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Ver. 25.03
Mar. 6th, 2025

134.0000 Family Orchidaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 64 (1789), nom. cons.
over 800 genera, more than 30.000 spp. worldwide, mostly tropical
Species listed in database: 30538; hybrids: 1461
= Apostasiaceae Lindl.; Nix. Pl. 22 (1833), nom. cons.
= Cypripediaceae Lindl.; Nix. Pl. 22 (1833)
= Limodoraceae Horan.; Char. Ess. Fam. 44 (1847)
= Liparidaceae Vines; Stud. Text-book Bot. 2: 567 (1895)
= Neottiaceae Horan.; Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 50 (1834)
= Neuwiediaceae R.Dahlgren ex Reveal & Hoogland; Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, Sér. 4, 13: 91 (1991)
= Ophrydaceae Vines; Stud. Text-book Bot. 2: 566 (1895)
= Pycnanthaceae Ravenna; Onira 12(6): 29 (2011)
= Vanillaceae Lindl.; Key Bot. 73 (1835)
134.4282 Genus Holothrix Rich.; Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 4: 55 (1818), et ex Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 257, 283 (1835)
Distribution: Tropical and South Africa (32), Arabian Peninsula
Species listed in database: 47
= Bartholina R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 194 (1813), nom. rej. prop.
= Bucculina Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 209 (1836)
= Deroemera Rchb.f.; De Pollin. Orchid. 29 (1852)
= Lathrisia Sw.; Annot. Bot. 48 (1829)
= Monotris Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835)
= Saccidium Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 301 (1835)
= Scopularia Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835)
= Tryphia Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835)
species :
Holothrix aphylla (Forssk.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: Nigeria; Cameroon; ?Congo [Brazzaville]; E-D.R.Congo [Zaire]; Rwanda; Burundi; Ethiopia; Eritrea; Uganda; Kenya; Yemen
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera acuminata Rendle & Schltr.; J. 33: 277 (Deroemera) (1895)
= Deroemera aphylla (Forssk.) Schltr. & Rendle; J. Bot. 33: 277 (1895)
= Deroemera calva (Kraenzl.) Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 53: 486 (1915)
= Deroemera ledermannii (Kraenzl.) Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 53: 486 (1915)
= Habenaria aphylla (Forssk.) R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 312 (1810)
= Habenaria aphylla (Forssk.) R.Br. ex Spreng.; Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 3: 690 (1826)
= Holothrix calva Kraenzl.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48: 386 (1912)
= Holothrix ledermannii Kraenzl.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 48: 385 (1912)
= Orchis aphylla Forssk.; Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 156 (1775)
= Platanthera aphylla (Forssk.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. (1835)
species :
Holothrix arachnoidea (A.Rich.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 107 (1878)
Distribution: Sudan; Ethiopia; Djibouti; N-Somalia; Kenya; SW-Saudi Arabia; Yemen
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix arachnoidea (A.Rich.) T.Durand & Schinz; Consp. Fl. Afr. [Durand & Schinz] 5: 69 (1892), isonym
= Holothrix richardii Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 191 (1897), nom. illeg.
= Holothrix vatkeana Rchb.f.; J. Bot. 14: 346 (1876)
= Peristylus arachnoideus A.Rich.; Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot., Sér. 2, 14: 267 (1840)
= Platanthera arachnoidea (A.Rich.) Engl.; Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1891: 179 (1891 publ. 1892)
species :
Holothrix aspera (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., N-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Bucculina aspera Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 209 (1836)
= Holothrix confusa Rolfe; Fl. Cap. [Harvey] 5(3): 105 (1912)
species :
Holothrix brevipetala Immelman & Schelpe; Bothalia 13 (3­4): 455 (1981)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
species :
Holothrix brongniartiana Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 107 (1878)
Distribution: South Sudan; Ethiopia; Uganda; Kenya; Tanzania; Zambia; Malawi
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix puberula Rendle; J. Bot. 33: 278 (1895)
= Holothrix plowdenii Kraenzl.; [nom. ined.]
species :
Holothrix buchananii Schltr.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 447 (1898), et Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 330 (1899)
Distribution: S-Tanzania; Malawi
25 TAN 26 MLW
species :
Holothrix burchellii (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Scopularia burchelli Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 304 (1835)
species :
Holothrix burmanniana (L.) Le Péchon & Bytebier; Phytotaxa 494(2): 250 (2021)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Arethusa burmanni L. ex Jackson; Index Linn. Herb. 37 (1912)
= Arethusa ciliaris L.f.; Suppl. Pl. [Linnaeus f.] 405 (1782), nom. superfl.
= Bartholina burmanniana (L.) Ker Gawl.; Brand. J. Sci. 4: 204, t. 5 (1818)
= Bartholina lindleyana Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
= Bartholina lindleyana Rchb.f. ex Rolfe; Fl. Cap. [Harvey] 5(3): 95 (1912), descr.
= Bartholina pectinata (Thunb.) R.Br.; Hort. Kew., ed. 2 [W.T.Aiton] 5: 194 (1813)
= Habenaria burmanniana (L.) R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 690 (1810), comb. not made.
= Lathrisia pectinata (Thunb.) Sw.; Annot. Bot. 48 (1829)
= Orchis burmanniana (L.) Sw.; Beitr. Naturk. [Weber & Mohr] 1: 55 (1804)
= Orchis burmanniana L.; Pl. Rar. Afr. 26 (1760), Amoen. Acad. 6: 108
= Orchis pectinata Thunb.; Prodr. Pl. Cap. 4 (1794), nom. illeg.
species :
Holothrix cernua (Burm.f.) Schelpe; Orchid Rev. 74: 394 (1966)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria hispida (Thunb.) A.Spreng.; Tent. Suppl. 27 (1828)
= Holothrix gracilis Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 207 (1836)
= Holothrix harveyana Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 206 (1837)
= Holothrix hispidula (L.f.) T.Durand & Schinz; Consp. Fl. Afr. [Durand & Schinz] 70 (1894)
= Holothrix lindleyana Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
= Holothrix squamulosa Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 206 (1836)
= Holothrix squamulosa var. glabrata Bolus; Icon. Orchid. Austro-Afric. 3: t. 18 (1913)
= Holothrix squamulosa var. hirsuta Bolus; Trans. S. African Philos. Soc. 5(1): 114 (1888)
= Holothrix squamulosa var. scabra Bolus; Trans. S. African Philos. Soc. 5(1): 114 (1888)
= Monotris secunda Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835) [non Orchis secunda Thunb.]
= Orchis cernua Burm.f.; Fl. Ind. [N.L.Burman] Prodr. Fl. Cap. 30 (err. typ. 26) (1768)
= Orchis hispida Thunb.; Prodr. Pl. Cap. 4 (1794), nom. illeg.
= Orchis hispidula L.f.; Suppl. Pl. [Linnaeus f.] 401 (1782)
= Tryphia nivea Zeyh. ex Harv.; Gen. S. Afr. Pl. 323 (1838)
species :
Holothrix condensata Sond.; Linnaea 19: 76 (1847)
Distribution: South Africa (Northern Provinces, Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix lithophila Schltr.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 446 (1898), et Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 26: 331 (1899)
= Holothrix villosa var. condensata (Sond.) Immelman; Bothalia 13 (3­4): 456 (1981)
species :
Holothrix culveri (Schltr.) Bolus; Trans. S. African Philos. Soc. 16: 147 (1905)
Distribution: South Africa (E-Northern Provinces, Barberton)
27 SAF
Conservation Status: Known only from type
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera culveri (Bolus) Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 38: 144 (1906)
= Holothrix culveri var. integra Bolus; Trans. S. African Philos. Soc. 16: 148 (1905)
species :
Holothrix elgonensis Summerh.; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 507 (1932)
Distribution: E-Uganda; NW-Kenya
species :
Holothrix etheliae (Bolus) Le Péchon & Bytebier; Phytotaxa 494(2): 250 (2021)
Distribution: S-Namibia; South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov., N-Cape Prov.)
Synonyms: hidden
= Bartholina etheliae Bolus; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 20: 472 (1884)
species :
Holothrix exilis Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 283 (1835)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix brachylabris Sond.; Linnaea 19: 78 (1846)
= Holothrix exilis var. brachylabris (Sond.) Bolus; Icon. Orchid. Austro-Afric. 1: t. 14 (1896)
species :
Holothrix filicornis Immelman & Schelpe; Bothalia 13 (3­4): 455 (1981)
Distribution: S-Namibia; South Africa (N-Cape Prov.)
species :
Holothrix grandiflora (Sond.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Scopularia grandiflora Sond.; Linnaea 19: 79 (1847)
species :
Holothrix hydra P.J.Cribb; Kew Bull. 34(2): 321 (1979)
Distribution: S-Tanzania
25 TAN
species :
Holothrix incurva Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 207 (1836)
Distribution: South Africa (SE-Free State, W-KwaZulu-Natal); Lesotho
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix rupicola Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 24: 419 (1897)
species :
Holothrix johnstonii Rolfe; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 47 (1896)
Distribution: S-Malawi
26 MLW
species :
Holothrix klimkoana Szlach. & Marg.; Candollea 61(2): 468 (2006)
Distribution: +SW-Angola
26 ANG
Remarks: known only from type collected in 1928
species :
Holothrix longicornu G.J.Lewis; J. S. African Bot. 4: 53 (1938)
Distribution: South Africa (E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
species :
Holothrix longiflora Rolfe; Bol. Soc. Brot. 7: 237 (1889)
Distribution: S-Tanzania; SW-Angola; Zambia; Malawi; N-Mozambique
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix lastii Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 195 (1897)
= Holothrix medusa Kraenzl.; Notizbl. Königl. Bot. Gart. Berlin 1: 154 (1897)
species :
Holothrix macowaniana Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 108 (1878)
Distribution: E-Zimbabwe; South Africa (E-Cape Prov.)
26 ZIM 27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Tryphia macowaniana (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 108 (1881)
species :
Holothrix majubensis C.Archer & R.H.Archer; S. African J. Bot. 62: 209 (1996)
Distribution: South Africa (S-Northern Provinces)
27 SAF
Conservation Status: IUCN I
species :
Holothrix micrantha Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 20: Beibl. No. 50 31 (1895)
Distribution: E-Zimbabwe; South Africa (Mpulamanga)
26 ZIM 27 SAF
species :
Holothrix mundii Sond.; Linnaea 19: 77 (1846)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
species :
Holothrix nyasae Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 193 (1897)
Distribution: S-Tanzania; ?NE-Zambia; NW-Mozambique
25 TAN 26 MOZ
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix nyasae var. blepharodactyla Schltr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 53: 487 (1915)
species :
Holothrix orthoceras (Harv.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: ?E-Zambia; S-Malawi; E-Zimbabwe; South Africa (Northern Provinces, Natal, E-Cape Prov., E-Free State); NE-Lesotho
Synonyms: hidden
= Tryphia orthoceras Harv.; Thes. Cap. 2: 4 (1863)
species :
Holothrix papillosa Summerh.; Kew Bull. 14: 128 (1960)
Distribution: SE-D.R.Congo [Zaire]; S-Tanzania; N-Zambia; Malawi
23 ZAI 25 TAN 26 MLW ZAM
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix brachycheira Summerh.; Kew Bull. 14: 127 (1960)
species :
Holothrix parviflora (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov., SW-KwaZulu-Natal)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix lindleyana var. parviflora (Lindl.) Rolfe; Fl. Cap. [Harvey] 5(3): 106 (1912)
= Holothrix parvifolia Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 283 (1835)
= Tryphia parviflora (Lindl.) Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 209 (1836)
= Tryphia secunda Lindl.; Edwards´s Bot. Reg. sub t. 1701 (1835) [non Orchis secunda Thunb.]
species :
Holothrix pentadactyla (Summerh.) Summerh.; Kew Bull. 14: 129 (1960)
Distribution: W-Kenya
25 KEN
Conservation Status: IUCN E
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera pentadactyla Summerh.; Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 418 (1927)
species :
Holothrix pilosa (Burch. ex Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1881)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Conservation Status: IUCN I
Synonyms: hidden
= Saccidium pilosum Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 301 (1835)
species :
Holothrix pleistodactyla Kraenzl.; Pflanzenw. Ost-Afrikas C: 151 (1895), et Bot. Jahrb. 22: 17 (1895)
Distribution: N-Tanzania; N-Malawi
25 TAN 26 MLW
Conservation Status: IUCN I
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix rorida G.Will.; Kirkia 13(2): 245 (1990)
species :
Holothrix praecox Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 2: 108 (1878)
Distribution: N-Ethiopia
24 ETH
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera praecox (Rchb.f.) Rendle & Schltr. ex Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 197 (1898)
species :
Holothrix randii Rendle; J. Bot. 37: 208 (1899)
Distribution: W-Kenya; N-Tanzania; Zimbabwe; South Africa (Mpulamanga)
25 KEN TAN 26 ZIM 27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix reckii Bolus; Orchids S. Africa 3, t. 21 (1913)
species :
Holothrix schimperi Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg.108 (1881)
Distribution: Ethiopia; Kenya
24 ETH 25 KEN
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera schimperi (Rchb.f.) Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 197 (1898)
species :
Holothrix schlechteriana Kraenzl. ex Schltr.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 21 (1899), et Orch. Gen. & Sp. 1: 588 (1900)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., N-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
species :
Holothrix scopularia (Lindl.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (Northern Provinces, Free State, Natal, E-Cape Prov.); Lesotho
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix multisecta Bolus; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 25: 170 (1889)
species :
Holothrix secunda (Thunb.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov., N-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Synonyms: hidden
= Habenaria secunda (Thunb.) R.Br.; Prodr. Fl. Nov. Holland. 312 (1810)
= Holothrix monotris Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
= Orchis secunda Thunb.; Prodr. Pl. Cap. 4 (1794)
= Scopularia secunda (Thunb.) Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 207 (1836)
= Tryphia major Sond.; Linnaea 19: 82 (1847)
= Tryphia secunda (Thunb.) Lindl.; Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 258 (1835)
species :
Holothrix socotrana Rolfe; H. O. Forbes, Nat. Hist. Sokotra, 507 (1903)
Distribution: Soqotra
24 SOC
Conservation Status: IUCN I
species :
Holothrix squammata (A.Rich.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 2: 119 (1878)
Distribution: South Sudan; Ethiopia; S-Uganda
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera squammata (Hochst. ex A.Rich.) Rchb.f.; De Pollin. Orchid. 29 (1852)
= Peristylus squammatus Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 289 (1851)
= Spiranthes abyssinica Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 289 (1851)
species :
Holothrix thodei Rolfe; Fl. Cap. [Harvey] 5(3): 100 (1912)
Distribution: South Africa (SE-Free State, W-KwaZulu-Natal, E-Cape Prov.); Lesotho
species :
Holothrix tridactylites Summerh.; Kew Bull. 16: 253 (1962)
Distribution: Cameroon; S-Tanzania; NE-Zambia; N-Malawi
23 CMN 25 TAN 26 MLW ZAM
species :
Holothrix tridentata (Hook.f.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 119 (1878)
Distribution: W-Cameroon; South Sudan; Ethiopia
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix platydactyla Kraenzl.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17: 66 (1893)
= Peristylus tridentatus Hook.f.; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 7: 221 (1864)
= Platanthera tridentata (Hook.f.) Engl.; Abh. Königl. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1891: 179 (1892)
species :
Holothrix triloba (Rolfe) Kraenzl.; Orchid. Gen. Sp. 1: 938 (1898)
Distribution: S-Tanzania
25 TAN
Conservation Status: IUCN I
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera triloba Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 197 (1897)
species :
Holothrix unifolia (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f.; Otia Bot. Hamburg. 2: 119 (1878)
Distribution: Ethiopia
24 ETH
Synonyms: hidden
= Deroemera montigena (Ridl.) Rolfe; Fl. Trop. Afr. [Oliver et al.] 7: 196 (1897)
= Deroemera unifolia (Rchb.f.) Rchb.f.; Bonplandia (Hannover) 3: 213 (1855)
= Holothrix montigena Ridl.; J. Bot. 24: 295 (1886)
= Peristylus unifolius (Rchb.f.) Hochst. ex Rchb.f.; Bonplandia (Hannover) 3: 213 (1855)
species :
Holothrix villosa Lindl.; Compan. Bot. Mag. 2: 207 (1836)
Distribution: E-Zimbabwe; Namibia; South Africa (W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov., N-Cape Prov.); La Réunion
26 ZIM 27 NAM SAF 29 REU
Synonyms: hidden
= Holothrix villosa subsp. chimanimaniensis G.Will.; Kirkia 13(2): 247 (1990)
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