis (Ohwi) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 185 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. monophylla (Honda) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13: 185 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. ophrydioides (F.Schmidt) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13: 184 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. monophylla (Honda) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 185 (1982)
= Platanthera ophrydioides f. australis (Ohwi) Makino; Ill. Fl. Nippon 699 (1940)
= Platanthera ophrydioides f. monophylla (Honda) Makino; Ill. Fl. Nippon 699 (1940)
= Platanthera ophrydioides F.Schmidt; Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 12: 182 (1868)
= Platanthera ophrydioides subsp. platycorys (Schltr.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 362 (1929)
= Platanthera ophrydioides var. australis Ohwi; J. Jap. Bot. 12: 383 (1936)
= Platanthera ophrydioides var. monophylla Honda; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 46: 634 (1932)
= Platanthera ophrydioides var. platycorys (Schltr.) F.Maek.
= Platanthera platycorys Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 44 (1919)
= Platanthera reinii Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 513 (1879)
subspecies :
subsp. pachyglossa (Hayata) T.P.Lin & K.Inoue; J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 28(1): 10 (1980)
Distribution: C- to N-Taiwan
38 TAI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria pachyglossa (Hayata) Masam.; J. Geobot. 16: t. 15 (1968)
= Platanthera pachyglossa Hayata; Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 133 (1914)
species :
Platanthera maximowicziana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 114 (1919)
Distribution: Russian Far East (S-Kuril Isl.); North Korea; South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu)
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera komarovii subsp. maximowicziana (Schltr.) Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 91 (2016)
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. maximowicziana (Schltr.) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 55 (1971)
= Platanthera mandarinorum subsp. maximowicziana (Schltr.) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 186 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. maximowicziana (Schltr.) Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
species :
Platanthera mearnsii (Ames) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 107 (1919)
Distribution: Philippines (Luzon)
42 PHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria mearnsii Ames; Philipp. J. Sci., C 7: 3 (1912)
species :
Platanthera medogensis X.H.Jin & D.L.Lin; Phytotaxa 646(2): 117 (2024)
Distribution: SE-Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Platanthera metabifolia F.Maek.; J. Jap. Bot. 11: 303 (1935)
Distribution: China (Gansu, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan); Japan (Hokkaido)
36 CHI 38 JAP
Remarks: often included in P. bifolia, for example by Flora of China
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera bifolia subsp. extremiorientalis (Nevski) Soó; Ann. Univ. Sci. Budapest. Rolando Eötvös, Sect. Biol. 11: 61 (1969)
= Platanthera chlorantha var. metabifolia (F.Maek.) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 55 (1971)
= Platanthera extremiorientalis Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 657, 753 (1935)
species :
Platanthera michaelii (Greene) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria michaelii Greene; Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1: IV. (1885) 281, et Man. Bot. San Francisco Bay, 306
= Piperia elongata subsp. michaelii (Greene) Ackerman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 75(3): 266 (1977 publ. 1978)
= Piperia michaelii (Greene) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 640 (1901)
species :
Platanthera micrantha (Hochst.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 378 (1920)
Name: Kleinblütige Waldhyazinthe
Distribution: Azores (Sao Miguel, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores Isl., Corvo)
21 AZO
Conservation Status: IUCN V
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria micrantha Hochst. ex Seub.; Fl. Azor. [Seubert] 25 (1844)
species :
Platanthera milinensis X.H.Jin, Schuit. & C.B.Ma; Pl. Diversity 43(5): 397 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Platanthera miniangustata Efimov; Phytotaxa 254(1): 118 (2016)
Distribution: Vietnam
41 VIE
species :
Platanthera minor (Miq.) Rchb.f.; Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 36: 75 (1878)
Distribution: China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang); South Korea; Japan (Kyushu, Honshu, Shikoku); N-Ryukyu Isl. (Osumi Gunto); Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria henryi Rolfe; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1896: 202 (1896)
= Habenaria japonica var. minor Miq.; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 207 (1866)
= Habenaria multibracteata W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 207 (1921)
= Platanthera anboensis Masam.; Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ., Biol. 9(1): 120 (1965)
= Platanthera damingshanica K.Y.Lang & H.S.Guo; Fl. Zhejiang 7: 552 (1993)
= Platanthera henryi (Rolfe) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 632 (1898)
= Platanthera henryi (Rolfe) Rolfe; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 36: 55 (1903), isonym
= Platanthera interrupta Maxim.; Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 3, 31: 106 (1886)
= Platanthera lalashaniana S.S.Ying; Coloured Ill. Indig. Orchids Taiwan 2: 311 (-313
= Platanthera minor var. mikurensis Hid.Takah.; J. Geobot. 20: 15 (1972)
= Platanthera multibracteata (W.W.Sm.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 381 (1924)
= Platanthera sigeyosii Masam.; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 46: 773 (1932)
= Platanthera yangmeiensis T.P.Lin; J. Phytogeogr. Taxon. 28(1): 7 (1980)
species :
Platanthera minutiflora Schltr.; Acta Horti Gothob. 1(3): 138 (1924)
Distribution: Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; China (Gansu, Shaanxi, NW- to W-Sichuan, Xinjiang, NW-Yunnan); SE-Tibet; Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Herminium linguliformis Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 61 (1951)
= Lysiella nevskii Aver.; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 66(4): 580 (1981)
= Platanthera herminioides Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 58 (1951)
species :
Platanthera nanlingensis X.H.Jin & W.T.Jin; Ann. Bot. Fenn. 52(5-6): 297 (2015)
Distribution: China (Guangdong)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera nantousylvatica T.P.Lin; Taiwania 60(4): 173 (2015)
Distribution: Taiwan
38 TAI
Remarks: closely related to P. devolii fide molecular data
species :
Platanthera neglecta Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 43 (1919)
Distribution: Japan (Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
38 JAP
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. macrocentron (Franch. & Sav.) Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. neglecta (Schltr.) F.Maek.; Wild Orchids Japan 163 (1971)
= Platanthera oreades var. macrocentron Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 514 (1878)
species :
Platanthera nematocaulon (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 942 (1898)
Distribution: SE-Tibet (Mêdog Xian); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria juncea King & Pantl.; J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 65: 132 (1896)
= Habenaria nematocaulon Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 154 (1890)
= Peristylus nematocaulon (Hook.f.) Banerji & P.Pradhan; Orchids Nepal Himalaya 106 (1984)
= Peristylus nematocaulon (Hook.f.) J.J.Wood; Kew Bull. 41(4): 811 (1986), isonym
= Platanthera juncea (King & Pantl.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 942 (1898)
species :
Platanthera nipponica Makino; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 153 (1902)
Distribution: Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu); N-Ryukyu Isl. (Osumi Gunto)
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera matsumurana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 2: 167 (1906)
= Platanthera tipuloides f. nipponica (Makino) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 56 (1971)
= Platanthera tipuloides subsp. nipponica (Makino) Murata; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22: 65 (1966)
= Platanthera tipuloides var. nipponica (Makino) Ohwi; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus. Tokyo 33: 69 (1953)
species :
Platanthera nivea (Nutt.) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 146 (1972)
Name: Snowy Orchid
Distribution: SE-USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas)
75 USA 77 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia conica Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 380 (1835)
= Gymnadenia nivea (Nutt.) Engelm. & A.Gray; Boston J. Nat. Hist. 5: 236 (1845), isonym
= Gymnadeniopsis nivea (Nutt.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 293 (1901)
= Habenaria nivea (Nutt.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 689 (1826)
= Orchis nivea Nutt.; Gen. N. Amer. Pl. [Nuttall] 2: 188 (1818)
= Peristylus niveus (Nutt.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 520 (1898)
species :
Platanthera nubigena A.Rich. & Galeotti; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 3, 3: 29 (1845)
Distribution: Mexico (Veracruz)
79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria nubigena (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 101 (1910)
= Limnorchis nubigena (A.Rich. & Galeotti) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 284 (1835)
Distribution: Alaska; Aleutes; Canada (Yukon, N. W. T., Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Québec, Labrador, Newfoundland, Anticosti Isl., Prince Edward Isl., Nova Scotia, New Brunswick); N-USA (Colorado, Idaho, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Richardson; Narr. Journey Polar Sea [Franklin] 750 (1823)
= Habenaria obtusata var. collectanea Fernald; Rhodora 28: 175 (1926)
= Lysiella obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 104 (1900)
= Orchis obtusata Banks ex Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1813)
= Platanthera obtusata (Banks ex Pursh) Schur; Verh. Mitth. Siebenbürg. Vereins Naturwiss. Hermannstadt 19: 206 (1868)
= Platanthera obtusata f. collectanea (Fernald) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 14 (1995)
= Platanthera obtusata f. foliosa P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 13 (1995)
= Platanthera obtusata var. collectanea (Fernald) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 157 (1976), et Orchidee 28(2): 69 (1977)
species :
Platanthera okuboi Makino; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 16: 25 (1902)
Distribution: Japan (Honshu)
38 JAP
Conservation Status: IUCN R
species :
Platanthera oligantha Turcz.; Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 27(2): 86 (1854)
Name: Wenigblütige Waldhyazinthe
Distribution: N-Sweden (Norrbotten); N-Finland; N-Norway (Finnmark, Troms); Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Magadan); N-Mongolia
Remarks: often included in P. obtusata as subspecies
Synonyms: hidden
= Lysiella obtusata subsp. oligantha (Turcz.) Tolm.; Arktichesk. Fl. S.S.S.R. 4: 83 (1963)
= Lysiella oligantha (Turcz.) Nevski; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 4: 663 (1935)
= Platanthera obtusata subsp. oligantha (Turcz.) Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund., n. s. 39(1): 481 (1943)
= Platanthera parvula Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 15: 301 (1918)
species :
Platanthera orbicularis (Hook.f.) X.H.Jin, Schuit. & Raskoti; PhytoKeys 79: 72 (2017)
Distribution: Tibet; Bhutan; India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar
36 TIB 40 BHU IND 41 MYA
Synonyms: hidden
= Herminium orbiculare Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 129 (1890)
= Monorchis orbicularis (Hook.f.) O.Schwarz; Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 95 (1949)
= Peristylus orbicularis (Hook.f.) Agrawala, H.J.Chowdhery & S.Choudhury; Kew Bull. 65(1): 106 (2010)
species :
Platanthera orbiculata (Pursh) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
Distribution: SE-Alaska; Canada (SW-N. W. T., Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Anticosti Isl., Québec, Saskatchewan); USA (Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming)
70 ASK 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria menziesii (Lindl.) Macoun; Cat. Canad. Pl. 4: 17 (1888)
= Habenaria orbiculata (Pursh) Hook.; Exot. Fl. 2: t. 145 (1825)
= Habenaria orbiculata (Pursh) Torr.; (1826), isonym
= Habenaria orbiculata var. lehorsii Fernald; Rhodora 52: 61 (1950)
= Habenaria orbiculata var. longifolia Clute; Amer. Bot. (Binghamton) 7: 56 (1904)
= Habenaria orbiculata var. menziesii (Lindl.) Fernald; Rhodora 52: 63 (1950)
= Habenaria orbiculata var. trifolia Mousley; Orchid Rev. 42: 112 (1934)
= Lysias menziesii (Lindl.) Rydb.; Fl. Rocky Mts. 178 (1917)
= Lysias orbiculata (Pursh) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 103 (1900)
= Lysias orbiculata var. pauciflora Jenn.; J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 10: 453 (1920)
= Orchis orbiculata Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1813)
= Platanthera menziesii Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
= Platanthera orbiculata f. lehorsii (Fernald) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(1): 15 (1995)
= Platanthera orbiculata f. longifolia (Clute) P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes 284 (2006)
= Platanthera orbiculata f. pauciflora (Jenn.) P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes 284 (2006)
= Platanthera orbiculata f. trifolia (Mousley) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1: 15 (1995)
= Platanthera orbiculata var. lehorsii (Fernald) Catling; Naturaliste Canad. 109(2): 278 (1982), isonym
= Platanthera orbiculata var. lehorsii (Fernald) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 28: 69 (1977)
variant :
var. macrophylla (Goldie) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 222 (1975)
Distribution: Canada (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Isl., Québec); NE-USA (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont)
72 CDN 75 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria macrophylla Goldie; Edinburgh New Philos. J. 6: 331 (1822)
= Habenaria orbiculata f. macrophylla (Goldie) F.J.A.Morris & E.A.Eames; Our Wild Orchids 122 (1929)
= Habenaria orbiculata var. macrophylla (Goldie) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 524 (1967)
= Lysias macrophylla (Goldie) House; Muhlenbergia 1: 127 (1906)
= Platanthera macrophylla (Goldie) P.M.Br.; Wild Flower Notes 3(1): 23 (1988)
species :
Platanthera oreades Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 514 (1878)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Sakhalin); North Korea; South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera mandarinorum f. brachycentron (Franch. & Sav.) M.Hiroe; Orchid Flowers 2: 55 (1971)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. brachycentron (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz. ex K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13: 183 (1982)
= Platanthera mandarinorum var. oreades (Franch. & Sav.) Koidz.; Fl. Symb. Orient.-Asiat. 36 (1930)
= Platanthera oreades var. brachycentron Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 514 (1878)
species :
Platanthera oreophila (W.W.Sm.) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 381 (1924)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan, NW- & SW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria oreophila W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 208 (1921) [non Greenm. 1903]
species :
Platanthera ovatilabris X.H.Jin & Efimov; Nordic J. Bot. 30(3): 291 (2012)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera pachycaulon (Hook.f.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 364 (1929)
Distribution: China (W-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); SE-Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; Bhutan; N-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal, Uttarakhand); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria oligantha Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 154 (1890)
= Habenaria pachycaulon Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 154 (1890)
= Platanthera elachyantha Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 58 (1951), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera exelliana Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 359 (1929)
species :
Platanthera pallida P.M.Br.; Novon 2: 308 (1992)
Distribution: USA (New York)
75 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis pallida (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60: 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera papuana Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 1: 4 (1911)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea); Bismarck Arch. (New Ireland)
42 NWG 43 BIS
species :
Platanthera peramoena (A.Gray) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray] 473 (1848)
Name: Purple Fringless-Orchid
Distribution: E-USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia)
74 USA 75 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis peramoena (A.Gray) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 297 (1901)
= Blephariglottis peramoena f. doddsiae (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 74 (2009)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. fernaldii (J.Rousseau & Rouleau) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 75 (2009)
= Fimbriella peramoena (A.Gray) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Habenaria fissa R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 312 (1810) [non Willd.]
= Habenaria peramoena (A.Gray) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray] ed. 5: 503 (1867)
= Habenaria psycodes f. leucophaeopsis B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 525 (1967)
= Habenaria psycodes f. nivalis F.Seym.; Fl. New England 195 (1969)
= Habenaria psycodes var. fernaldii J.Rousseau & Rouleau; Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 27: 370 (1957)
= Ophrys fimbriata Walter; Fl. Carol. [Walter] 221 (1788)
= Orchis fissa (R.Br.) Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 589 (1814) [non Willd.]
= Orchis incisa Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 589 (1814) [non Willd.]
= Orchis peramoena (A.Gray) Alph.Wood; Amer. Bot. Fl. 327 (1870)
= Platanthera bigelovii Alph.Wood; Class-book Bot. (ed. 1861): 685 (1861) [excl. syn.]
= Platanthera fissa (Pursh) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
= Platanthera peramoena f. doddsiae P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 30 (2002)
= Platanthera psycodes f. fernaldii (J.Rousseau & Rouleau) P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids Canad. Marit. & N. Gr. Lakes 284 (2006)
species :
Platanthera pervia Peterm.; Anal. Pfl.-Schlüss. 591 (1846)
Distribution: Netherlands; Belgium; NW-Germany; Switzerland
Remarks: taxon genetically different from P. chlorantha and P. bifolia, often also treated as ´P. hybrida´. Occurs probably elsewhere in Europe. Includes other named taxa like "Streuwiesen-Sippe" in Germany. Valid name probably P. pervia.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera bifolia f. pervia (Peterm.) Hegi; Ill. Fl. Mitt.-Eur. [Hegi] 2: 373 (1909)
= Platanthera bifolia var. pervia (Peterm.) Ducommun; Taschenb. Schweiz. Bot. 724 (1869)
= Platanthera muelleri A.Baum & H.Baum; J. Eur. Orch. 49(1): 137 (2017)
= Platanthera solstitialis var. pervia (Peterm.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 121 (1851)
species :
Platanthera pollostantha R.M.Bateman & M.Moura; PeerJ 1(e218): 60 (2013)
Distribution: Azores (Santa Maria Isl., Sao Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores Isl., Corvo)
21 AZO
species :
Platanthera praeclara Sheviak & M.L.Bowles; Rhodora 88 (854): 278 (1986)
Distribution: Canada (Manitoba); C-USA (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Wyoming)
71 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA
Conservation Status: IUCN V (I in Manitoba, V in Iowa, North Dakota, E in Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Ex/E in South Dakota)
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis praeclara (Sheviak & M.L.Bowles) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
= Fimbriella praeclara (Sheviak & M.L.Bowles) Szlach. & Rutk.; Acta Bot. Fenn. 169: 380 (2000)
= Habenaria leucophaea var. praeclara (Sheviak & M.L.Bowles) Cronquist; Man. Vasc. Pl. NorthE. U.S. Canad., ed. 2: 864 (1991)
species :
Platanthera psycodes (L.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
Name: Small Purple Fringed Orchid
Distribution: E-Canada (Newfoundland, Anticosti Isl., Prince Edward Isl., New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Québec, Ontario); NE-USA (Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA 78 USA
Remarks: psycodes agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis fissa (Muhl ex Willd.) G.Keller & Soó; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Sonderbeih. A: 2: 308 (1935)
= Blephariglottis psycodes (L.) Rydb.; Man. Fl. N. States [Britton] 296 (1901)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. albiflora (Ralph Hoffm.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 75 (2009)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. albispicata House; Bull. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist. 243-244: 19 (1923)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. ecalcarata (M.M.Bryan) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 75 (2009)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. rosea (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 75 (2009)
= Blephariglottis psycodes f. varians (M.M.Bryan) Baumbach & P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 75 (2009)
= Fimbriella psycodes (L.) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Habenaria fissa (Muhl. ex Willd.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 693 (1826), nom. illeg.
= Habenaria psycodes (L.) A.Gray; Manual [A.Gray] ed. 5: 502 (1867), isonym
= Habenaria psycodes (L.) Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 693 (1826)
= Habenaria psycodes f. albiflora Ralph Hoffm.; Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 36: 248 (1922)
= Habenaria psycodes f. ecalcarata (M.M.Bryan) Dole; Fl. Vermont, ed. 3: 93 (1937)
= Habenaria psycodes f. varians (M.M.Bryan) Fernald; Rhodora 48: 184 (1946)
= Habenaria psycodes var. ecalcarata M.M.Bryan; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 4: 38 (1917)
= Habenaria psycodes var. varians M.M.Bryan; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 4: 37 (1917)
= Habenaria racemosa Raf.; Ann. Nat. 15 (1820)
= Ophrys fimbriata Walt.; Fl. Carol. [Walter] 221 (1788)
= Orchis cristata W.P.C.Barton; Comp. Fl. Philadelph. [W.P.C.Barton] 2: 137 (1818) [non Michx.]
= Orchis fimbriata (Walt.) Pursh; Fl. Amer. Sept. [Pursh] 2: 588 (1814)
= Orchis fissa Muhl. ex Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4: 40 (1805)
= Orchis incisa Muhl. ex Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 4: 40 (1805)
= Orchis psycodes L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 2: 943 (1753)
= Platanthera crispa Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
= Platanthera fimbriata (Walt.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 293 (1835)
= Platanthera fissa (Muhl. ex Willd.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 294 (1835)
= Platanthera incisa (Willd.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 293 (1835)
= Platanthera psycodes f. albiflora (R.Hoffm.) R.E.Whiting & Catling; Naturaliste Canad. 109(2): 278 (1982)
= Platanthera psycodes f. ecalcarata (M.M.Bryan) P.M.Br.; Wild Flower Notes 3(1): 24 (1988)
= Platanthera psycodes f. rosea P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 1(4): 289 (1995)
= Platanthera psycodes f. varians (M.M.Bryan) P.M.Br.; Wild Flower Notes 3(1): 24 (1988)
species :
Platanthera purpurascens (Rydb.) Sheviak & W.F.Jenn.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 3(4): 445 (1997)
Distribution: USA (Colorado, New Mexico, California, Arizona, Wyoming)
73 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria hyperborea var. purpurascens (Rydb.) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 90 (1910)
= Habenaria purpurascens (Rydb.) Tidestr.; Fl. Ariz. New Mex. 731 (1941)
= Limnorchis purpurascens Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 269 (1901)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. purpurascens (Rydb.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 234 (1975)
species :
Platanthera quadricalcarata T.P.Lin; Taiwania 66: 14 (2021)
Distribution: Taiwan
38 TAI
Remarks: possibly conspecific with P. nematocaulon (Efimov 2016)
species :
Platanthera replicata (A.Rich.) Ackerman; Lindleyana 12: 151 (1997)
Distribution: Cuba
81 CUB
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadeniopsis replicata (A.Rich.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008)
= Habenaria replicata A.Rich.; Hist. Fis. Cuba, Bot. 11: 250 (1850)
species :
Platanthera roseotincta (W.W.Sm.) Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 30 (1940)
Distribution: China (Yunnan: Dêqên Xian, Fugong Xian, Gongshan Drungzu Nuzu Zizhixian); Tibet (Mêdog Xian, Zayü Xian); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Chondradenia doyonensis (Hand.-Mazz.) Verm.; Jahresber. Naturwiss. Vereins Wuppertal 25: 36 (1972)
= Galearis doyonensis (Hand.-Mazz.) P.F.Hunt; Kew Bull. 26(1): 171 (1971)
= Galeorchis doyonensis (Hand.-Mazz.) Soó; Acta Bot. Acad. Sci. Hung. 12: 352 (1966)
= Habenaria roseotincta W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 13: 210 (1921)
= Orchis doyonensis Hand.-Mazz.; Symb. Sin. 7: 1324 (1936)
= Platanthera altigena Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 20: 380 (1924)
species :
Platanthera sachalinensis F.Schmidt; Reis. Amur-Land., Bot. 181 (1868)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Kuril Isl., Sakhalin); North Korea; South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
species :
Platanthera saprophytica J.J.Sm.; Mitt. Inst. Allg. Bot. Hamburg 7: 12 (1927)
Distribution: Borneo (Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Kalimantan)
42 BOR
species :
Platanthera shriveri P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 14(4): 239 (2008)
Distribution: USA (Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina)
75 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis shriveri (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera sikkimensis (Hook.f.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 621 (1898)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan: Gongshan Drungzu Nuzu Zizhixian); Nepal; N-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, West Bengal)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria sikkimensis Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 155 (1890)
= Platanthera sikkimensis (Hook.f.) Pradhan; Indian Orchids 1: 59 (1976), et Indian Orchids 2: 682 (1979), isonym
species :
Platanthera sonoharae Masam.; Sci. Rep. Kanazawa Univ., Biol. 9: No. 1 (Enum. Tracheophyt. Ryukyu Ins. 10) 12 (1964)
Distribution: Ryukyu Isl. (Okinawa); Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Tulotis sonoharae (Masam.) Nakaj.; Enum. Orchids Ryukyus 1: 31 (1971), et Biol. Mag. (Okinawa) 9: 43 (1972)
species :
Platanthera sparsiflora (S.Watson) Schltr.; Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 538 (1899)
Name: Sparsely-flowered Bog Orchid
Distribution: W-USA (S-Oregon, Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah); Mexico (Baja California Norte)
73 USA 76 USA 77 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria aggregata Howell; Fl. N.W. Amer. [Howell] 1: 628 (1902)
= Habenaria laxiflora (Rydb.) Parish; Pl. World 20: 209 (1917)
= Habenaria leucostachys var. viridis Jeps.; Fl. Calif. [Jepson] 1: 331 (1921)
= Habenaria sparsiflora S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 12: 276 (1877)
= Habenaria sparsiflora var. laxiflora (Rydb.) Correll; Leafl. W. Bot. 3: 245 (1943)
= Habenaria thurberi var. grayi S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 7: 389 (1868)
= Limnorchis aggregata (Howell) Frye & Rigg; NW. Fl. 114 (1912)
= Limnorchis ensifolia Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 629 (1901)
= Limnorchis laxiflora Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 630 (1901)
= Limnorchis sparsiflora (S.Watson) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 631 (1901)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. laxiflora (Rydb.) Correll
= Platanthera sparsiflora var. ensifolia (Rydb.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 242 (1975)
species :
Platanthera stapfii Kraenzl. ex Rolfe; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 42: 160 (1914)
Distribution: Borneo (Sabah: Mt. Kinabalu)
42 BOR
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria stapfii (Kraenzl. ex Rolfe) Ames & C.Schweinf.; Orchidaceae [Ames] 6: 9 (1920)
= Habenaria stapfii (Kraenzl. ex Rolfe) Merr.; J. Straits Branch Roy. Asiat. Soc., Spec. No. 139 (1921), isonym
species :
Platanthera stenantha (Hook.f.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 363 (1929)
Distribution: China (Yunnan: Bijiang Xian, Gongshan Drungzu Nuzu Zizhixian); S-Tibet (Mêdog Xian, Yadong Xian); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria stenantha Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 153 (1890)
= Hemihabenaria stenantha (Hook.f.) Finet; Rev. Gén. Bot. 13: 532 (1901)
species :
Platanthera stenochila X.H.Jin, Schuit., Raskoti & Lu Q.Huang; Cladistics 32(2): 210 (2015), nom. nov.
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan); India (Sikkim, West Bengal)
36 CHI 40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Androcorys angustilabris (King & Pantl.) Agrawala & H.J.Chowdhery; Kew Bull. 65(1): 105 (2010)
= Herminium angustilabre King & Pantl.; J. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Pt. 2, Nat. Hist. 65: 131 (1896)
= Monorchis angustilabris (King & Pantl.) O.Schwarz; Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 95 (1949)
= Platanthera angustilabris (King & Pantl.) X.H.Jin, Schuit. & W.T.Jin; Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 77: 51 (2014), nom. illeg. homonym
species :
Platanthera stenoglossa Hayata; Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 123 (1914)
Distribution: Ryukyu Isl. (Iriomote, Ishigakijima); Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera chingshiushania S.S.Ying; Mem. Coll. Agric. Natl. Taiwan Univ. 28(2): 36 (1988)
= Platanthera iriomotensis Masam.; Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 24: 279 (1934)
= Platanthera stenoglossa subsp. hottae K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 56: 124 (1981)
= Platanthera stenoglossa subsp. iriomotensis (Masam.) K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 56: 124 (1981)
= Platanthera stenosepala Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 44 (1919)
species :
Platanthera stenophylla Tang & F.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1(1): 59 (1951)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan: Gongshan); SE-Tibet (Bomi Xian)
species :
Platanthera stricta Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 288 (1835)
Name: Slender Bog Orchid
Distribution: Alaska; Aleutes; C-Canada (S-Yukon, British Columbia, SW-Alberta); NW-USA (Washington, Oregon, N-California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, N-Utah)
70 ASK CDN 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria borealis var. viridiflora Cham.; Linnaea 3: 28 (1828)
= Habenaria convallariifolia var. dilatatoides (Hultén) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 636 (1967)
= Habenaria gracilis (Ledeb.) S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 11: 277 (1876) [non Hook.]
= Habenaria hyperborea var. viridiflora (Cham.) Welsh
= Habenaria neomexicana Tidestr.; Fl. Ariz. New Mex. 731 (1941)
= Habenaria saccata Greene; Erythea 3: 49 (1895)
= Habenaria saccata var. gracilis (Lindl.) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 94: 636 (1967)
= Habenaria septentrionalis Tidestr.; Fl. Ariz. New Mex. 731 (1941)
= Habenaria stricta (Lindl.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 24: 189 (1897) [non A. Rich. & Galeotti]
= Habenaria viridiflora (Cham.) Henry; Fl. S. Brit. Columbia 92 (1915), nom. illeg.
= Limnorchis saccata (Greene) Á.Löve & Simon; Southw. Naturalist 13: 339 (1968)
= Limnorchis stricta (Lindl.) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 105 (1900)
= Limnorchis viridiflora (Cham.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 616 (1901)
= Orchis dolichorhiza Fisch. ex Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 287 (1835)
= Platanthera dilatata var. gracilis Ledeb.; Fl. Ross. [Ledebour] 4: 71 (1853)
= Platanthera dilatata var. viridiflora (Cham.) Ledeb.; Fl. Ross. [Ledebour] 4: 71 (1853)
= Platanthera dolichorrhiza (Fisch. ex Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 127 (1851)
= Platanthera gracilis (Ledeb.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 639 (1899), nom. illeg.
= Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora (Cham.) Kitam.; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 22: 65 (1966)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. viridiflora (Cham.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 233 (1975), isonym
= Platanthera saccata (Greene) Hultén; Ark. Bot., andra ser. 7(1): 35 (1967 publ. 1968)
species :
Platanthera superantha (J.J.Wood) X.H.Jin, Schuit., Raskoti & Lu Q.Huang; Cladistics 32(2): 210 (2015)
Distribution: Nepal; N-India (Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Peristylus superanthus J.J.Wood; Kew Bull. 41(4): 811 (1986)
species :
Platanthera taiwanensis (S.S.Ying) S.C.Chen, S.W.Gale & P.J.Cribb; Fl. China 25: 114 (2009)
Distribution: C- & S-Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera taiwaniana S.S.Ying; Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 8(4): 144 (1975)
= Tulotis taiwanensis (S.S.Ying) S.S.Ying; Quart. J. Chin. Forest. 8(4): 144 (1975)
species :
Platanthera takedae Makino; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 17: 120 (1903)
subspecies :
subsp. takedae
Distribution: Japan (Honshu)
38 JAP
Remarks: mandarinorum agg.
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera ophrydioides subsp. takedae (Makino) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 362 (1929)
= Platanthera ophrydioides var. takedae (Makino) Ohwi; J. Jap. Bot. 26: 236 (1951)
subspecies :
subsp. uzenensis (Ohwi) K.Inoue; J. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, Sect. 3, Bot. 13(2): 192 (1982)
Distribution: Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera takedae var. uzenensis (Ohwi) T.Shimizu; New Alpine Fl. Japan 2: 358 (1983)
= Platanthera uzenensis (Ohwi) F.Maek.; Wild Orchids Japan 167 (1971)
species :
Platanthera tescamnis Sheviak & W.F.Jenn.; Rhodora 108(933): 20 (2006)
Distribution: USA (Utah, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis tescamnis (Sheviak & W.F.Jenn.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 78 (2009)
species :
Platanthera tipuloides (L.f.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 285 (1835)
Distribution: Siberia (Chita, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Kuril Isl., Magadan, Primorye, Sakhalin); China (Anhui, Fujian, Hongkong, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang); Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku)
30 SIB 31 RFE 36 CHI 38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Gymnadenia keiskei (Miq.) Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 513 (1878)
= Habenaria keiskei Miq.; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 207 (1856)
= Habenaria tipuloides (L.f.) Benth.; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 18: 355 (1881)
= Limnorchis tipuloides (L.f.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 78 (2009)
= Orchis gracilis Fisch. ex Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 285 (1835), pro syn.
= Orchis tipuloides L.f.; Suppl. Pl. [Linnaeus f.] 401 (1782), nom. cons.
= Platanthera keiskei (Miq.) Franch. & Sav.; Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 31 (1879)
= Platanthera sororia Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 2: 166 (1906)
= Platanthera tipuloides f. sibirica Regel; Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 4(4): 143 (1861)
= Platanthera tipuloides var. sororia (Schltr.) Soó; Ann. Hist.-Nat. Mus. Natl. Hung. 26: 363 (1929)
= Tipularia camtschatica Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 734 (1826), nom. superfl.
= Tipularia tipuloides (L.f.) Druce; Rep. Bot. Soc. Exch. Club Brit. Isles 1916: 650 (1917)
variant :
var. behringiana (Rydb.) Hultén; Ark. Bot., andra ser. 7: 35 (1968)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Amur, Ussuri, Sakhalin, Kuril Isl., Kamchatka, Commander Isl.); Japan; W-Aleutes
31 RFE 38 JAP 70 ASK
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria behringiana (Rydb.) Ames; Orchidaceae [Ames] 4: 91 (1910)
= Limnorchis behringiana Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 620 (1901)
= Limnorchis tipuloides var. behringiana (Rydb.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 78 (2009)
= Platanthera behringiana (Rydb.) Tatew. & Kobayasi; J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Imp. Univ. 36: 118 (1934)
species :
Platanthera transnokoensis Ohwi & Fukuy.; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 48: 297 (1934)
Distribution: Taiwan
38 TAI
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria transnokoensis (Ohwi & Fukuy.) S.S.Ying; Coloured Ill. Indig. Orchids Taiwan 1(2): 380 (1977)
= Platanthera longibracteata Hayata; Icon. Pl. Formosan. 4: 122 (1914) [non Lindl.]
= Tulotis transnokoensis (Ohwi & Fukuy.) S.S.Ying; (1977)
= Tulotis ussuriensis var. transnokoensis (Ohwi & Fukuy.) T.S.Liu & H.J.Su; Fl. Taiwan 5: 1126 (1978)
species :
Platanthera transversa (Suksd.) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: Canada (British Columbia); USA (Oregon, California, Washington)
71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia transversa Suksd.; Allg. Bot. Z. Syst. 12: 43 (1906)
species :
Platanthera unalaschkensis (Spreng.) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 631 (1898)
Name: Alaska Orchid
Distribution: Aleutes; S-Alaska; Canada (British Columbia, SW-Alberta, Newfoundland); W-USA (California, Colorado, Idaho, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming)
70 ASK 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria foetida (Geyer ex Hook.) S.Watson; Botany (Fortieth Parallel) 341 (1871)
= Habenaria schischmareffiana Cham.; Linnaea 3: 29 (1828)
= Habenaria unalaschensis (Spreng.) S.Watson; Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 12: 277 (1877)
= Herminium unalascense (Spreng.) Rchb.f.; Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. [H.G.L.Reichenbach] 13-14: 107 (1851)
= Monorchis unalaschcensis (Spreng.) O.Schwarz; Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ges. 1: 96 (1949)
= Montolivaea unalaschensis (Spreng.) Rydb.; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 1: 107 (1900)
= Piperia unalascensis (Spreng.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 270 (1901)
= Piperia unalascensis f. olympica P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 10: 37 (2004 publ. 2005)
= Platanthera foetida Geyer ex Hook.; Hooker´s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 7: 376 (1855)
= Platanthera schischmareffiiana (Cham.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 286 (1835)
= Platanthera unalascensis (Spreng.) Kurtz; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 19: 408 (1894)
= Spiranthes unalascensis Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 708 (1826)
species :
Platanthera uniformis Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 31 (1940)
Distribution: China (Guizhou, W-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); Myanmar (Kachin)
36 CHI 41 MYA
Synonyms: hidden
= Diphylax uniformis (Tang & F.T.Wang) Tang, Wang & K.Y.Lang; Bot. Res., Inst. Bot. (Beijing) 4: 11 (1989)
= Platanthera danghatuensis Ormerod; Taiwania 58(1): 29 (2013)
= Platanthera opsimantha Tang & F.T.Wang; Bull. Fan Mem. Inst. Biol. Bot. 10: 29 (1940)
species :
Platanthera urceolata (Hook.f.) R.M.Bateman; Ann. Bot. (Oxford) 104(3): 439 (2009)
Distribution: China (W-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); Nepal; Bhutan; NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Diphylax urceolata (C.B.Clarke) Hook.f.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 19: t. 1865 (1889)
= Habenaria urceolata C.B.Clarke; Proc. Linn. Soc. London 25: 73, t. 30 (1889), Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 6: 165 (1896)
species :
Platanthera ussuriensis (Regel) Maxim.; Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg 31: 107 (1887)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Amur, Primorye); China (Anhui, N-Fujian, NE-Guangxi, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Jilin, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang); North Korea; South Korea; Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria japonica var. micrantha Miq.; Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugduno-Batavi 2: 207 (1866)
= Habenaria ussuriensis (Maxim.) Miyabe; Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 4(7): 263 (1890)
= Perularia herbiola var. japonica Finet; (1900)
= Perularia ussuriensis (Regel) Schltr.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg., Beih. 4: 99 (1919)
= Platanthera herbiola var. japonica Finet; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 47: 281 (1900), nom. superfl.
= Platanthera tipuloides var. ussuriensis Regel; Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 7, 4(4): 157 (1861)
= Tulotis ussuriensis (Regel) H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955)
species :
Platanthera valkenburgii S.Nowak, Efimov, Szlach. & Kolan.; New Zealand J. Bot. 58(3): 239 (2020)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Platanthera whangshanensis (S.S.Chien) Efimov; Taiwania 58: 191 (2013)
Distribution: China (Hunan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Perularia whangshanensis Chien; Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China, Bot. Ser. 6: 75 (1931)
= Platanthera australis L.Wu, X.L.Yu, H.Z.Tian & J.L.Luo; Phytotaxa 308(1): 131 (2017)
= Tulotis whangshanensis (Chien) Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 30: 72 (1955)
species :
Platanthera yadongensis X.H.Jin & W.T.Jin; Syst. Bot. 38(4): 982 (2014)
Distribution: Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Platanthera yadonii (Rand.Morgan & Ackerman) R.M.Bateman; Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 142(1): 21 (2003)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Conservation Status: IUCN E
Synonyms: hidden
= Piperia yadonii R.Morgan & Ackerman; Lindleyana 5(4): 209 (1990)
species :
Platanthera yosemitensis Colwell, Sheviak & P.E.Moore; Madroño 54(1): 86 (2007)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis yosemitensis (Colwell, Sheviak & P.E.Moore) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 79 (2009)
species :
Platanthera zhelesnajae Stepanov; Red Book Krasnoyarsk. Territ. [ed. 3] 299 (2022)
Distribution: Siberia (Krasnoyarsk)
30 SIB
Remarks: provisionally accepted name
species :
Platanthera zijinensis Q.L.Ye, Z.M.Zhong & Ming H.Li; Phytotaxa 343(3): 209 (2018)
Distribution: China (Guangdong)
36 CHI
species :
Platanthera zothecina (L.C.Higgins & S.L.Welsh) Kartesz & Gandhi; Phytologia 69(3): 134 (1990)
Distribution: USA (Utah, Arizona, NW-Colorado)
73 USA 76 USA
Conservation Status: IUCN V (Arizona I, Utah V, Colorado E)
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria zothecina L.C.Higgins & S.L.Welsh; Great Basin Naturalist 46(2): 259 (1986)
= Limnorchis zothecina (L.C.Higgins & S.L.Welsh) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008), isonym
= Limnorchis zothecina (L.C.Higgins & Welsh) W.A.Weber; Phytologia 67(6): 427 (1989)
= Platanthera zothecina (L.C.Higgins & S.L.Welsh) Catling & Sheviak; Lindleyana 8(2): 81 (1993), isonym
species :
Platanthera ×andrewsii (M.White) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 195 (1975)
Distribution: E-Canada (Newfoundland); St. Pierre et Miquelon; NE-USA
Remarks: Platanthera lacera x Platanthera psycodes
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis lacera var. terrae-novae (Fernald) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 28: 69 (1977)
= Blephariglottis ×andrewsii (M.White) House; New York State Mus. Bull. No. 254, 242 (1924)
= Blephariglottis ×andrewsii (M.White) W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 27(4): 157 (1976), et Orchidee 28(2): 69 (1977)
= Fimbriella lacera var. terrae-novae (Fernald) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Fimbriella ×andrewsii (M.White) Butzin; Willdenowia 11(2): 324 (1981)
= Habenaria lacera var. terrae-novae Fernald; Rhodora 28: 21 (1926)
= Habenaria ×andrewsii M.White; Bog-trotting Orchids 258 (1904)
= Platanthera lacera var. terrae-novae (Fernald) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 194 (1975)
species :
Platanthera ×apalachicola P.M.Br. & S.L.Stewart; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 9: 35 (2003)
Distribution: SE-USA (Florida)
78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera chapmanii x cristata
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×apalachicola (P.M.Br. & S.L.Stewart) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×beckneri P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 12 (2002)
Distribution: SE-USA (Florida)
78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua x cristata
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×beckneri (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60: 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×bicolor (Raf.) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 151 (1972)
Distribution: E-USA
75 USA
Remarks: Platanthera blephariglottis x Platanthera ciliaris
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×bicolor Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 39 (1837)
= Habenaria holopetala (Lindl.) Niles; Bog-trotting Orchids 256 (1904)
= Habenaria ×bicolor (Raf.) Beckner; Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 37: 480 (1968), nom. illeg.
= Habenaria ×rafinesquei Beckner; Phytologia 20: 217 (1970)
= Habenaria ×schweinfurthii Luer; Amer. Orchid Soc. Bull. 27: 324 (1968) [non Rchb.f.]
species :
Platanthera ×canbyi (Ames) Luer; Native Orch. Florida 151 (1972)
Distribution: SE-USA; E-USA
75 USA 78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera blephariglottis x Platanthera cristata
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria ×canbyi Ames; Rhodora 10: 70 (1908)
= Blephariglottis ×canbyi (Ames) W.Stone; Plants South. N. J. 368 (1912)
species :
Platanthera ×channellii Folsom; Orquídea (México City), n. s., 9(2): 344 (1984)
Distribution: USA (Alabama, Louisiana, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee)
75 USA 78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera ciliaris x cristata
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×channellii (Folsom) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×colwelliae P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids SouthW. U.S. 298 (2019)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: Platanthera sparsiflora x yosemitensis
species :
Platanthera ×corderorum P.M.Br.; McAllen Int. Orchid Soc. J. 21(8): 4, figs. 1-2 (2020), nom. inval.
Distribution: USA (Florida)
78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera chapmanii x conspicua
species :
Platanthera ×correllii W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 26(6): 262 (1975)
Distribution: North America
Remarks: Platanthera aquilonis x stricta
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×correllii (W.J.Schrenk) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008)
= Limnorchis ×correllii (W.J.Schrenk) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 79 (2009), isonym
species :
Platanthera ×dulcis P.M.Br.; Wild Orchids SouthW. U.S. 298 (2019)
Distribution: USA (Colorado)
73 USA
Remarks: Platanthera dilatata var. albiflora x purpurascens
species :
Platanthera ×enigma P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 14(4): 255 (2008)
Distribution: USA (Maine)
75 USA
Remarks: Platanthera grandiflora x psycodes
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×enigma (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×estesii W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 26(6): 262 (1975)
Distribution: USA (Oregon, California)
73 USA 76 USA
Remarks: Platanthera dilatata x stricta
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×estesii (W.J.Schrenk) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008)
= Limnorchis ×estesii (W.J.Schrenk) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 79 (2009), isonym
species :
Platanthera ×evansiana P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 40 (1B) (2009), nom. subnud.
Distribution: USA (Colorado)
73 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×evansiana (P.M.Br.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 79 (2009), basionym not validly publ.
species :
Platanthera ×folsomii P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 40 (2B) (2009), nom. subnud.
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×folsomii (P.M.Br.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 79 (2009), basionym not validly publ.
species :
Platanthera ×gracilis Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 288 (1835), pro sp.
Distribution: SE-Alaska; C-Canada (British Columbia); W-USA (Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, N-Arizona, Nevada)
70 ASK 71 CDN 73 USA 76 USA
Remarks: status tentative, according to Flora of North America (2002)
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis gracilis (Lindl.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 28: 617 (1901)
= Platanthera hyperborea var. gracilis (Lindl.) Luer; Native Orch. U.S. & Canada 232 (1975)
= Platanthera stricta var. gracilis (Lindl.) Hultén; Acta Univ. Lund. II, Sect. 2 39: 483 (1943)
species :
Platanthera ×graebneri (M.Schulze) Domin; Preslia 13-15: 50 (1935)
Distribution: Europe; Germany (Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland); Slovakia; Turkey; etc.
Remarks: Platanthera bifolia x chlorantha
Synonyms: hidden
= Platanthera ×hybrida var. graebneri M.Schulze; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 48: 115 (1898)
= Platanthera ×graebneri Brand; 2434 (1905), nom. inval.
= Platanthera ×hybrida Brügger; Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubündens, N. F. 23-24: 118 (1880), nom. inval.
species :
Platanthera ×hollandiae Catling & Brownell; Canad. J. Bot. 77(8): 1147 (1999)
Distribution: E-Canada (Ontario)
72 CDN
Remarks: Platanthera lacera x leucophaea
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×hollandiae (Catling & Brownell) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 126 (2009)
= Fimbriella ×hollandiae (Catling & Brownell) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 48 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera ×inouei Efimov; Turczaninowia 12(3-4): 18 (2009)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Primorye)
31 RFE
Remarks: Platanthera komarovii x tipuloides
species :
Platanthera ×keenanii P.M.Br.; Field & Study Guide Orchids New England & New York 189 (1994)
Distribution: USA (Maine)
75 USA
Remarks: Platanthera grandiflora x lacera
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×keenanii (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60: 126 (2009), basionym not validly publ.
= Fimbriella ×keenanii (P.M.Br.) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008 publ. 2009), basionym not validly publ.
species :
Platanthera ×kelleyi P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 40 (3B) (2009), nom. subnud.
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×kelleyi (P.M.Br.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 79 (2009), basionym not validly publ.
species :
Platanthera ×lassenii W.J.Schrenk; Orchidee (Hamburg) 26(6): 262 (1975)
Distribution: USA (California)
76 USA
Remarks: Piperia dilatata var. dilatata x Platanthera sparsiflora var. sparsiflora
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×lassenii (W.J.Schrenk) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 50 (2008)
= Limnorchis ×lassenii (W.J.Schrenk) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15(2): 79 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×lueri P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 14 (2002)
Distribution: USA (Florida)
78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera blephariglottis var. conspicua x ciliaris
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×lueri (P.M.Br.) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60: 127 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×mixta Efimov; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 91(11): 1728 (2006)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Primorye)
31 RFE
Remarks: Platanthera densa x metabifolia
species :
Platanthera ×okubohachijoensis K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 58(6): 189 (1983)
Distribution: Japan
38 JAP
Remarks: Platanthera hachijoensis x okuboi
species :
Platanthera ×ophryotipuloides K.Inoue; J. Jap. Bot. 58(6): 191 (1983)
Distribution: Japan
38 JAP
Remarks: Platanthera ophrydioides x tipuloides
species :
Platanthera ×osceola P.M.Br. & S.L.Stewart; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 9: 35 (2003)
Distribution: USA (Florida)
78 USA
Remarks: Platanthera chapmanii x ciliaris
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis ×osceola (P.M.Br. & S.L.Stewart) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60(1/2): 127 (2009)
species :
Platanthera ×reznicekii Catling, Brownell & G.Allen; Lindleyana 14(2): 81 (1999)
Distribution: E-Canada (Ontario)
72 CDN
Remarks: Platanthera leucophaea x psycodes
Synonyms: hidden
= Blephariglottis reznicekii (Catling, Brownell & G.Allen) Baumbach & Lückel; Orchidee (Hamburg) 60: 127 (2009)
= Fimbriella ×reznicekii (Catling, Brownell & G.Allen) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 49 (2008 publ. 2009)
species :
Platanthera ×smithii P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 40 (4B) (2009), nom. subnud.
Distribution: USA (Colorado)
73 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Limnorchis ×smithii (P.M.Br.) P.M.Br., S.L.Stewart & Gamarra; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 15: 79 (2009), basionym not validly publ.
species :
Platanthera ×vossii Case; Michigan Bot. 22(4): 141 (1983)
Distribution: USA (Michigan)
75 USA
Remarks: Platanthera blephariglottis x Platanthera clavellata
Synonyms: hidden
= xBlepharopsis ×vossii (Case) Efimov; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 40: 48 (2008 publ. 2009)
= xPlatanthopsis ×vossii (F.W.Case) P.M.Br.; N. Amer. Native Orchid J. 8: 37 (2002)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

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