; Sp. Pl. [Linnaeus] 1: 227 (1753)
Distribution: Mostly Himalaya (about 250 spp.), Indochina, temp. Asia, Europe, Africa (Morocco), few E-Australia, Central and South America. The taxonomic status (level) of many species, especially in the Himalayas in Ser. Chondrophyllae, is highly disputed. We follow mostly the system of Halda (1995) using many infraspecific taxa.
= Aloitis Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 21 (1837)
= Asterias Borkh.; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 25 (1796)
= Bilamista Raf.; New Fl. [Rafinesque] 4: 92 (1836)
= Calathiana Delarbre; Fl. Auv. ed. 2, 2: 28 (1800)
= Chaelothilus Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 14 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Chiophila Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 23 (1837)
= Chondrophylla A.Nelson; Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 31: 245 (1904)
= Ciminalis Adans.; Fam. Pl. [Adanson] 2: 504 (1763)
= Coilantha Borkh.; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 25 (1796)
= Cruciata Gilib.; Fl. Lit. Inch. 1: 36 (1782), opus utique oppr.
= Cuttera Raf.; Med. Repos. 5: 352 (1808)
= Dasistepha Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 19 (1837)
= Dasystephana Adans.; Fam. Pl. [Adanson] 2: 502 (1763)
= Dicardiotis Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 31 (1837)
= Diploma Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 19 (1837)
= Endotriche Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 1: 298 (1821)
= Ericala Reneaulme ex Gray; Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 2: 335 (1821 publ. 1822), orth. var.
= Ericoila Reneaulme ex Borkh.; Arch. Bot. (Leipzig) 1(1): 23 (1796), nom. superfl.
= Erithalia Bunge ex Steud.; Nomencl. Bot. [Steudel], ed. 2, 1: 671 (1840)
= Favargera Á.Löve & D.Löve; Bot. Not. 125(3): 256 (1972)
= Gaertneria Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 15 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Gentianodes Á.Löve & D.Löve; Bot. Not. 125: 256 (1972)
= Gentianusa Pohl; Tentamen Fl. Bohemiae 1: 167, 248 (1810)
= Hippion F.W.Schmidt; Fl. Boem. 2: 18 (1796), et in Roem. Arch. 1: I. 9, t. 2 ad 5 (1796)
= Holubia Á.Löve & D.Löve; Anales Inst. Bot. Cavanilles 32(2): 226 (1975), non Holubia Oliv.
= Holubogentia Á.Löve & D.Löve; Bot. Not. 131(3): 385 (1978)(nom. nov.)
= Kudoa Masam.; J. Soc. Trop. Agric. 2: 29 (1930)
= Kuepferella M.Laínz; Bol. Inst. Estud. Asturianos, Supl. Ci. 22(Aport. Conoc. Fl. Cantabro -Astur,xi.): 32 (1976)
= Kurramiana Omer & Qaiser; Pakistan J. Bot. 24: 101 (1992)
= Lexipyretum Dulac; Fl. Hautes-Pyrénées 449 (1867)
= Pneumonanthe Gleditsch; Mém. Acad. Berl. 5: 130 (1749 publ. 1751)
= Psalina Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 25 (1837)
= Qaisera Omer; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 111(2): 206 (1989)
= Rassia Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 12 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Ricoila Reneaulme ex Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 23 (1837)
= Sebeokia Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 13 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Selatium D.Don ex G.Don; Gen. Hist. 4: 196 (1837)
= Spiragyne Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 14 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Thylacitis Renealm. ex Adans.; Fam. Pl. [Adanson] 2: 504, 539 (1763)
= Thyrophora Neck.; Elem. Bot. 2: 13 (1790), opus utique oppr.
= Tretorhiza Adans.; Fam. Pl. [Adanson] 2: 503 (1763)
= Varasia Phil.; Fl. Atacam. 35, t. 5 (1860)
= Xolemia Raf.; Fl. Tellur. 3: 22 (1837)