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Ver. 24.8
August 27th, 2024

001.0000 Family Lycopodiaceae P.Beauv. ex Mirb.; Hist. Nat. Veg. (Lam. & Mirb.) 4: 293 (1802)
17 genera, ca. 470 spp. Phylogeny: Chen et al. (2021).
Species listed in database: 476; hybrids: 20
= Huperziaceae Rothm.; Feddes Repert. 66: 236 (1962), nom. nov.
= Urostachyaceae Rothm.; Feddes Repert. 54: 58 (1944) (nom. illeg.)
= Phylloglossaceae Kunze; Bot. Zeitung (Berlin) 1: 722 (1843)
= Lycopodiellaceae Val.N.Tikhom.; Novosti Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 49: 149 (2018)
001.3008 Genus Diphasiastrum Holub; Preslia 47: 104 (1975)
Distribution: Temperate northern hemisphere, 1 South Africa and Madagascar, 2 to tropical America
Species listed in database: 19; hybrids: 7

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The requested name was found several times (with different authors) in synonyms. Please use general search and navigate from there.
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A complete, synonymic checklist of the Ferns and Lycophytes of the World

CAUTION: Because two families were added, the families Desmophlebiaceae and Hemidictyaceae with 3 species are not displayed in "World Ferns" any more. We are asap fixing this. In the meantime consult the main list if you need those families.

Version 24.8 (August 27th, 2024)

Covering 13,142 accepted species,
816 hybrids, 944 accepted infraspecific taxa and 54,304 synonyms,
in total 69,206* names

[*about 1,200 dubious, "unplaced" names are omitted from the main database and listed under "Unplaced names"]

With complete, detailed distribution data (countries and regions) and literature references

Arranged in linear phylogenetic sequence reflecting true relationships

Fully searchable and continously updated

With 4,677 pictures of 1,435 taxa

Assembled through 40 years independently from other databases

In cooperation with Catalogue of Life