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Ver. 25.01
Jan. 21th, 2024

030.0000 Family Pteridaceae E.D.M.Kirchn.; Schul-Bot. 109 (1831)
48 genera, ca. 1350 spp. The family has been split extensively in smaller subgroups, but Smith et al. (2006) and PPG-I argue for keeping them together.
Species listed in database: 1402; hybrids: 68
= Acrostichaceae Mett. ex A.B.Frank; Syn. Pflanzenk., ed. 2, 3: 1458 (1877), nom. rej.
= Actiniopteridaceae Pic.Serm.; Webbia 17: 5 (1962)
= Adiantaceae Newman; Hist. Brit. Ferns 5 (1840) nom. cons. over Parkeriaceae (1825)
= Anopteraceae Doweld; Tent. Syst. Pl. Vasc. (Tracheophyta) 51 (2001)
= Antrophyaceae (Link) Ching; Acta Phytotax. Sin. 16: 11 (1978)
= Ceratopteridaceae Underw.; Native Ferns, ed. 6: 65, 78 (1900)
= Cheilanthaceae B.K.Nayar; Taxon 19: 233 (1970)
= Cryptogrammaceae Pic.Serm.; Webbia 17: 299 (1963)
= Hemionitidaceae Pic.Serm.; Webbia 21: 487 (1966)
= Negripteridaceae Pic.Serm.; Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital., n. s. 53: 160 (1946)
= Parkeriaceae Hook.; Exot. Fl. 2: t. 147 (1825), nom. rej. in favor of Adiantaceae
= Platyzomataceae Nakai; Bull. Natl. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, 29: 4 (1950)
= Pteridaceae Reichenb.; Handb. Nat. Pfl.-Syst. 138 (1837)
= Sinopteridaceae Koidz.; Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 3: 50 (1934)
= Taenitidaceae (C.Presl) Pic.Serm.; Webbia 29: 1 (1974)
= Vittariaceae Ching; Sunyatsenia 5: 232 (1940)
030.3012 Genus Cerosora (Baker) Domin; Acta Bot. Bohem. 8: 3 (1929)
Distribution: Tropical Asia and S-China (3 spp.), trop. Africa and Indian Ocean (1 sp.)
Species listed in database: 4
= Anogramma Sect.Monosorus Domin; Biblioth. Bot. 85: (1915)
= Idiogramma S.R.Ghosh; J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 4(3): 981 (1983) (fide Fraser-Jenkins 1997)
= Gymnogramma sect.Cerosora Baker; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 24: 260 (1887)

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species :
Cerosora argentea (Willd.) Hennequin & H.Schneid.; Phytotaxa 77: 55 (2013)
Name: Curly Gold fern, Goldback fern
Distribution: Congo [Brazzaville]; D.R.Congo [Zaire]; Angola; Zambia; Malawi; Zimbabwe; Mozambique; South Africa (Limpopo, North West, Gauteng, Mpulamanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal); Lesotho; Madagascar; Mauritius; La Réunion
Synonyms: hidden
= Anogramma conspersa (Kunze) Fée; Mém. Foug. 5 (Gen. Filic.) 184 (1852)
= Anogramma rosea (Desv.) Fée; Mém. Foug. 5 (Gen. Filic.) 184 (1852)
= Ceropteris argentea (Willd.) Kuhn; Reisen Ost-Afr. [Decken] 3(3): Bot. 18 (1879)
= Gymnogramma argentea (Willd.) Mett.; Filic. Afr. [Kuhn] 59 (1868)
= Gymnogramma argentea var. madagascarica Bonap.; Notes Ptéridol. 16: 78 (14 Apr. 1925)
= Gymnogramma conspersa Kunze; Linnaea 18: 116 (1844)
= Gymnogramma rosea Desv.; Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 5: 306 (1811)
= Gymnogramma thiebautii Desv.; Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris 6(2): 215 (1827) (nom. illeg.)
= Hemionitis argentea Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 5(1): 132 (1810)
= Pityrogramma argentea (Willd.) Domin; Spisy Prir. Fak. Karlovy Univ. 88: 6 (1928)
variant :
var. aurea (Willd.) Hennequin & H.Schneid.; Phytotaxa 77: 55 (2013)
Distribution: Madagascar; La Réunion
Synonyms: hidden
= Acrostichum luteum Desv.; Mém. Soc. Linn. Paris 6(2): 211 (1827)
= Ceropteris argentea var. aurea (Willd.) Mett. ex Kuhn; Reisen Ost-Afr. [Decken] 3(3): Bot. 18 (1879)
= Gymnogramma argentea var. aurea (Willd.) Mett.; Fil. Afr. [Kuhn]: 59 (1868)
= Gymnogramma aurea (Willd.) Desv.; Mag. Neuesten Entdeck. Gesammten Naturk. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin 5: 305 (1811)
= Hemionitis aurea Willd.; Sp. Pl., ed. 4 [Willdenow] 5(1): 131 (1810)
= Notholaena lutea (Desv.) T.Moore; Index Fil. [T. Moore] 11 (1857)
= Pityrogramma argentea var. aurea (Willd.) Domin; Rozpr. Král. Ceske Spolecn. Nauk, Tr. Mat.-Prir. 38: 20 (1929)
= Pityrogramma aurea (Willd.) C.Chr.; Cat. Pl. Madag., Pterid. 46 (1932), Dansk Bot. Ark. 7: 112, t. 43, f. 5 (1932)
species :
Cerosora chrysosora (Baker) Domin; Acta Bot. Bohem. 8: 3 (1929)
Distribution: +Borneo (+Sarawak)
42 BOR
Conservation Status: probably extinct, last collected in the 19th century
Synonyms: hidden
= Ceropteris chrysosora (Baker) Alderw.; Malayan Ferns 529 (1909)
= Gymnogramma chrysosora Baker; J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 24: 260 (1887)
species :
Cerosora microphylla (Hook.) R.M.Tryon; Amer. Fern J. 76(4): 185 (1986)
Distribution: China (Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan); Nepal; Bhutan; India (Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Sikkim, West Bengal); Myanmar (Kachin, etc.); Vietnam
Remarks: not in Taiwan
Synonyms: hidden
= Anogramma microphylla (Hook.) Diels; Nat. Pflanzenfam. [Engler & Prantl] I, 4: 259 (1899)
= Grammitis microphylla (Hook.) Bedd.; Ferns Brit. India, t. 148 (1866)
= Gymnogramma microphylla Hook.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. 6: t. 916 (1854)
= Idiogramma microphylla (Hook.) S.R.Ghosh; J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 4(3): 982 (1983) (fide Fraser-Jenkins 1997)
= Pityrogramma microphylla (Hook.) Domin; Spisy Prir. Fak. Karlovy Univ. 10 (1928)
species :
Cerosora sumatrana Holttum; Kew Bull. 1958: 450 (1959)
Distribution: Sumatra
42 SUM
Conservation Status: not seen since type collection mid 20th century
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Higher Plants of the World

Version 25.01 (January 21th, 2025)

Covering 355,968 accepted species,
8,748 hybrids, 47,863 accepted infraspecific taxa and 1,002,228 synonyms,
in total 1,418,722* names

[*about 25,000 dubious, "unplaced" names and about 4,000 invalid names (Art. 24.3) like "typicus" are deliberately omitted]

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