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Mar. 6th, 2025

452.0000 Family Asteraceae Dumort.; Commentat. Bot. [Dumortier] 55 (1822)
1620 genera, ca. 29.000 spp. (35.000 spp. incl. microspecies). Systematics taken mostly from Funk et al. (2009, 2020) and Zuntini et al. (2024). Barnadesioideae (so far treated as most basal member of Asteraceae) might be a separate family, more related to Calyceraceae.
Species listed in database: 35202; hybrids: 677
= Acarnaceae Link; (1829)
= Ambrosiaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820), nom. cons.
= Anthemidaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Aposeridaceae Raf.; New Fl. [Rafinesque] 4: 106 (1838)
= Arctotaceae Bessey; Univ. Stud. Nebraska 14: 107 (1914)
= Arctotidaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 255 (1820)
= Artemisiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 48 (1820)
= Athanasiaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 56 (1820)
= Calendulaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Carduaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 255 (1820)
= Carlinaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 255 (1820)
= Centaureaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 255 (1820)
= Cichoriaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 168 (1789), nom. cons.
= Cnicaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 273, 297 (1818)
= Compositae Giseke; Prael. Ord. Nat. Pl. 538 (1792), nom. cons.
= Coreopsidaceae Link; Handbuch [Link] 1: 768 (1829)
= Cynaraceae Burnett; Outlines Bot. [Burnett] 926, 931, 1094, 1111 (1835)
= Echinopaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 255 (1820)
= Eupatoriaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 253 (1820)
= Gnaphaliaceae Link ex F.Rudolphi; Syst. Orb. Veg. 46 (1830)
= Grindeliaceae Rchb. ex A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 2: 330 (1907)
= Heleniaceae Raf.; Cincinnati Lit. Gaz. 2: 28 (1824)
= Helianthaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Helichrysaceae Link; Handbuch [Link] 1: 712 (1829)
= Inulaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Ivaceae Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 1: 31 (1837)
= Lactucaceae Drude; Handb. Bot. 3(2): 369 (1886)
= Lapsanaceae Martinov; (1820)
= Madiaceae A.Heller; Muhlenbergia 2: 332 (1907)
= Matricariaceae Voigt; Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 400 (1845)
= Mutisiaceae Burnett; Outlines Bot. [Burnett] 934, 935, 1094, 1111 (1835)
= Nassauviaceae Burmeist.; Handb. Naturgesch. 290 (1836)
= Partheniaceae Link; Handbuch [Link] 1: 816 (1829)
= Perdiciaceae Link; Handbuch [Link] 1: 728 (1829)
= Picridaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 482 (1820)
= Santolinaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 560 (1820)
= Senecionaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Serratulaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 577 (1820)
= Tanacetaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 273, 298 (1818)
= Tussilagaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 254 (1820)
= Vernoniaceae Burmeist.; Handb. Naturgesch. 296 (1836)
= Xanthiaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 273, 298 (1818)
= Xeranthemaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl. 498 (1843)
452.5166 Genus Melanoseris DC.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 101, t. 109 (1844)
Distribution: Africa, Asia, Himalayan region, China (25)
Species listed in database: 34
= Chaetoseris C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29: 398 (1991)
= Parasyncalathium J.W.Zhang, Boufford & H.Sun; Taxon 60: 1680 (2011)
= Stenoseris C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29: 411 (1991)
= Zollikoferiastrum (Kirp.) Kamelin; Opred. Rast. Sred. Azii 10: 628 (1993)
species :
Melanoseris aitchisoniana (Beauverd) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1324 (2017)
Distribution: Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan, Paktia / Khost)
34 AFG
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita aitchisoniana Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 137 (1910)
= Kovalevskiella aitchisoniana (Beauverd) Kamelin; Opred. Rast. Sred. Azii 10: 629 (1993)
= Prenanthes aitchisoniana (Beauverd) Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 41(5): 2089 (2009)
species :
Melanoseris astorensis (Roohi Bano & Qaiser) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1324 (2017)
Distribution: Pakistan; India (Himachal Pradesh)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita astorensis Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 37 (2010)
species :
Melanoseris atropurpurea (Franch.) N.Kilian & Zhi H.Wang; Fl. China 20-21: 221 (2011)
Distribution: China (Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris grandiflora (Franch.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 401, f. 1, 6 (1991)
= Chaetoseris taliensis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 402-403, f. 1, 9 (1991)
= Cicerbita atropurpurea (Franch.) Kitam.; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 42: 145 (1991)
= Cicerbita grandiflora (Franch.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 129 (1910), nom. illeg. superfl.
= Lactuca atropurpurea Franch.; J. Bot. [Morot] 9: 260 (1895), non p. 294
= Lactuca grandiflora Franch.; J. Bot. [Desvaux] 9: 260, 368 (1895), nom. illeg. superfl.
= Lactuca pseudosonchus H.Lév.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 345 (1914)
= Melanoseris taliensis (C.Shih) N.Kilian & Zhi H.Wang; Fl. China 20-21: 221 (2011)
species :
Melanoseris bonatii (Beauverd) Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (18) (2013)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris bonatii (Beauverd) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 411 (1991)
= Cicerbita bonatii Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 126, f. 5 (1910)
= Lactuca bonatii (Beauverd) H.Lév.
species :
Melanoseris brunoniana (Wall. ex DC.) N.Kilian & Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan); Pakistan (Chitral, Dir, Swat, Hazara, Murree, Gilgit); Nepal; Bhutan; NW-India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita brunoniana (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) Tuisl ex Rech.f.; Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 122: 184 (1977)
= Lactuca brunoniana (Wall. ex DC.) C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 266 (1876)
= Prenanthes alliariifolia DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 195 (1838)
= Prenanthes brunoniana Wall. ex DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 195 (1838)
= Prenanthes hispidula DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 195 (1838)
= Prenanthes raphanifolia DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 195 (1838)
species :
Melanoseris ciliata (C.Shih) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 219 (2011)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris ciliata C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 403-404 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris cyanea (D.Don) Edgew.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 81 (1846)
Distribution: China (Chongqing, Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Punjab, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, West Bengal); Myanmar (Mon)
Synonyms: hidden
= Agathyrsus cyaneus (D.Don) D.Don; Edinburgh New Philos. J. 6: 310 (1828-1829 publ. 1829)
= Chaetoseris beesiana (Diels) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 411 (1991)
= Chaetoseris cyanea (D.Don) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404, f. 1, 2 (1991)
= Chaetoseris cyanea var. khasiana (C.B.Clarke) Karthik. & Moorthy; Fl. Pl. India 211 (2009)
= Chaetoseris cyanea var. paniculata (C.B.Clarke) Karthik. & Moorthy; Fl. Pl. India 211 (2009)
= Chaetoseris hastata (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404, f. 1, 10 (1991)
= Chaetoseris hispida C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 406-407, f. 1: 8 (1991)
= Chaetoseris lutea (Hand.-Mazz.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 409 (1991)
= Chaetoseris lyriformis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 405-406 (1991)
= Chaetoseris pectiniformis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 408-409, f. 1, 4 (1991)
= Chaetoseris sichuanensis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 408 (1991)
= Chaetoseris teniana (Beauverd) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 411 (1991)
= Chaetoseris yunnanensis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 410-411 (1991)
= Chondrilla hastata Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 3271 (1831), nomen
= Cicerbita cyanea (D.Don) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 132 (1910)
= Cicerbita cyanea var. glandulifera (Franch.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève Ser. 2, 2: 133 (1910)
= Cicerbita cyanea var. hastata (Wall. ex DC.) Beauverd
= Cicerbita cyanea var. khasiana (C.B.Clarke) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86(2): 273 (1989)
= Cicerbita cyanea var. lutea Hand.-Mazz.; Symb. Sin. 7(4): 1180 (1936)
= Cicerbita cyanea var. paniculata (C.B.Clarke) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86(2): 273 (1989)
= Cicerbita cyanea var. teniana Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 134, f. 7 (1910)
= Lactuca beesiana Diels; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 5(25): 201 (1912)
= Lactuca funebris W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8: 113 (1913)
= Lactuca hastata var. glandulifera Franch.; J. Bot. [Desvaux] 9: 261 (1895)
= Lactuca hastata var. khasiana C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 268 (1876)
= Lactuca hastata var. paniculata (Edgew.) C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 268 (1876)
= Lactuca hastata Wall. ex DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 139 (1838)
= Melanoseris beesiana (Diels) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 220 (2011)
= Melanoseris hastata (DC.) Edgew.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 81 (1846)
= Melanoseris paniculata (C.B.Clarke) Edgew.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 80 (1846)
= Melanoseris pectiniformis (C.Shih) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang; Fl. China 20-21: 222 (2011)
= Melanoseris sichuanensis (C.Shih) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 221 (2011)
= Melanoseris yunnanensis (C.Shih) N.Kilian & Zhi H.Wang; Fl. China 20-21: 219 (2011)
= Mulgedium cyaneum (D.Don) DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 249 (1938)
= Mulgedium neilgherrense Wight; Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. [Wight] t. 1144 (1846)
= Mulgedium robustum Wall. ex DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 250 (1938)
= Sonchus cyaneus D.Don; Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 164 (1825)
= Sonchus robustus Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 3249 (1831), nomen
species :
Melanoseris decipiens (C.B.Clarke) N.Kilian & Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: Afghanistan (Kunar / Nuristan); Pakistan (Chitral, Swat, Gilgit, Astor, Baltistan); Nepal; NW-India (Dras, Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita decipiens (Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 127 (1910)
= Cicerbita decipiens var. multifida (Hook.f.) Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 50 (2010)
= Cicerbita decipiens var. pakistanica Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 51 (2010)
= Kovalevskiella decipiens (Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke) Kamelin; Opred. Rast. Sred. Azii 10: 629 (1993)
= Lactuca decipiens Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 266 (1876)
= Lactuca decipiens var. multifida Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 3: 407 (1881)
= Melanoseris decipiens var. multifida (Hook.f.) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1325 (2017)
= Melanoseris decipiens var. pakistanica (Roohi Bano & Qaiser) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1325 (2017)
= Mulgedium decipiens Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 266 (1876)
species :
Melanoseris dolichophylla (C.Shih) Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (18) (2013)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris dolichophylla C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 401-402 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris filicina (Stebbins) N.Kilian; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand, Kumaon)
40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita filicina (Duthie ex Stebbins) Aswal & Goel; J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 12(1): 12 (1988)
= Cicerbita filicina (Duthie ex Stebbins) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86(2): 273 (1989), isonym
= Lactuca filicina Duthie ex Stebbins; Indian Forest Rec., Bot., n. s. 241 (1939)
species :
Melanoseris gilgitensis (Roohi Bano & Qaiser) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1324 (2017)
Distribution: Pakistan (Gilgit)
40 PAK
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita gilgitensis Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 40 (2010)
species :
Melanoseris graciliflora (DC.) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 223 (2011)
Distribution: China (Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; India (Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Sikkim, Darjeeling); Myanmar (Chin, Kachin, Mandalay); Vietnam; peninsular Malaysia; Java
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita taliensis (Franch.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 139 (1910)
= Lactuca graciliflora Wall. ex DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 139 (1838)
= Lactuca taliensis Franch.; J. Bot. [Morot] 9: 263 (1896)
= Prenanthes graciliflora (Wall. ex DC.) Benth. & Hook.f.; Gen. Pl. [Bentham & Hooker f.] 2(1): 527 (1873)
= Prenanthes graciliflora Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 3260 (1831), nomen
= Stenoseris graciliflora (Wall. ex DC.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 413-414, f. 1, 7 (1991)
= Stenoseris taliensis (Franch.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 415, f. 1, 11 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris henryi (Dunn) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 221 (2011)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Lactuca henryi Dunn; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 35: 512 (1903)
species :
Melanoseris jilongensis Ze H.Wang & H.Peng; Phytotaxa 357(3): 191 (2018)
Distribution: Tibet
36 TIB
species :
Melanoseris kangdingensis Ze H.Wang; PhytoKeys 236: 30 (2023)
Distribution: China (Sichuan)
36 CHI
species :
Melanoseris kashmiriana (Mamgain & R.R.Rao) N.Kilian; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: NW-India (Jammu & Kashmir)
40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Lactuca kashmiriana Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 83(2): 406 (1986)
species :
Melanoseris lahulensis (Mamgain & R.R.Rao) N.Kilian; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: NW-India (Himachal Pradesh: Lahul)
40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Lactuca lahulensis Mamgain & R.R.Rao; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 27(1-4): 120 (1985 publ. 1987)
species :
Melanoseris leiolepis (C.Shih) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang; Fl. China 20-21: 222 (2011)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris leiolepis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 402, f. 1, 5 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris lessertiana (DC.) Decne.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 4(Bot.): 102 (1843)
Distribution: Pakistan (Hazara, Gilgit, Baltistan, Deosai); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Kashmir, Zanskar, Dras, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Chumbi)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita lessertiana (DC.) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86: 273 (1989)
= Cicerbita lessertiana subsp. dentata (DC.) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86(2): 273 (1989), without basionym page or date
= Cicerbita lessertiana var. dentata (DC.) Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 47 (2010)
= Hieracium lessertianum Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 3254 (1831), nomen
= Lactuca lessertiana (DC.) C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 270 (1876)
= Mulgedium lessertianum (Wall. ex C.B.Clarke) DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 251 (1838)
= Mulgedium lessertianum subsp. dentatum (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy; Fl. Pl. India 252 (2009)
= Mulgedium lessertianum var. dentatum DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7(1): 251 (1838)
variant :
var. lyrata (Decne.) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1324 (2017)
Distribution: Nepal; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand); etc.
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita lessertiana subsp. lyrata (Decne.) Mamgain & R.R.Rao; J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 86(2): 273 (1989)
= Cicerbita lessertiana var. lyrata (Decne.) Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 42(Sp. Issue): 46 (2010)
= Lactuca lessertiana subsp. lyrata (Decne.) Stebbins; Bull. Jard. Bot. État Bruxelles 14: 240 (1936)
= Lactuca lessertiana var. lyrata (Decne.) C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 270 (1876)
= Melanoseris lyrata Decne.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 4(Bot.): 101 (1843)
= Mulgedium lessertianum subsp. lyratum (DC.) Karthik. & Moorthy; Fl. Pl. India 253 (2009)
species :
Melanoseris likiangensis (Franch.) N.Kilian & Zhi H.Wang; Fl. China 20-21: 222 (2011)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris likiangensis (Franch.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 407 (1991)
= Cicerbita likiangensis (Franch.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 134 (1910)
= Lactuca forrestii W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8(37): 112-113 (1913)
= Lactuca likiangensis Franch.; J. Bot. [Morot] 9(14): 259-260 (1895)
species :
Melanoseris macrantha (C.B.Clarke) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang; Fl. China 20-21: 219 (2011)
Distribution: Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; India (West Bengal, Sikkim, Chumbi, Darjeeling); Myanmar
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris macrantha (C.B.Clarke) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 403 (1991)
= Cicerbita macrantha (C.B.Clarke) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 130 (1910)
= Lactuca macrantha C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 267 (1876)
= Mulgedium macranthum Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 267 (1876)
species :
Melanoseris macrocephala (C.Shih) N.Kilian & J.W.Zhang; Fl. China 20-21: 221 (2011)
Distribution: Tibet (Nyalam Xian)
36 TIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Chaetoseris macrocephala C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 404-405 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris macrorhiza (Royle) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 224 (2011)
Distribution: Tajikistan; Iran; E-Afghanistan; China (Yunnan); Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Manipur, Chumbi, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cephalorrhynchus albiflorus C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 415-416 (1991)
= Cephalorrhynchus macrorhizus (Royle) Tuisl; Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 72: 618 (1968)
= Cephalorrhynchus saxatilis (Edgew.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 416-417 (1991)
= Cicerbita duthieana Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 119 (1910)
= Cicerbita laevigata (DC.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 120 (1910)
= Cicerbita macrorhiza (Royle) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 134 (1910)
= Cicerbita macrorhiza var. saxatilis (Edgew.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève 2: 135 (1910)
= Lactuca hoffmeisteri Klotzsch; Bot. Ergebn. Reise Waldemar [Klotzsch & Garcke] 81, t. 80 (1862)
= Lactuca laevigata var. saxatilis (Edgew.) C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 267 (1876)
= Lactuca macrorhiza (Royle) Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 3(8): 408 (1881)
= Melanoseris saxatilis Edgew.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 79 (1846)
= Mulgedium laevigatum DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 7: 249 (1838)
= Mulgedium macrorhizum Royle; Ill. Bot. Himal. Mts. [Royle] 251, t. 61 (1835)
species :
Melanoseris monocephala (C.C.Chang) Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (18) (2013)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Mulgedium monocephalum (C.C.Chang) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26(5): 391 (1988)
= Lactuca monocephala C.C.Chang; Contr. Biol. Lab. Sci. Soc. China, Bot. Ser. 9: 132 (1934)
species :
Melanoseris penghuana Ze H.Wang & H.J.Dong; PhytoKeys 238: 2 (2024)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
species :
Melanoseris polyclada (Boiss.) Akhani, N.Kilian & Sennikov; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (17) (2013)
Distribution: Turkmenistan; Tajikistan; Iran (NE-Iran: Mts.); Afghanistan (Wakhan, Bamyan, Faryab, Parwan); Pakistan (Chitral, Sind, Baluchistan, Waziristan, Gilgit); NW-India (Jammu & Kashmir)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cephalorrhynchus polycladus (Boiss.) Kirp.; Fl. URSS [Komarov et al., eds.] 29: 350 (1964)
= Cicerbita lipskyi Krasch.; Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 3: 353 (1937)
= Cicerbita polyclada Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 131 (1910)
= Lactuca intricatissima Rech.f.; Biol. Skr. 8(2) [Symb. Afghan. 2]: 207 (1955)
= Launaea polyclada (Boiss.) Burkill; Fl. Pl. Baluchistan, 44 (1909), isonym
= Launaea polyclada (Boiss.) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 351 (1891)
= Melanoseris rapunculoides Edgew.; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 20: 81 (1846)
= Zollikoferia polyclada Boiss.; Fl. Orient. [Boissier] 3: 827 (1875)
= Zollikoferiastrum polycladum (Boiss.) Kamelin; Opred. Rast. Sred. Azii 10: 628 (1993)
species :
Melanoseris qinghaica (S.W.Liu & T.N.Ho) N.Kilian & Ze H.Wang; PLoS ONE 8(12): e82692 (18) (2013)
Distribution: China (Qinghai)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Mulgedium qinghaicum S.W.Liu & T.N.Ho; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 39(6): 556 (2001 publ. 2001)
species :
Melanoseris souliei (Franch.) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 225 (2011)
Distribution: China (Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; Myanmar (Kachin)
Synonyms: hidden
= Lactuca souliei Franch.; J. Bot. [Morot] 9: 257 (1895)
= Parasyncalathium souliei (Franch.) J.W.Zhang, Boufford & H.Sun; Taxon 60(6): 1680 (2011)
= Syncalathium souliei (Franch.) Y.Ling; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 10(3): 286 (1965)
species :
Melanoseris steenisii (Tjitr.) comb.ined.
Distribution: Sumatra
42 SUM
Synonyms: hidden
= Prenanthes steenisii Tjitr.; Reinwardtia 12(1): 125 (2002)
species :
Melanoseris stenolimba (Steenis) comb.ined.
Distribution: Sumatra
42 SUM
Synonyms: hidden
= Prenanthes stenolimba Steenis; Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenz., Ser. 3, 13: 190 (1934)
species :
Melanoseris stewartii (Roohi Bano & Qaiser) Ghafoor, Qaiser & Roohi Bano; Pakistan J. Bot. 49(4): 1324 (2017)
Distribution: India
40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Prenanthes stewartii Roohi Bano & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 41(5): 2087 (2009)
species :
Melanoseris sumatrana (Tjitr.) comb.ined.
Distribution: Sumatra
42 SUM
Synonyms: hidden
= Prenanthes sumatrana Tjitr.; Reinwardtia 12(1): 126 (2002)
species :
Melanoseris tenuis (C.Shih) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 223 (2011)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan); S- & SE-Tibet
Synonyms: hidden
= Stenoseris tenuis C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 412-413 (1991)
species :
Melanoseris violifolia (DC.) N.Kilian; Fl. China 20-21: 225 (2011)
Distribution: Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim); Myanmar (Mon)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cicerbita sikkimensis (Hook.f.) C.Shih; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 29(5): 398 (1991)
= Cicerbita violifolia (DC.) Beauverd; Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, Sér. 2, 2: 122 (1910)
= Lactuca hookeri (C.B.Clarke) Stebbins; J. Bot. 75: 15 (1937)
= Lactuca sikkimensis (Hook.f.) Stebbins; Indian Forest Rec., Bot., n. s. 1: 239 (1939)
= Lactuca violifolia C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 269 (1876)
= Prenanthes alata Hook.f. & Thomson ex C.B.Clarke; Compos. Ind. 274 (1876), not (Hook.) D. Dietr. (1847)
= Prenanthes sikkimensis Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 3(8): 412-413 (1881)
= Prenanthes violifolia DC.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 100, t. 108 (1844)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.03 (March 6th, 2025)

Covering 356,112 accepted species,
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[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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