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Ver. 25.01
Jan. 21th, 2024

182.0000 Family Ranunculaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl. [Jussieu] 231 (1789), nom. cons.
52 genera, ca. 3700 spp.
Species listed in database: 3822; hybrids: 107
= Aconitaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 216 (1820)
= Actaeaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 1(16-53): 2, 140 (1823)
= Anemonaceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 264, 275 (1818)
= Aquilegiaceae Lilja; Skånes Fl., ed. 2: 375, 861, 979 (1870)
= Calthaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 92 (1820)
= Cimicifugaceae Bromhead; Mag. Nat. Hist., n. s. 4: 336, 338 (1840)
= Clematidaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 134 (1820)
= Delphiniaceae Brenner; Florist. Handb. 52 (1886)
= Glaucidiaceae M.Tamura; Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 85: 40 (1972)
= Helleboraceae Vest; Anleit. Stud. Bot. 264, 274 (1818)
= Hydrastidaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 318 (1820)
= Nigellaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl. 76 (1858)
= Thalictraceae Raf.; Anal. Nat. 176 (1815)
= Xanthorhizaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prír. Rostlin 1(16-53): 2, 145 (1823)
182.5303 Genus Eriocapitella Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17: 267 (1941)
Distribution: E-Asia. Status uncertain, embedded in Anemonastrum in phylogenetic trees and therefore to be included in Anemonastrum. Combinations are unfortunately unavailable.
Species listed in database: 6; hybrids: 1
species :
Eriocapitella hupehensis (Lemoine) Christenh. & Byng; Global Fl. 4: 75 (2018)
Name: Herbst-Windröschen (DE)
Distribution: Germany [I]; China (N-Guangdong, N-Guangxi, Guizhou, W-Hubei, Jiangxi, S-Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, E-Zhejiang); North Korea [c]; South Korea [c]; Taiwan; Myanmar (Kachin, Sagaing)
11 ger 36 CHI 38 kor nko TAI 41 MYA
Remarks: probably only a variety of E. japonica
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone hupehensis (É.Lemoine) É.Lemoine; Nursery Cat. (Lemoine) 176: 40 (1910)
= Anemone hupehensis f. alba W.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 166 (1974)
= Anemone japonica var. hupehensis É.Lemoine; Nursery Cat. (Lemoine) 170: 42 (1908)
= Anemone matsudae (Yamam.) M.Tamura; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 16(4): 110 (1956)
= Anemone vitifolia var. matsudai Yamam.; Icon. Pl. Formosan., Suppl. 3: 27-29 (1927)
species :
Eriocapitella japonica (Thunb.) Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17: 268 (1941)
Distribution: China (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang); South Korea [I]; Japan [I]; Ryukyu Isl. [I]; Vietnam
36 CHI 38 jap kor nns 41 VIE
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone hupehensis var. japonica (Thunb.) Bowles & Stearn; J. Roy. Hort. Soc. 72: 265 (1947)
= Anemone hupehensis var. simplicifolia W.T.Wang; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 12: 167 (1974)
= Anemone japonica (Thunb.) Siebold & Zucc.; Fl. Jap. [Siebold] 1: 15 (t. 5) (1835)
= Anemone nipponica Merr.; J. Arnold Arbor. 19: 339 (1938)
= Anemone scabiosa H.Lév. & Vaniot; Bull. Acad. Int. Géogr. Bot. 11(148): 47 (1902)
= Anemone vitifolia var. japonica (Thunb.) Finet & Gagnep.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 51: 68 (1904)
= Anemone ×hybrida var. japonica (Thunb.) Ohwi; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7: 46 (1938)
= Atragene japonica Thunb.; Syst. Veg., ed. 14 [J.A.Murray]: 511 (1784)
species :
Eriocapitella rivularis (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Christenh. & Byng; Global Fl. 4: 75 (2018)
Distribution: China (C-Gansu, S-Gansu, N-Hebei, W-Hebei, NW-Henan, SW-Nei Mongol, Ningxia, E-Qinghai, Shaanxi, N-Sichuan, W-Xinjiang, W-Guangxi, Guizhou, SW-Hubei, Yunnan); Tibet; Pakistan (Karakorum); Nepal; Bhutan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand); Sri Lanka; Myanmar (Kachin, Shan); Laos; Vietnam
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone barbulata Turcz.; Bull. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou no. 7: 149 (1837)
= Anemone dubia Wall.; (Numer. List [Wallich] 167, no. 4698 (1831), nomen) ex Wight & Arn., l. c. (1834)
= Anemone esquirolii H.Lév. & Vaniot; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 8(160-162): 58 (1910) (non H. Lév. 1911)
= Anemone flore-minore (Maxim.) Y.Z.Zhao; Classific. Florist. Ecol. Geogr. Distrib. Vasc. Pl. Inner Mongolia 162 (2012)
= Anemone geraniifolia Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] 166, no. 4693 (1831), nomen
= Anemone hispida Wall.; Numer. List [Wallich] 167, no. 4698 (1831), nomen
= Anemone leveillei Ulbr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 36(3, Beibl. 80): 5, f. s. n., 6-9 (1905)
= Anemone longipes M.Tamura; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 15(6): 192-193, f. 1 (1954)
= Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC.; Syst. Nat. [Candolle] 1: 211 (1817)
= Anemone rivularis subsp. barbulata (Turcz.) Ulbr.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37(2): 234 (1906)
= Anemone rivularis var. barbulata (Turcz.) B.Fedtsch.; Bull. Peking Soc. Nat. Hist. 2: 94 (1928)
= Anemone rivularis var. daliensis X.D.Dong & Lin Yang; Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 20: 248 (2000)
= Anemone rivularis var. flore-minore Maxim.; Fl. Tangut. 6 (1889)
= Anemone rivularis var. parviflora M.Tamura; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 23: 102 (1968)
= Anemone rivularis var. pilosisepala W.T.Wang; Guihaia 33(5): 585 (2013)
= Anemone saniculifolia H.Lév.; Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 7(152-156): 383-384 (1909)
= Anemone wightiana Wall.; (Numer. List [Wallich] 167, no. 4697 (1831), nomen) ex Prodr. Fl. Ind. Orient. [Wight & Arnott] 3 (1834)
= Anemonidium rivulare (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Starod.; Vetrenitsy: Sist. Evol. 119 (1991)
= Ranunculus moellendorffii Hance; J. Bot. 17: 7 (1879)
species :
Eriocapitella rupicola (Cambess.) Christenh. & Byng; Global Fl. 4: 75 (2018)
Distribution: China (Gansu, W-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan); S-Tibet; Pakistan (Hazara, Chitral, Swat, Gilgit, Baltistan, Azad Kashmir); Nepal; Bhutan; India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone batangensis Finet; J. Bot. [Morot] 21: 30 (1908)
= Anemone laceratoincisa W.T.Wang; Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 28: 349-350, f. 1 (1980)
= Anemone rupestris Jacquem. ex Cambess.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 4(Bot.): 5 (1844), non Wall.
= Anemone rupicola Cambess.; Voy. Inde [Jacquemont] 4(Bot.): 5 (1844)
= Anemone rupicola subsp. laceratoincisa (W.T.Wang) R.P.Chaudhary; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 72(6): 824 (1987)
= Anemone rupicola subsp. reniformis R.P.Chaudhary; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 72(6): 825 (1987)
= Anemone rupicola subsp. sericea (Hook.f. & Thomson) R.P.Chaudhary; Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 72(6): 823 (1987)
= Anemone rupicola var. glabriuscula Hook.f. & Thomson; Fl. Brit. India [J.D.Hooker] 1: 8 (1855)
= Anemone rupicola var. sericea Hook.f. & Thomson
species :
Eriocapitella tomentosa (Maxim.) Christenh. & Byng; Global Fl. 4: 75 (2018)
Distribution: China (W-Hebei, W-Henan, W-Hubei, E-Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, W-Sichuan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone elegans var. tomentosa (Maxim.) Hand.-Mazz.; Acta Horti Gothob. 13(4): 179 (1939)
= Anemone japonica var. tomentosa Maxim.; Fl. Tangut. 7 (1889)
= Anemone tomentosa (Maxim.) C.Pei; Contr. Biol. Lab. Chin. Assoc. Advancem. Sci., Sect. Bot. 9: 2 (1933)
= Anemone vitifolia var. tomentosa (Maxim.) Finet & Gagnep.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 51: 69 (1904)
= Eriocapitella vitifolia var. tomentosa (Maxim.) Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17(5): 270 (1941)
species :
Eriocapitella vitifolia (Buch.-Ham. ex DC.) Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17(5): 269-270 (1941)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan, Yunnan); S-Tibet; Pakistan (Hazara, Murree); Nepal; Bhutan; India (Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, West Bengal); N-Myanmar (Kachin); Philippines (Luzon)
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone elegans Decne.; Rev. Hort. (Paris), Sér. 4, 1: 41 (1852)
= Anemone vitifolia Buch.-Ham. ex DC.; Syst. Nat. [Candolle] 1: 210 (1817)
= Eriocapitella elegans (Decne.) Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17: 270 (1941)
= Eriocapitella vitifolia var. matsudai (Yamam.) Nakai; J. Jap. Bot. 17(1): 270 (1941)
species :
Eriocapitella ×hybrida (Paxton) Christenh. & Byng; Global Fl. 4: 75 (2018), as ´(L. H. Bailey) Christenh. & Byng´, based on wrong basionym
Name: Hybrid-Windröschen (DE)
Distribution: cult.; Germany [I]; Slovakia [I]; Myanmar [I]; Vietnam [I]; Hawaii [I] (Hawaii Isl. [I]); Mexico [I]; Guatemala [I]; Colombia [I]; Ecuador [I]
11 ger slo 41 mya vie 63 haw 79 mex 80 gua 82 clm 83 ecu
Remarks: Eriocapitella vitifolia x japonica
Synonyms: hidden
= Anemone japonica var. hybrida (Paxton) T.Moore & Ayres; Gard. Mag. Bot. 1: 17 (1850)
= Anemone japonica var. hybrida L.H.Bailey; 286 (1914), isonym
= Anemone ×hybrida Paxton; Paxton´s Mag. Bot. 15(178): 239 (1848)
= Anemone ×hybrida (L.H.Bailey) Makino; J. Jap. Bot. 7: 4 (1931)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.01 (January 21th, 2025)

Covering 355,968 accepted species,
8,748 hybrids, 47,863 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,002,228 synonyms,
in total 1,418,722* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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