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Ver. 24.12
December 30th, 2024

241.0000 Family Rosaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. 334 (1789), nom. cons.
97-110 genera, ca. 7.500 spp., of them about 4.000 microspecies in Rubus, Alchemilla and Sorbus
Species listed in database: 7653; hybrids: 494
= Agrimoniaceae Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 395, 574 (1822)
= Alchemillaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 17 (1820)
= Amygdalaceae Marquis; Esq. Règne Vég. 49 (1820), nom. cons.
= Cercocarpaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl. 287 (1858)
= Chamaemoraceae Lilja; Skånes Fl., ed. 2: 349, 980 (1870)
= Coleogynaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl. 171 (1858)
= Cydoniaceae Schnizl.; Anal. Nat. Ordn. Gew. 14 (1856)
= Dryadaceae Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 395, 577 (1822)
= Fragariaceae Nestl.; Monogr. Potentilla 14 (1816)
= Lindleyaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl. 166 (1858)
= Malaceae Small; Fl. S. E. U.S.: 529 (1903), nom. cons.
= Mespilaceae Schultz Sch.; Nat. Syst. Pflanzenr. [Engler] IV.275.I, Heft 66 (Cucurb.-Fevill.-Melothr.):.: 509 (1832)
= Neilliaceae Miq.; Fl. Ned. Ind. 1: 390 (1855)
= Potentillaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 231 (1820)
= Poteriaceae Raf.; Anal. Nat. 173 (1815)
= Prunaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 511 (1820)
= Pyraceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 268, 286 (1818)
= Rhodotypaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl. 172 (1858)
= Sanguisorbaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 231 (1820)
= Sorbaceae Brenner; Florist. Handb. 94 (1886)
= Spiraeaceae Bertuch; Taf. Allg. Naturgesch. Gewächs-Reich: Enum. 10, Syn. Tab. 3 (1801)
= Tormentillaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 636 (1820)
= Ulmariaceae Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 395, 588 (1822)
241.2101 Genus Filipendula Mill.; Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4 (1754)
Distribution: Temperate Northern Hemisphere; esp. Russia; 1 from Arctic Regions to Caucasus, Middle Asia, and Russian Far East
Species listed in database: 13; hybrids: 3
= Ulmaria Mill.; Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4 (1754)
= Thecanisia Raf.; New Fl. [Rafinesque] 2: 38 (1836)

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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 24.12 (December 30th, 2024)

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8,716 hybrids, 47,863 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,001,368 synonyms,
in total 1,413,824* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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