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Ver. 25.01
Jan. 2nd, 2024

390.0000 Family Aizoaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 15 (1820), nom. cons.
127 genera, ca. 1900 spp.
Species listed in database: 1775; hybrids: 11
= Galeniaceae Raf.; Amer. J. Sci. (New York) 1: 376 (1819)
= Mesembryaceae Dumort.; Anal. Fam. Pl. 37, 41 (1829)
= Mesembryanthemaceae Philib.; Intr. Bot., ed. 2, 3: 268 (1801), nom. cons.
= Sesuviaceae Horan.; Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat. 83 (1834)
= Tetragoniaceae Lindl.; Nat. Syst. Bot. ed. 2: 209 (1836), nom. cons.
390.3472 Genus Didymaotus N.E.Br.; Gard. Chron., Ser. 3, 78: 433 (1925)
Distribution: W-South Africa
Species listed in database: 1

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species :
Didymaotus lapidiformis (Marloth) N.E.Br.; Gard. Chron., Ser. 3, 80: 149 (1926)
Distribution: South Africa (W-Cape Prov.)
27 SAF
Conservation Status: IUCN V
Synonyms: hidden
= Mesembryanthemum lapidiforme Marloth; Trans. Roy. Soc. South Africa 4: 137 (1914)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.01 (January 2nd, 2025)

Covering 355,836 accepted species,
8,748 hybrids, 47,863 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,001,920 synonyms,
in total 1,418,260* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

With complete, detailed distribution data (countries and regions) and literature references

Arranged in linear phylogenetic sequence reflecting true relationships

Fully searchable and continously updated

With 38,209 pictures of 15,787 species

Assembled through 40 years independently from other databases

In cooperation with Catalogue of Life