; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 1: 473 (1753) s. l.
Distribution: cosmopolitan, mostly in temperate regions, many in E-Asia. There is still considerable debate over the status of the various split genera of Prunus (Cerasus, Laurocerasus, Amygdalus, Pygeum and many others).
= Aflatunia (Franch.) Vassilcz.; Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R. 17: 261 (1955)
= Amygdalophora Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 70 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Amygdalopsis Carrière; Rev. Hortic., 91 (1862), non M. Roem. (1862)
= Amygdalus L.; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 1: 472 (1753)
= Armeniaca Scop.; Meth. Pl. 15 (1754)
= Causea Scop.; Introd. Hist. Nat. 210 (1777)
= Ceraseidos Siebold & Zucc.; Abh. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. 3(3): 743 (1843)
= Cerasophora Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 71 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Cerasus Mill.; Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4 (1754)
= Chamaeamygdalus (Spach) Fedor.; Botanica (Lithuania) 30(1): 45 (2024)
= Chimanthus Raf.; Fl. Ludov. 26 (1817)
= Digaster Miq.; Fl. Ned. Ind. Suppl. 329 (1860)
= Dodecadia Lour.; Fl. Cochinch. 304 (1790)
= Druparia Clairv.; Man. Herbor. Suisse 159 (1811), nom. illeg.
= Emplectocladus Torr.; Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 6: 10, t. 5 (1854)
= Germaria C.Presl; Epimel. Bot. 221 (1849)
= Hagidryas Griseb.; Reise Rumel. 1: 311 (1841)
= Jadelotia Buc´hoz; Herb. Color. Amérique: t. 42 (1783)
= Laurocerasus Duhamel; Traité Arbr. Arbust. 1: 345 (1755)
= Louiseania Carrière; Rev. Hort. 44: 34 (1872)
= Maddenia Hook.f. & Thomson; Kew J. Bot. 6: 381, t. 12 (1854)
= Mahaleb Takht.; Fl. Armen. 3: 324 (1958)
= Microcerasus Webb & Berthel. ex M.Roem.; Fam. Nat. Syn. Monogr. 3: 93 (1847)
= Orospodias Raf.; Atlantic J. 1: 182 (1833)
= Padellus Vassilcz.; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 10: 185 (1973)
= Padus Mill.; Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4, 3: (1754)
= Persica (Tourn.) Mill.; Gard. Dict. ed. VI. (1752)
= Polydontia Blume; Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 1104 (1826)
= Prunoaflatunia Tkatsch.; Derev. Kustarnik. Dik. Fl. Kirg. 305 (1972)
= Prunophora Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 71 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Prunopsis André; Rev. Hortic. 967 (1883)
= Pygeum Gaertn.; Fruct. 1: 218, t. 46 (1788)
= Trichocarpus Neck.; Elem. 2: 70 (1790)
= Tubopadus Pomel; Mat. Fl. Atl. 8 (1860)
= Turetta Vell.; Fl. Flumin. 233 (1829)
= xAmygdalopersica Delpino ex L.L.Daniel; Rev. Gén. Bot. 27: 33 (1915)
= xArmenoprunus Janch.; Cat. Fl. Austr., I. Pteridophyt. & Anthophyt. 1(2): 351 (1958)
= xCerapadus Buia; Fl. Republ. Socialist. Romania 4: 880 (1956)
= xCerasolouiseania E.N.Lomakin & Juschev; Byull. Vsesojuzn. Ordena Lenina Ordena Druzhby Narodov Nauchno-Issl. Inst. Rasteniev. N. I. Vavilova 81: 23 (1978)
= xCeropadus Buia; Fl. Republ. Socialist. Romania 4: 880 (1956)
= xPrunoamygdalus Kovalev; Alycha Prirodye, Kulturye i Selektsii 55 (1955)