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Ver. 24.9
September 19th, 2024

264.0000 Family Sapindaceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 246 (1789), nom. cons.
157 genera, ca. 1900 spp. Systematics following Buerki et al. 2021
Species listed in database: 1950; hybrids: 16
= Aceraceae Juss.; Gen. Pl.: 250 (1789), nom. cons.
= Aesculaceae Burnett; Outlines Bot.: 891, 1093, 1126 (1835)
= Allophylaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 19 (1820)
= Dodonaeaceae Kunth ex Small; Fl. S. E. U. S.: 724, 737 (1903), nom. cons.
= Hippocastanaceae A.Rich.; Bot. Méd.: 680 (1823), nom. cons.
= Koelreuteriaceae J.Agardh; Theoria Syst. Pl.: 227 (1858)
= Ornitrophaceae Martinov; Tekhno-Bot. Slovar: 443 (1820)
= Paviaceae Horan.; Prim. Lin. Syst. Nat.: 100 (1834)
= Xanthocerataceae Buerki, Callm. & Lowry; Pl. Ecol. Evol. 143: 155 (2010), Family
264.5602 Genus Elattostachys (Blume) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 600
Distribution: Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Lesser Sunda and Moluccas, Philippines, New Guinea, Solomon Isl., Australia, New Caledonia, Fiji, [Western] Samoa, and Tongo
Species listed in database: 20

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species :
Elattostachys aiyurensis Adema; Blumea 36(2): 543 (1992)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys angulosa Adema; Blumea 36(2): 544 (1992)
Distribution: New Guinea (Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys apetala (Labill.) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 602
Distribution: New Caledonia; Vanuatu; Tonga (Late Isl., Tongatapu, ´Eua, Kao, Vava´u, Niuafo´ou, Tafahi); Niue; Fiji; American Samoa (Tutuila); [Western] Samoa (Aleipata Islands, Savai´i, ´Upolu)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania apetala Labill.; Sert. Austro-Caled. 72 (1825)
= Cupania falcata A.Gray; Bot. U. St. Expl. Exped. 1: 252 (1854)
= Cupania vitiensis Seem.; Fl. Vit.: 434 (1873)
= Elattostachys falcata (A.Gray) Radlk.; Actes Congr. Internat. Bot. Amsterdam 1877: 112 (1879)
= Elattostachys vitiensis (Seem.) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 602
= Matayba falcata (A.Gray) T.Durand ex Drake; Illustr. Fl. Ins. Maris Pacif. 143 (1890)
= Ratonia apetala (Labill.) Seem.; Fl. Vit. 47 (1865)
= Ratonia falcata (A.Gray) Seem.; Fl. Vit. 47 (1865)
species :
Elattostachys dzumacensis Adema; Bull. Mus. Nation. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia Ser. 4, 15(1-4): 147 (1993)
Distribution: New Caledonia
60 NWC
species :
Elattostachys erythrocarpa Adema; Blumea 36(2): 541 (1992)
Distribution: Sulawesi
42 SUL
species :
Elattostachys globosa Adema; Blumea 36(2): 545 (1992)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys goropuensis Adema; Blumea 36(2): 547 (1992)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys incisa Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 601
Distribution: New Caledonia
60 NWC
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania juliflora Pancher ex Guillaumin; Lecomte, Not. Syst. 1: 331 (1911)
species :
Elattostachys megalantha S.T.Reynolds; Fl. Australia 25: 199, 70 (1985)
Distribution: Australia (Queensland: Gadgarra)
50 AUS
species :
Elattostachys microcarpa S.T.Reynolds; Fl. Australia 25: 199, 72 (1985)
Distribution: Australia (N-Queensland: Mcllwraith Range to near Cairns)
50 AUS
species :
Elattostachys nervosa (F.Muell.) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 600
Distribution: Australia (SE-Queensland to Williams River, New South Wales)
50 AUS
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania nervosa F.Muell.; Trans. Phil. Inst. Vict. 3: 27 (1859)
= Cupania xylocarpa var. nervosa (F.Muell.) C.Moore; Handb. Fl. New South Wales 91 (1893)
species :
Elattostachys obliquinervis Radlk.; Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50: 78 (1913)
Distribution: New Guinea (Irian Jaya, Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys palauensis Hosok.; Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa 32: 16 (1942)
Distribution: Palau (Ulebsechel)
62 PLU
species :
Elattostachys rubrofructus Adema; Blumea 36(2): 547 (1992)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys solomonensis Adema; Blumea 36(2): 549 (1992)
Distribution: Solomon Isl.
43 SOL
species :
Elattostachys tetraporandrus Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 20: 267 (1890)
Distribution: New Guinea (Papua New Guinea)
42 NWG
species :
Elattostachys venosus A.C.Sm.; Bull. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. 141, 89 (1936)
Distribution: Fiji
60 FIJ
species :
Elattostachys verrucosa (Blume) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 601
Distribution: Sumatra; Sulawesi; Palawan; Philippines (Luzon, Mindoro); Java; Lesser Sunda Isl. (Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Sumba, Flores, Wetar, Timor); Moluccas (Sula Arch., Tanimbar)
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania distachya Blume; Rumphia 3: 162 (1847 publ. 1849)
= Cupania mutabilis Miq.; Fl. Ind. Bat 1: II. 565 (1859), nom. superfl.
= Cupania mutabilis var. coriacea Miq.; Fl. Ned. Ind. 1(2): 566 (1859), nom. superfl.
= Cupania verrucosa Blume; Rumphia 3: 161 (1847 publ. 1849)
= Jagera glabra Hassk.; Hort. Bog. Desc. 157 (1858)
= Melicocca javanica Hassk.; Hort. Bog. Desc. 1: 138 (1858)
= Otophora javanica (Hassk.) Miq.; Fl. Ind. Bat. 1: II. 561 (1859)
species :
Elattostachys xylocarpa (A.Cunn. ex F.Muell.) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 600
Distribution: Australia (Rockhampton, Queensland, to Orara River, New South Wales)
50 AUS
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania bidwillii Benth.; Fl. Austral. 1: 460 (1863)
= Cupania xylocarpa A.Cunn. ex F.Muell.; Trans. Phil. Inst. Vict. 3: 27 (1859)
= Elattostachys bidwillii (Benth.) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 601
species :
Elattostachys zippeliana (Blume) Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879), 601
Distribution: Borneo; Sulawesi; Moluccas
Synonyms: hidden
= Cupania zippeliana Blume; Rumphia 3: 160 (1847 publ. 1849)
= Elattostachys duplicatoserrata Radlk.; Sitzungsber. Math.-Phys. Cl. Königl. Bayer. Akad. Wiss. München 9: 502 (1879)
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 24.9 (September 19th, 2024)

Covering 355,304 accepted species,
8,703 hybrids, 47,765 accepted infraspecific taxa and 999,696 synonyms,
in total 1,411,468* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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