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September 19th, 2024

491.0000 Family Gentianaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 141 (1789), nom. cons.
95 genera, ca. 1850 spp.
Species listed in database: 1853; hybrids: 23
= Chironiaceae Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin 1(104-114): 1, 36 (1823)
= Coutoubeaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 168 (1820)
= Obolariaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 427 (1820)
= Potaliaceae Mart.; Nov. Gen. Sp. Pl. 2: 89, 91, 133 (1827)
= Saccifoliaceae Maguire & Pires; Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 29: 242 (1978)
491.0523 Genus Gentianopsis Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 7 (1951)
Distribution: cold and temp. Northern Hemisphere: North America, Asia, Europe, China (5)
Species listed in database: 21
= Anthopogon Neck. ex Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837), nom. illeg..
= Crossopetalum Roth; Enum. Pl. Phaen. Germ. 1(1): 515 (1827), nom. illeg.
= Denckea Raf.; Med. Repos. 5: 352 (1808)
= Lehmanna Casseb. & Theob.; Fl. Wetterau: 32 (1847)

Search for: Gentianopsis detonsa-subsp.-detonsa

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species :
Gentianopsis barbata (Froel.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 8 (1951)
subspecies :
subsp. barbata
Distribution: C-European Russia; E-European Russia (S-Urals); Siberia (Altai, Buryatia, Chita, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tuva, W-Siberia, Yakutia); Russian Far East (Amur, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk, Magadan); Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan; Kyrgyzstan; Tajikistan; Afghanistan (Badakshan, Wakhan, Kunar / Nuristan, Parwan, Takhar); China (Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Yunnan); Mongolia; North Korea; NE-Pakistan (Karakorum, Baltistan, Deosai, Gilgit); Nepal
14 RUS 30 SIB 31 RFE 32 KAZ KGZ TZK UZB 34 AFG 36 CHI 37 MON 38 NKO 40 NEP PAK
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon barbatus (Froel.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Gentiana barbata Froel.; Gen. Diss. 114 (1796)
= Gentiana barbata var. richardsoniana J.McNab; Edinburgh New Philos. J. 19: 62 (1835)
= Gentiana detonsa var. barbata (Froel.) Griseb.; Hook., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 64 (1837), et Gen. Sp. Gent. 257 (1839)
= Gentiana stricta Klotzsch; Bot. Ergebn. Reise Waldemar: 90 (1862), nom. illeg.
= Gentiana vvedenskyi Grossh.; Kom., Fl. URSS 18: 751 (1952)
= Gentianella barbata (Froel.) Bercht. & J.Presl; Rostlinar i Gentian. 1: 22 (1823)
= Gentianella vvedenskyi (Grossh.) Harry Sm.; Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal 3: 94 (1982)
= Gentianopsis barbata var. sinensis Ma; Acta Phytotax. 1: 8 (1951)
= Gentianopsis stricta (Klotzsch) Holub; Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8(2): 176 (1973), isonym
= Gentianopsis stricta Ikonn.; Novit. Syst. Pl. Vasc., Acad. Sci. URSS 6: 270 (1970)
= Gentianopsis vvedenskyi (Grossh.) Pissjauk.; Fl. Tadzhikskoi SSR 7: 292 (1984)
variant :
var. alboflavida T.N.Ho; Acta Biol. Plateau Sin. 1: 41 (1982), as ´albo-flavida´
Distribution: China (Qinghai)
36 CHI
variant :
var. stenocalyx H.W.Li ex T.N.Ho; Acta Biol. Plateau Sin. 1: 40 (1982)
Distribution: China (Qinghai, NW-Sichuan); Tibet
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentianopsis stenocalyx (Harry Sm.) H.W.Li; Rep. Invest. Fl. Fauna Ah Li Reg., Tibet: 103 (1979), without basionym ref.
= Gentianella stenocalyx Harry Sm.; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. Pt. v11. 980 (1936)
subspecies :
subsp. raupii (A.E.Porsild) Elven; J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 2(1): 442 (2008)
Name: Raup´s fringedgentian
Distribution: Canada (Alberta, Northern Territories)
70 CDN 71 CDN
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana detonsa var. raupii (A.E.Porsild) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana raupii A.E.Porsild; Sargentia 4: 60 (1943)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. raupii (A.E.Porsild) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 217 (1957)
= Gentianopsis detonsa subsp. raupii (A.E.Porsild) Á.Löve & D.Löve; Bot. Notiser, 128(4): 517 (1975 publ. 1976)
= Gentianopsis raupii (A.E.Porsild) Iltis; Sida 2: 134 (1965)
species :
Gentianopsis barbellata (Engelm.) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
Name: Perennial fringed gentian
Distribution: USA (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming)
73 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon barbellatus (Engelm.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 148 (1906)
= Gentiana barbellata Engelm.; Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 2: 216. t. 2 (1863)
= Gentianella barbellata (Engelm.) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 230 (1957)
species :
Gentianopsis ciliata (L.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
subspecies :
subsp. ciliata
Name: Fransen-Enzian (DE)
Distribution: Netherlands; Belgium; Luxembourg; Germany (Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Hessen, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, +Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thüringen); Switzerland; Liechtenstein; Austria; Poland; Czech Republic; Slovakia; Hungary; N-Spain; Andorra; France; ?Corsica; Italy; Slovenia; Croatia; Bosnia & Hercegovina; Montenegro; Serbia; Kosovo; North Macedonia; Albania; Romania; W-Bulgaria; N-Greece (very local Mt. Grammos, Rhodopi, Mt. Falakron); C-European Russia; E-European Russia; N-European Russia; W-European Russia; Ukraine; Morocco; Siberia (Altai, Krasnoyarsk, W-Siberia)
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon ciliatus (L.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Crossopetalum ciliatum (L.) Fourr.; Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon, N. S. 17: 120 (1869)
= Crossopetalum gentiana Andrz. ex Trautv.; Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 9: 20 (1884)
= Crossopetalum gentianoides Roth; Enum. Pl. Phaen. Germ. 1(1): 516 (1827), nom. superfl.
= Gentiana ciliata f. alpina Lebert; 34 (1834)
= Gentiana ciliata f. multiflora Hegi; 2029 (1927)
= Gentiana ciliata f. subalpina Lebert; 34 (1834)
= Gentiana ciliata L.; Sp. Pl. 231 (1753)
= Gentiana ciliata var. alpina (Lebert) Hegetschw.; (1838)
= Gentiana ciliata var. dentosa (Fr.) Retz.; 13 (1779)
= Gentiana ciliata var. multiflora Gaudin; Fl. Helv. 2: 285 (1828), nom. inval.
= Gentiana fimbriata Willd. ex Schult.; Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. ed. 15[bis]. 6: 175 (1820), nom. inval.
= Gentianella ciliata (L.) Borkh.; Arch. Bot. (Roem.) 1(1): 29 (1796)
= Gentianella ciliata f. albiflora Morariu; Stud. Cerc. Biol., Biol. Veg. 33(2): 112 (1981)
= Gentianella fimbriata Delarbre; Fl. Auvergne, ed. 2: 31 (1800)
= Gentianusa ciliata (L.) Pohl; Tent. Fl. Bohem. 1: 257 (1809)
= Hippion ciliatum (L.) F.W.Schmidt; Fl. Boëm. 2: 23 (1793 publ. 1794)
= Hippion ciliatum var. dentosum (Fr.) F.W.Schmidt; 11 (1796)
= Hippion dentosum (Fr.) F.W.Schmidt; Roem. Arch. 1: 19 (1796)
= Lehmanna ciliata (L.) Casseb. & Theob.; Fl. Wett. ed. II. 32 (1847)
= Lexipyretum ciliatum (L.) Dulac; Fl. Hautes-Pyr. 450 (1867)
subspecies :
subsp. blepharophora (Bordz.) Holub; Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 12(4): 429 (1977)
Distribution: Northern Caucasus; Georgia [Caucasus]; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Turkey (E-Anatolia, N-Anatolia, NE-Anatolia, SSW-Anatolia); Iran (EC-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan)
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana blepharophora Bordz.; Act. Hort. Jurjev. 13: 21 (1912)
= Gentiana ciliata subsp. blepharophora (Bordz.) Greuter; Willdenowia 11: 279 (1981)
= Gentianella ciliata subsp. blepharophora (Bordz.) N.M.Pritch.; Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 35(3): 310 (1977)
= Gentianopsis blepharophora (Bordz.) Galushko; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 13: 254 (1976)
= Gentianopsis ciliata subsp. blepharophora (Bordz.) Greuter; Willdenowia 11(2): 279 (1981), isonym
species :
Gentianopsis contorta (Royle) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 14 (1951)
Distribution: China (Guizhou, Liaoning, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; North Korea; Japan (Honshu); Pakistan (Murree); Nepal; N-India (Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chumbi)
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana contorta Royle; Illustr. Bot. Himal. 278. t. 69 (1835)
= Gentiana yamatsutae Kitag.; Bot. Mag., Tokyo 48: 104 (1934)
= Gentianella contorta (Royle) Harry Sm.; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. Pt. v11. 979 (1936)
= Gentianopsis contorta var. wui Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
species :
Gentianopsis crinita (Froel.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
Name: Greater fringed gentian
Distribution: Canada (Manitoba, Ontario, Québec); USA (Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, North Dakota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, Wisconsin, West Virginia)
71 CDN 72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA 78 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon brevifolius Raf.; New Fl. 4: 91 (1838)
= Anthopogon crinitus (Froel.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Anthopogon incarnatus Raf.; New Fl. 4: 90 (1838)
= Anthopogon procerus var. tonsus (Lunell) Lunell; Amer. Midl. Naturalist 4: 507 (1916)
= Anthopogon tonsus (Lunell) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40: 463 (1913)
= Anthopogon ventricosus (Griseb.) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40: 463 (1913)
= Denckea crinita (Froel.) Raf.; Med. Repos. 5: 352 (1808)
= Gentiana americana MacMill.; Metasp. Minnes. 421 (1892)
= Gentiana crinita f. albina Fernald; Rhodora 19: 152 (1917)
= Gentiana crinita f. lemieuxii B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana crinita f. ventricosa (Griseb.) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana crinita Froel.; Gent. Diss. 112 (1796)
= Gentiana crinita var. cervantesii Griseb.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 9: 102 (1845)
= Gentiana crinita var. tonsa (Lunell) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana detonsa var. tonsa Lunell; Bull. Leeds Herb. 2: 7 (1908)
= Gentiana fimbriata Andrews; Bot. Repos. 8: t. 509 (1808), nom. illeg.
= Gentiana tonsa (Lunell) Vict.; Contrib. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montreal, No. 20, 14 (1932)
= Gentiana ventricosa Griseb.; Gen. et Sp. Gent. 259 (1838)
= Gentianella crinita (Froel.) Bercht. & J.Presl; Prir. Rostlin Aneb. Rostl. 1(Sig. 104-114 (Gentian.)): 21 (1823)
= Gentianella crinita subsp. nevadensis (Gilg) Weaver & Rüdenberg
= Gentianopsis crinita f. albina (Fernald) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
species :
Gentianopsis detonsa (Rottb.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
subspecies :
subsp. detonsa
Name: Windmill fringed gentian
Distribution: Iceland; Norway; N-European Russia; Alaska; Greenland; Canada (Alberta, Northern Territories, Ontario)
Remarks: records for the Indian Himalaya are doubtful and belong certainly to something else
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon detonsus (Rottb.) Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Gentiana brachypetala Bunge; Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1: 225 (1829)
= Gentiana detonsa Rottb.; Kiob. Selsk. Skr. 10: 435. t. 1, f. 3 (1770)
= Gentiana detonsa var. groenlandica Vict.; Contr. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montréal 20: 18, fig. 12 (1932)
= Gentiana detonsa var. simplex Bunge; Nouv. Mém. Soc. Imp. Naturalistes Moscou 1: 224 (1829)
= Gentiana komarovii var. tetychensis Vorosch.; Byull. Glavn. Bot. Sada 83: 36 (1972)
= Gentiana maritima Bach.Pyl. ex Griseb.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 9: 101 (1845), nom. illeg.
= Gentiana richardsonii A.E.Porsild; Bull. Nat. Mus. Canada, No. 121 (Bot. Southeast. Yukon, etc.) 274 (1951)
= Gentiana serrata Gunnerus; Fl. Norveg. 2: 101 (1776)
= Gentiana serrata Lam.; Fl. Franç. 2: 294 (1779), nom. illeg.
= Gentiana serrata var. detonsa (Rottb.) Hartm.; Handb. Skand. Fl.: 126 (1820)
= Gentianella detonsa (Rottb.) G.Don; Gen. Syst. 4: 179 (1837)
= Gentianella serrata (Lam.) Borkh.; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 29 (1796)
= Gentiana ciliata Gunnerus; Fl. Norveg. 2: 88 (1776), nom. illeg.
subspecies :
subsp. yukonensis (J.M.Gillett) J.M.Gillett; Canad. J. Bot. 57(2): 186 (1979)
Name: Yukon fringed gentian
Distribution: Alaska; Canada (Yukon)
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. yukonensis J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 215 (1957)
species :
Gentianopsis doluchanovii (Grossh.) Tzvelev; Fl. Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR 3: 76 (1978)
Distribution: E-European Russia; Siberia (Buryatia, W-Siberia)
14 RUS 30 SIB
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana doluchanovii Grossh.; Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzhansk. S.S.R. 4(2): 65 (1948)
= Gentianella ciliata subsp. doluchanovii (Grossh.) N.M.Pritch.; Bot. Jour. Linn. Soc. 65: 260 (1972)
species :
Gentianopsis grandis (Harry Sm.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 9 (1951)
Distribution: China (SW-Sichuan, NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana grandis Harry Sm.; Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 63: 100 (1926), nom. illeg.
= Gentianella grandis (Harry Sm.) Harry Sm.; Hand.-Mazz. Symb. Sin. Pt. v11. 979 (1936)
= Gentianopsis smithii Toyok.; Symbolae Asahikawenses 2: 63 (1967), nom. nov.
species :
Gentianopsis holopetala (A.Gray) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
Name: Sierra fringed gentian
Distribution: USA (California, Nevada)
76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana holopetala (A.Gray) Holm; Ottawa Nat. 15: 110 (1901)
= Gentiana serrata var. holopetala A.Gray; Bot. California [W. H. Brewer] 1: 481 (1876)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. holopetala (A.Gray) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 220 (1957)
species :
Gentianopsis komarovii (Grossh.) Toyok.; Symbolae Asahikawenses 2: 64 (1967)
Distribution: Russian Far East (Amur, Khabarovsk, Primorye)
31 RFE
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana komarovii Grossh.; Dokl. Akad. Nauk Azerbaidzhansk. S.S.R. 4(2): 66 (1948)
= Gentianopsis komarovii (Grossh.) Czerep.; Sosud. Rast. SSSR: 256 (1981), isonym
species :
Gentianopsis lanceolata (Benth.) Iltis; Sida 2: 135 (1965)
Distribution: Mexico (Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Queretaro, Sinaloa, Veracruz, Zacatecas)
79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana lanceolata (Benth.) Griseb.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 9: 102 (1845)
= Gentiana macrocalyx Lex.; Nov. Veg. Descr. [La Llave & Lexarza] 1: 18 (1824)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. lanceolata (Benth.) Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 220 (1957)
= Leianthus lanceolatus Benth.; Pl. Hartw. 24 (1840)
species :
Gentianopsis lutea (Burkill) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 13 (1951)
Distribution: China (Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana detonsa var. lutea Burkill; J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 2: 319 (1906)
species :
Gentianopsis macounii (Holm) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
Name: Macoun´s fringed gentian
Distribution: Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northern Territories, Ontario, Québec, Saskatchewan); USA (Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota)
70 CDN 71 CDN 72 CDN 73 USA 74 USA 75 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon macounii (Holm) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 40: 463 (1913)
= Gentiana gaspensis Vict.; Contrib. Lab. Bot. Univ. Montreal, No. 20, 10 (1932)
= Gentiana macounii Holm; Ottawa Nat. 15: 110 (1901)
= Gentianella crinita subsp. macounii (Holm) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 228 (1957)
= Gentianopsis crinita subsp. macounii (Holm) Á.Löve & D.Löve; Taxon 31(2): 352 (1982)
= Gentianopsis procera subsp. macounii (Holm) Iltis; Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 54: 315 (1965)
= Gentianopsis procera var. gaspensis (Vict.) Iltis; Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 54: 316 (1965)
= Gentianopsis virgata subsp. macounii (Holm) J.S.Pringle; Sida 21(2): 529 (2004)
species :
Gentianopsis macrantha (D.Don ex G.Don) Iltis; Sida 2: 135 (1965)
Name: Grand fringed gentian
Distribution: USA (Arizona); Mexico (Aguascalientes, Chihuahua, Durango, Jalisco, Nayarit, Zacatecas)
76 USA 79 MEX
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana ciliata Moc. & Sessé ex G.Don; Gen. Hist. 4: 179 (1837)
= Gentiana grandis (A.Gray) Holm; Ottawa Nat. 15: 1 10 (1901)
= Gentiana macrantha (D.Don ex G.Don) Griseb.; Prodr. [A. DC.] 9: 102 (1845)
= Gentiana serrata var. grandis A.Gray; Syn. Fl. N. Amer., ed. 2, 2(1): 116 (1886)
= Gentiana superba Greene; Pittonia 1: 155 (1888)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. superba (Greene) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 219 (1957)
= Gentianella macrantha D.Don ex G.Don; Gen. Hist. 4: 179 (1837)
= Gentianella macrophylla G.Don ex Steud.; Nom. ed. II. 1: 676 (1840)
species :
Gentianopsis nesophila (Holm) Iltis; Sida 2: 134 (1965)
Distribution: Canada (Newfoundland, Ontario, Québec)
72 CDN
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana detonsa var. nesophila (Holm) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana nesophila Holm; Ottawa Nat. 15: 111 (1901)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. nesophila (Holm) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 216 (1957)
= Gentianopsis detonsa subsp. nesophila (Holm) J.S.Pringle; Sida 21(2): 527 (2004)
species :
Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook.f.) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 11 (1951)
Distribution: China (Hebei, Nei Mongol, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan); Tibet; NE-Pakistan (Gilgit, Astor, Deosai); Nepal; Bhutan; N-India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand)
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana detonsa var. nana Y.Ling; Fl. Ill. Nord Chine 2: 23 (1933)
= Gentiana detonsa var. paludosa Hook.f.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 9: t. 857 (1852)
= Gentiana detonsa var. stracheyi C.B.Clarke; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 4: 118 (1883)
= Gentiana duthiei Gand.; Bull. Soc. Bot. France 65: 60 (1918), nom. illeg.
= Gentiana stracheyi (C.B.Clarke) Kitam.; Pl. W. Pakist. & Afghan. (Res. Kyoto Univ. Sci. Exped. Karak. & Hinduk.,iii.) 117 (1955 publ. 1964)
= Gentianella paludosa (Hook.f.) Harry Sm.; H. F. von Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: 980 (1936)
= Gentianopsis longistyla Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 12 (1951)
= Gentianopsis nana (Y.Ling) Ma; Acta Phytotax. 1: 12 (1951)
= Gentianopsis stracheyi (C.B.Clarke) Holub; Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 8(2): 176 (1973)
variant :
var. alpina T.N.Ho; Acta Biol. Plateau Sin. 1: 41 (1982)
Distribution: China (Qinghai); Tibet
variant :
var. ovatodeltoidea (Burkill) Ma ex T.N.Ho; Acta Biol. Plateau Sin. 1: 42 (1982)
Distribution: China (Gansu, Hebei, W-Hubei, Nei Mongol, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Sichuan, NW-Yunnan)
36 CHI
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana detonsa var. ovatodeltoidea Burkill; J. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal 2: 319 (1906)
= Gentianella scabromarginata Harry Sm.; Hand.-Mazz., Symb. Sin. Pt. VII. 980 (1936), in obs.
= Gentianopsis barbata var. ovatodeltoidea (Burkill) Ma; Fl. Intramongolica 5: 80 (1980 publ. 1981)
= Gentianopsis ovatodeltoidea (Burkill) Y.Z.Zhao; Classific. Florist. Ecol. Geogr. Distrib. Vasc. Pl. Inner Mongolia 406 (2012)
= Gentianopsis scabromarginata Harry Sm. ex Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 10 (1951), cum descr. lat.
species :
Gentianopsis simplex (A.Gray) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
Name: Oneflower fringed gentian
Distribution: USA (California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Wyoming)
73 USA 76 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon simplex (A.Gray) Rydb.; Fl. Rocky Mts. 659 (1917)
= Gentiana simplex A.Gray; Pacif. Railr. Rep. Williamson & Abbot, Bot. 6(3
= Gentianella simplex (A.Gray) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 232 (1957)
species :
Gentianopsis thermalis (Kuntze) Iltis; Sida 2: 134 (1965)
Name: Rocky Mountain fringed gentian
Distribution: USA (Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming)
73 USA 76 USA 77 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon elegans (A.Nelson) Rydb.; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 33: 148 (1906)
= Anthopogon thermalis (Kuntze) Rydb.; Fl. Rocky Mts. 659 (1917)
= Gentiana detonsa var. unicaulis (A.Nelson) C.L.Hitchc.; Vasc. Pl. Pacif. N. W. [C. L. Hitchcock & al.] 4: 69 (1959)
= Gentiana elegans A.Nelson; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 276 (1898)
= Gentiana elegans var. brevicalycina Wettst.; Ottawa Naturalist 15: 182 (1901)
= Gentiana elegans var. unicaulis A.Nelson; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 25: 277 (1898)
= Gentiana moseleyi A.Nelson; Bot. Gaz. 31: 396 (1901)
= Gentiana thermalis Kuntze; Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 427 (1891)
= Gentianella detonsa subsp. elegans (A.Nelson) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 217 (1957)
= Gentianella detonsa var. elegans (A.Nelson) Dorn; Vasc. Pl. Wyoming: 297 (1988)
= Gentianopsis detonsa var. elegans (A.Nelson) Holmgren; Cronquist et al., Intermountain Fl., Vasc. Pl. Intermountain West, U. S. A. 4: 15 (1984)
= Gentianopsis elegans (A.Nelson) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
species :
Gentianopsis victorinii (Fernald) Iltis; Sida 2: 136 (1965)
Name: Victorin´s gentian
Distribution: Canada (Québec); USA (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin)
72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana victorinii Fernald; Rhodora 25: 87 (1923)
= Gentianella crinita subsp. victorinii (Fernald) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 227 (1957)
= Gentianopsis procera var. victorinii (Fernald) Iltis; Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. 54: 315 (1965)
= Gentianopsis virgata subsp. victorinii (Fernald) Lammers; Michigan Bot. 42(3): 163 (2003)
species :
Gentianopsis virgata (Raf.) Holub; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 6: 120 (1967)
Name: Lesser fringed gentian
Distribution: Canada (Manitoba, Ontario, Saskatchewan); USA (Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Wisconsin)
71 CDN 72 CDN 74 USA 75 USA
Synonyms: hidden
= Anthopogon procerus (Holm) Rydb.; Brittonia 1: 94 (1931)
= Anthopogon virgatus Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Gentiana barbata var. browniana Hook. ex Macnab; Edinburgh New Philos. J. 19: 62 (1835)
= Gentiana crinita var. browniana (Hook. ex Macnab) B.Boivin; Naturaliste Canad. 93: 1060 (1966)
= Gentiana procera f. laevicalyx Fernald; Rhodora 32: 221 (1930)
= Gentiana procera Holm; Ottawa Nat. 15: 111 (1901)
= Gentianella crinita subsp. procera (Holm) J.M.Gillett; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 44: 226 (1957)
= Gentianella procera (Holm) Hiitonen; Mem. Soc. Faun. Fl. Fenn., No. 25, 77 (1950)
= Gentianopsis crinita subsp. procera (Holm) Á.Löve & D.Löve; Taxon 31(2): 352 (1982)
= Gentianopsis procera (Holm) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
species :
Gentianopsis yabei (Takeda & H.Hara) Ma ex Hid.Takah.; Bull. Kanagawa Prefect. Mus., Nat. Sci., 1 (41: 20 (1971)
Distribution: Japan (Honshu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentiana yabei Takeda & H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 13: 600 (1937)
= Gentianella yabei (Takeda & H.Hara) H.Hara ex Satake; Bull. Nat. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, n. s., 4(43): 273 (1959)
= Gentianella yabei H.Hara; J. Jap. Bot. 13: 600 (1937)
= Gentianopsis yabei (Takeda & H.Hara) Ma; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 1: 15 (1951)
= Gentianopsis yabei f. albiflora T.Yamaz.; J. Jap. Bot. 57: 192 (1982)
= Gentianopsis yabei f. violacea Toyok.; J. Fac. Liberal Arts Sci. Shinshu Univ. 21: 153 (1987)
variant :
var. akaisiensis T.Yamaz.; J. Jap. Bot. 57(6): 192 (1982), nom. nov.
Distribution: Japan (Honshu)
38 JAP
Synonyms: hidden
= Gentianopsis furusei Hid.Takah.; Bull. Kanagawa Preject. Mus., Nat. Sci. 1(4): 21 (1971)
= Gentianopsis yabei var. furusei (Hid.Takah.) Toyok.; Bull. Kanagawa Pref. Mus., Nat. Sci. 1: 21 (1971), nom. superfl.
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