; Sp. Pl.: 142 (1753)
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere (esp. China [ca. 300] and Russia [ca. 80]) south to Ethiopia, tropical Asia, few species in the Southern Hemisphere, montane Java and New Guinea; 1 in temp. S-America. Because of long cultivation and high interest for garden culture, there are considerable differences in species circumscription, especially in the Himalayan species.
= Aleuritia (Duby) Opiz; Bercht. & Opiz, Ökon. Techn. Fl. Bohm. 2(2): 193-195 (1839)
= Aretia Link; Handbuch 2: 411 (1831), nom. illeg.
= Auganthus Link; Handb. 1: 415 (1829)
= Auricula Hill; Brit. Herb. 98 (1756)
= Auricula-ursi Ség.; Pl. Veron. 3: 109 (1754)
= Cankrienia de Vriese; Jaarb. Kon. Ned. Maatsch. Aanm. Tuinb. 1: 30 (1850)
= Carolinella Hemsl.; Hooker´s Icon. Pl. t. 2726 (1902)
= Cortusa L.; Sp. Pl.: 144 (1753)
= Kablikia Opiz; Bercht. & Opiz, Ökon.-Techn. Fl. Böhm. 2(2): 215-216 (1839)
= Oscaria Lilja; Lindbl. Bot. Not. (1839), 39
= Paralysis Hill; Brit. Herb.: 68 (1756), nom. superfl.
= Primulidium Spach; Hist. Veg. Phan. 9: 354 (1840)
= Sredinskya (Stein) Fed.; Not. Syst. Herb. Inst. Bot. Acad. Sci. URSS 13: 201 (1950)
= xCortoprimula Zeman; Freiland-Laubgehölz, ed. 2, 1: 166 (1922)