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Ver. 25.03
Mar. 6th, 2025

480.0000 Family Boraginaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 128 (1789), nom. cons., s. str.
118 genera, ca. 2000 spp.
Species listed in database: 2043; hybrids: 46
= Anchusaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 274, 302 (1818)
= Cerinthaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 244 (1820)
= Cynoglossaceae Döll; Rhein. Fl. 406 (1843)
= Echiaceae Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 2: 61 (1837)
= Onosmaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 437 (1820)
480.2156 Genus Maharanga A.DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 10: 71 (1846)
Distribution: Iran and Afghanistan (few) through Tibet and S-Himalayas to N-Indochina
Species listed in database: 42
species :
Maharanga adenopus (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: China (C-Sichuan, NW-Sichuan, SW-Sichuan); E-Tibet
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma adenopus I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 224 (1951)
species :
Maharanga alba (W.W.Sm. & Jeffrey) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma alba W.W.Sm. & Jeffrey; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 112 (1916)
species :
Maharanga bheriensis (H.Hara) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: Nepal
40 NEP
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma bheriense H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 51(1): 10 (1976)
= Onosma nepalica Kazmi; Sultania 3: 1 (1977)
species :
Maharanga bhutanica I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 37: 301 (1956)
Distribution: Bhutan
40 BHU
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma bhutanica (Johnst.) Grierson & D.G.Long; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 36(1): 145 (1978)
species :
Maharanga bicolor (Wall. ex G.Don) A.DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 10: 71 (1846)
Distribution: SW-Tibet (Gyirong Shan); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Sikkim, Chumbi, Arunachal Pradesh)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma bicolor Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 939 (1829) ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 317., descr. (1837)
species :
Maharanga borii (C.E.C.Fisch.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
Distribution: India (Nagaland)
40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma borii C.E.C.Fisch.; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940: 38 (1940)
species :
Maharanga bracteata (Wall.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: Nepal; NW-India (Jammu & Kashmir, Uttarakhand); Myanmar (widespread)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma bracteata Wall.; Fl. Ind. [Carey & Wallich ed.] 2: 13 (1824)
= Onosma dolichouta W.T.Wang; Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 36: 321 (2016)
= Onosma macrocephala D.Don; Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 99 (1825)
species :
Maharanga burmanica (Collett & Hemsl.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: Myanmar (widespread)
41 MYA
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma burmanica Collett & Hemsl.; J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 28: 94 (1890)
species :
Maharanga cingulata (W.W.Sm. & Jeffrey) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma cingulata W.W.Sm. & Jeffrey; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 112 (1916)
= Onosma tsiangii I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 356 (1951)
species :
Maharanga conferta (W.W.Sm.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 16 (2021)
Distribution: China (Sichuan, NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma conferta W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8: 106 (1913)
= Onosma forrestii W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 8: 107 (1913)
species :
Maharanga decasticha (Y.L.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: China (C-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma decasticha Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 67 (1980)
species :
Maharanga dumetorum (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
Distribution: China (SW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma dumetorum I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 361 (1951)
species :
Maharanga exserta (Hemsl.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: China (Guizhou, SW-Sichuan, Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma exserta Hemsl.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 27: t. 2637 (1900)
species :
Maharanga fistulosa (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma fistulosa I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 222 (1951)
species :
Maharanga glomerata (Y.L.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet
36 TIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma glomerata Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 66 (1980)
species :
Maharanga griersonii (R.R.Mill) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: Bhutan
40 BHU
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma griersonii R.R.Mill; Edinburgh J. Bot. 51(2): 145 (1994)
species :
Maharanga hookeri (C.B.Clarke) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Sikkim, Chumbi)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma hookeri C.B.Clarke; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 4: 178 (1883)
= Onosma hookeri subsp. wardii Stapf; Bot. Mag. 155: t. 9254 (1931), nom. illeg.
= Onosma hookeri var. intermedia I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 350 (1951)
= Onosma hookeri var. longiflora (Duthie) Duthie ex Stapf; Bot. Mag. 155: t. 9254 (1931)
= Onosma longiflora Duthie; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: 40 (1912)
variant :
var. hirsuta (Y.L.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 17 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet (Lhasa Shi)
36 TIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma hookeri var. hirsuta Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 66 (1980)
species :
Maharanga hypoleuca (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Pakistan (Swat, Hazara); NW-India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma hypoleuca I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 220 (1951)
species :
Maharanga incanescens (DC.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Iran
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma incanescens DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 10: 58 (1846)
species :
Maharanga intricata (Riedl & Freitag) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Afghanistan
34 AFG
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma intricata Riedl & Freitag; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 120(1-2): 137 (1972)
species :
Maharanga lhokaensis (Y.He & Q.R.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet
36 TIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma lhokaensis Y.He & Q.R.Liu; Nordic J. Bot. 36(6)-e01770: 3 (2018)
species :
Maharanga limitanea (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Iran (EC-Iran, S-Iran, SW-Iran); Afghanistan (Farah, Ghorat, Helmand, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Paktia / Khost); Pakistan (Baluchistan, Kurram); NW-India (Jammu & Kashmir)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma johnstonii Riedl; Fl. Iranica [Rechinger] 48: 183 (1967)
= Onosma limitanea I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 354 (1951)
= Onosma limitanea var. parviflora I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 354 (1951)
variant :
var. major (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Afghanistan; Pakistan (Baluchistan)
34 AFG 40 PAK
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma limitanea var. major I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 354 (1951)
species :
Maharanga luquanensis (Y.L.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: China (N-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma luquanense Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 67 (1980)
species :
Maharanga lycopsioides (C.E.C.Fisch.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
Distribution: China (Yunnan); Nepal; India (Nagaland); Thailand
36 CHI 40 IND NEP 41 THA
Synonyms: hidden
= Maharanga verruculosa (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
= Onosma lycopsioides C.E.C.Fisch.; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1940: 39 (1940)
= Onosma verruculosum I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 356 (1951)
species :
Maharanga maaikangensis (W.T.Wang) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: China (Sichuan); E-Tibet
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma liui Kamelin & T.N.Popova; Novon 3: 261 (1993)
= Onosma maaikangensis W.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 64 (1980)
= Onosma strigosa Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 65 (1980), not Steven (1851)
species :
Maharanga microstoma (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
Distribution: China (SW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma microstoma I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 360 (1951)
species :
Maharanga multiramosa (Hand.-Mazz.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); E-Tibet
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma multiramosa Hand.-Mazz.; Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 61: 166 (1924)
= Onosma multiramosa var. mekongensis I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 223 (1951)
species :
Maharanga nangqenensis (Y.L.Liu) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: China (S-Qinghai)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma nangqenense Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 68 (1980)
species :
Maharanga paniculata (Bureau & Franch.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: China (W-Guizhou, SW-Sichuan, W-Sichuan, C-Yunnan, NW-Yunnan); Bhutan; N-India (Chumbi, Arunachal Pradesh)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma oblongifolia W.W.Sm. & Jeffrey; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 113 (1916)
= Onosma paniculata Bureau & Franch.; J. Bot. [Morot] 5: 104 (1891)
= Onosma paniculata var. hirsutistyla Lingelsh. & Borza; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 13: 389 (1914)
species :
Maharanga platyphylla (Riedl) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Iran (SW-Iran)
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma platyphylla Riedl; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 109: 238 (1962)
species :
Maharanga pyramidalis (Hook.f.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 18 (2021)
Distribution: Nepal; N-India (Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma pyramidalis Hook.f.; Bot. Mag. t. 6987 (1888)
species :
Maharanga sinica (Diels) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: China (S-Gansu, N-Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma sinica Diels; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 29: 547 (1900)
= Onosma potaninii Popov; Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 14: 288 (1951)
variant :
var. farreri (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: China (Gansu, Shaanxi)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma farreri I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 345 (1951)
= Onosma sinica var. farreri (I.M.Johnst.) W.T.Wang & Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18(1): 70 (1980)
species :
Maharanga squamulifera Riedl; Novon 4(4): 394 (1994)
Distribution: Thailand
41 THA
species :
Maharanga stenosiphon (Boiss.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: Iran (EC-Iran, S-Iran, SW-Iran)
34 IRN
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma aurantiaca Parsa; Kew Bull. 3(2): 212 (1948) non Janka ex Boiss.
= Onosma stenosiphon Boiss.; Diagn. Pl. Orient. 7: 35 (1846)
= Onosma stenosiphon var. glabriuscula Parsa; Kew Bull. 3: 213 (1948)
species :
Maharanga thomsonii (C.B.Clarke) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: Pakistan (Swat, Hazara, Murree, Kotli); NW-India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir); Myanmar (Sagaing)
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma thomsonii C.B.Clarke; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 4: 178 (1883)
species :
Maharanga vestita (Wall. ex G.Don) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: SE-Tibet; NE-India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam)
36 TIB 40 IND
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma vestita Wall. ex G.Don; Gen. Hist. 4: 317 (1837)
= Onosma vestitum Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] no. 937 (1829), nomen
variant :
var. stelligera (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: Bhutan
40 BHU
Synonyms: hidden
= Maharanga emodi var. stelligera Johnst.
= Onosma emodi var. stelligera (I.M.Johnst.) R.R.Mill; Edinburgh J. Bot. 53(1): 122 (1996)
species :
Maharanga waddellii (Duthie) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet; Nepal
36 TIB 40 NEP
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma brachylinum (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 37: 300 (1956)
= Onosma waddellii Duthie; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: 41 (1912)
= Onosma waddellii f. latifolia W.T.Wang; Guihaia 30(4): 431 (2010)
= Onosma waddellii var. brachylinum I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 345 (1951)
species :
Maharanga wallichiana DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 10: 71 (1846)
Distribution: Tibet; Nepal; Bhutan; NE-India (Himachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikkim, Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Maharanga emodi (Wall.) A.DC.; Prodr. [A.P. de Candolle] 10: 71 (1846)
= Onosma emodi Wall.; Fl. Ind. [Carey & Wallich ed.] 2: 11 (1824) et Numer. List. no. 940 (1829)
= Onosma wallichiana (DC.) Benth. ex Hook.f.; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 4: 179 (1883)
variant :
var. egregia (I.M.Johnst.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 19 (2021)
Distribution: Nepal; India (Uttarakhand, Kumaon)
Synonyms: hidden
= Maharanga egregia (I.M.Johnst.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 35: 81 (1954)
= Onosma egregium I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 366 (1951)
= Onosma wallichiana var. egregia (I.M.Johnst.) Yonek.; Fl. Mustang [Nepal] 240 (2008)
species :
Maharanga waltonii (Duthie) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 20 (2021)
Distribution: Tibet (Jiangzi Shan)
36 TIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma waltonii Duthie; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: (1912)
species :
Maharanga wardii (W.W.Sm.) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 20 (2021)
Distribution: China (NW-Yunnan, W-Yunnan, Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma hookeri var. wardii W.W.Sm.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9(42): 113 (1916)
= Onosma wardii (W.W.Sm.) I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 215 (1951)
= Onosma mertensioides I.M.Johnst.; J. Arnold Arbor. 32: 353 (1951)
species :
Maharanga yajiangensis (W.T.Wang) L.Cecchi & Hilger; Pl. Biosystems 156(5): App. S1, 20 (2021)
Distribution: China (W-Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma yajiangensis W.T.Wang ex Y.L.Liu; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 18: 64 (1980)
species :
Maharanga xiangchengensis (W.T.Wang) comb.ined.
Distribution: China (Sichuan)
36 CHI
Remarks: provisionally accepted name, status unconfirmed
Synonyms: hidden
= Onosma xiangchengensis W.T.Wang; Guihaia 30(4): 429 (2010)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.03 (March 6th, 2025)

Covering 356,112 accepted species,
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in total 1,415,427* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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