
* Only valid names are shown as results




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Ver. 25.03
Mar. 6th, 2025

502.0000 Family Gesneriaceae Rich. & Juss.; DC., Essai Propr. Méd. Pl., ed. 2: 192 (1816), nom. cons.
146 genera, ca. 3750 spp. Phylogeny: Weber et al. (2013)
Species listed in database: 3955; hybrids: 44
= Belloniaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar 67 (1820)
= Besleriaceae Raf.; Sylva Tellur. 70 (1838)
= Cyrtandraceae Jack; Trans. Linn. Soc. London 14: 23 (1823)
= Didymocarpaceae D.Don; Edinburgh Philos. J. 7: 83 (1822)
= Ramondaceae Godr.; Fl. France [Grenier] 2: 506 (1850)
502.2562 Genus Corytoplectus Oerst.; Kongel. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., Naturvidensk. Math. Afd., Ser. 5, 5: 119 (1861)
Distribution: Panama, tropical South America
Species listed in database: 12
= Diplolegnon Rusby; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 29 (1900)
species :
Corytoplectus capitatus (Hook.) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Venezuela (Amazonas, Aragua, Carabobo, Guarico, Miranda, Yaracuy); Ecuador
82 VEN 83 ECU
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus capitatus Hook.; Bot. Mag. t. 4452 (1849)
= Alloplectus speciosus Hook.; Bot. Mag. 75: t. 4452 (1849), nomen pro syn.
= Columnea capitata (Hook.) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 472 (1891)
= Crantzia capitata (Hook.) Fritsch; Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] IV, 3b: 168 (1894)
= Macrochlamys speciosus Decne.; Rev. Hort. (Paris), Sér. 3, 3: 243 (1849)
species :
Corytoplectus congestus (Linden ex Hanst.) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Colombia (Cesar, Norte de Santander, Santander); Venezuela (Amazonas, Barinas, Falcon, Lara, Merida, Portuguesa, Trujillo, Zulia); N-Brazil (Amazonas)
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus congestus Linden ex Hanst.; Linnaea 34: 371 (1865)
= Columnea congesta (Linden ex Hanst.) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 472 (1891)
= Crantzia congesta (Linden ex Hanst.) Fritsch; Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] IV, 3b: 168 (1894)
species :
Corytoplectus cutucuensis Wiehler; Gesneriana 1(1): 35 (1995)
Distribution: Ecuador
83 ECU
species :
Corytoplectus deltoideus (C.V.Morton) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Venezuela (Bolívar); Guyana
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus deltoideus C.V.Morton; Fieldiana, Bot. 28(3): 521 (1953)
species :
Corytoplectus grandifolius (Britton ex Rusby) Rodr.-Flores & L.E.Skog; Selbyana 29(1): 105 (2008)
Distribution: Bolivia (La Paz)
83 BOL
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus grandifolius Britton ex Rusby; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30 (1900)
species :
Corytoplectus longipedunculatus Rodr.-Flores & L.E.Skog; Selbyana 29(1): 107 (2008)
Distribution: Colombia (Magdalena); Venezuela
species :
Corytoplectus oaxacensis Ram.-Roa, C.Chávez & Rodr.-Flores; Brittonia 61(3): 219 (2009)
Distribution: Mexico (Oaxaca)
79 MEX
species :
Corytoplectus purpuratus Rodr.-Flores & L.E.Skog; Selbyana 29(1): 109 (2008)
Distribution: Colombia (Magdalena)
82 CLM
species :
Corytoplectus riceanus (Rusby) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Bolivia (Cochabamba, La Paz)
83 BOL
Synonyms: hidden
= Diplolegnon riceanum Rusby; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 30 (1900)
species :
Corytoplectus schlimii (Planch. & Linden) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Colombia (Caquetá, Cundinamarca, Magdalena, Meta, Santander)
82 CLM
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus schlimii Planch. & Linden; Fl. Serres Jard. Eur. 8: 211. I. 827 (1852 publ. 1853)
= Columnea schlimii (Planch. & Linden) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 472 (1891)
= Corytoplectus pulcher (N.E.Br.) Wiehler; Selbyana 5(1): 61 (1978)
= Crantzia schlimii (Planch. & Linden) Voss; Vilm. Ill. Blumengärtn., ed. 3 [Sieber & Voss], 1: 797 (1895)
= Hypocyrta pulchra N.E.Br.; Gard. Chron., Ser. 3, 16: 244 (1894)
species :
Corytoplectus speciosus (Poepp.) Wiehler; Phytologia 27(5): 313 (1973)
Distribution: Ecuador; Peru
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus bicolor Linden; Cat. Pl. Exot. [Linden] 22/23: 1 (1869) non G. Don
= Alloplectus corymbosus Klotzsch ex Hanst.; Linnaea 34: 371 (1865 publ. 1866)
= Alloplectus poeppigiana Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 472 (1891)
= Alloplectus speciosus Poepp. & Endl.; Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. [Poeppig & Endlicher] 3: 6 (1845)
= Alloplectus vittatus Linden & André; Ill. Hort. 17: (1870) t. 13
= Columnea corymbosa (Klotzsch ex Hanst.) Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 472 (1891)
= Columnea poeppigiana Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 471 (1891)
= Crantzia corymbosa (Klotzsch ex Hanst.) Fritsch; Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] IV, 3b: 168 (1894)
= Crantzia speciosa (Poepp.) Fritsch; Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] IV, 3b: 168 (1894)
= Crantzia vittata (Linden & André) Rech.; Oesterr. Bot. Z. 49: 182 (1899)
variant :
var. orbicularis Rodr.-Flores & L.E.Skog; Selbyana 29(1): 115 (2008)
Distribution: Ecuador; Peru; Bolivia (La Paz)
species :
Corytoplectus zamorensis (Linden & André) Rodr.-Flores & L.E.Skog; Selbyana 29(1): 119 (2008)
Distribution: Colombia (Boyacá, Cauca, Cundinamarca, Norte de Santander, Santander)
82 CLM
Synonyms: hidden
= Alloplectus zamorensis Linden & André; Ill. Hort. 19: 110 (1872)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.03 (March 6th, 2025)

Covering 356,112 accepted species,
8,776 hybrids, 48,085 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,002,454 synonyms,
in total 1,415,427* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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